
bā yuè
  • August;Aug.;the eighth month of the lunar year
八月[bā yuè]
  1. 你必须在八月底前注册。

    You need to enrol before the end of August .

  2. 已是八月下旬,庄稼都妥善收割完毕。

    It was late August and the harvest had been safely gathered in .

  3. 七八月间,石油产品价格下降了0.2%。

    Between July and August , oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent

  4. 这会儿,八月的暑热几乎使人受不了。

    Meantime the August heat was almost unbearable .

  5. 选举提前到七月举行,因为八月很多人度假去了。

    The election will be brought forward to July as so many people are on holiday in august .

  6. 除八月外,我们每月的第一个星期四19:30开始会谈。

    Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August .

  7. 夏天很短,从六月持续到八月。

    It has a short summer which lasts from June to August .

  8. 其中一半的节日在七月和八月。

    Half of them are celebrated during the months of July and August .

  9. 我们将在八月二日到达。

    We 'll arrive on the second of August .

  10. 八月三日我将在海洋公园待一天。

    I will spend a day in Ocean Park on the third of August .

  11. 莎莉是一所大学的学生,她去年八月做了一个决定。

    Sally is a student from a university , she made a decision last August .

  12. 我还想在八月四日去你家拜访你。

    I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August .

  13. 请告诉我。我会一直待到八月九号,那天回英国。再见。爱你的莉莉

    Please let me know . I 'll stay until the ninth of August and go back to England on that day See you soon Love Lily

  14. 八月的一天,联合广场(UnionSquare)上打开的笔记本电脑在太阳下闪闪发光。

    The sun glints off open laptops on an August day in Union Square .

  15. 今年八月,拍摄24年之久的电视剧“TheBill”,终于迎来了大结局。

    The24-year run of the The Bill came to an end in August .

  16. 今年八月,惠普大肆宣传收购Autonomy公司的决定。

    HP ( HPQ ) took a lot of flack when it announced it would buy autonomy last August .

  17. 去年八月,《广告时代》(AdAge)报道称,在“MacGenius”系列广告停播后,特拉特内便离开了TBWA/MAL。

    In August , ad age reported that trattner had left TBWA / mal after its " MAC genius " commercials were pulled off the air .

  18. 在八月还是七月,苹果公司找到我们,想要将,我们的程序用在iPhone的广告中。

    In August I guess , or in July , Apple approached to us and wanted to feature our app on their iPhone commercials .

  19. 八月16日是Abbie和Jack开学的第一天。八月末,我们庆祝了Jack的6岁生日,还有去密苏里参加了我堂妹Amy的婚礼。

    At the end of August , we celebrated Jack's6th Birthday and attended my Cousin Amy 's Wedding in Missouri .

  20. 为了给NBC的全国橄榄球联赛让路,去年的艾美奖在八月举行,比以往都早。

    It aired unusually early , in August , to make way for NBC 's National Football League telecast .

  21. 这使得BBC开始了《中国老师来了》系列纪录片的制作,该纪录片于去年八月播放。

    This helped to generate the BBC documentary series Are Our Kids Tough Enough ? Chinese School , which was broadcast in August .

  22. 研究机构Dealogic指出,截至八月下旬,私募股权公司已经取消了四桩定于本月的IPOs。

    By late August private-equity firms had cancelled four IPOs scheduled for the month , according to Dealogic , a research outfit .

  23. 八月,FLA说富士康在改善条件方面做得很好,“远远超出计划”。

    In August the FLA said that Foxconn was " ahead of schedule " in improving conditions .

  24. 在八月八号,它宣布和BBCWorldwide&英国广播公司的商业部门,达成广泛协议共同制作节目,他们旨在为美国电视制作节目。

    On August8th it announced a broad agreement to co-produce shows with BBC Worldwide , the British broadcaster 's commercial arm , which is moving into producing shows for American television .

  25. 上周早些时候,去年八月刚刚接管百思买的新任CEO休伯特?乔利表示,公司将终止结果至上的工作环境。这种环境允许员工在任何他们想去的地方办公,包括在家办公。

    Under CEO Hubert Joly , who joined the company last August , Best Buy said earlier this week it will kill its Results Only Work Environment , which allowed employees to work wherever they wanted , including home .

  26. 举例来说,八月推行的用能产品指令(EuP)建立基于整个产品生命周期环境影响的法规。

    For example , the Energy-using Products ( EuP ) directive , launched in August , creates regulations based on the environmental impact of the entire life cycle of a product .

  27. 在2008年八月,v1309发生了最后的裂变,两个星核也终于合二为一,其发光的亮度也随之急剧提升。

    V1309 's final burst then occurred in August 2008 when the stars ' cores finally became one and its brightness increased rapidly .

  28. 尼克和詹妮弗定下今年八月在布特(Bute)岛的罗思塞(Rothesay)城堡举行婚礼,他们准备去美国度蜜月。

    Nick and Jennifer are due to be married at Rothesay Castle on the Isle of Bute in August and they plan to spend their honeymoon touring the United States .

  29. 今天,美国儿科协会(aap)这一具有影响力的组织宣布,割礼这种手术确实有益,而且推荐纳入公私医疗保险计划之中,这一建议于八月二十七日登载在网上儿科版块。

    Today the influential group the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) declared that the procedure is , indeed , beneficial-and that it should be covered by public and private health insurance plans . The recommendation was published online August 27 in pediatrics .

  30. 七月/八月是KandyEsalaPerahera的旅游盛季,10天的节日来纪念佛牙,同时,也是南方Kataragama节时间。

    July / August is the time of the Kandy Esala Perahera , the10-day festival honouring the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha , and also the time for the Kataragama Festival in the South .