
  • 网络Group of Eight summit;G8 Summit
  1. 我们在1998年招待过出席八国集团首脑会议的领导人,其中包括比尔克林顿(BillClinton)、托尼布莱尔(TonyBlair)和鲍里斯叶利钦(BorisYeltsin)。

    We hosted leaders from the G8 summit in 1998 , including Bill Clinton , Tony Blair and Boris Yeltsin .

  2. 外交会议已经挤满了他的日记:六月初在德国举行的八国集团首脑会议;

    Foreign meetings already crowd his diary : the G8 summit in early June , in Germany ;

  3. 主席先生,首先让我向您表示感谢,感谢您在将健康和传染病作为八国集团首脑会议的一项重点方面发挥的领导作用。

    Mr President , I would like to start by thanking you for your leadership in making health and infectious diseases one of the G8 priorities .

  4. 给即将在日本召开的八国集团首脑会议传递的信息是:孕产妇、新生儿和儿童死亡率是运转良好的卫生系统的试金石。

    The message to the upcoming G8 summit in Japan is that maternal newborn and child mortality are the litmus test of a functioning health system .

  5. 我很高兴看到即将召开的八国集团首脑会议将考虑把小额信贷作为一项非洲减贫战略,尤其是对妇女而言。

    I am glad to see that the forthcoming G8 summit will be looking at microfinancing , especially for women , as a poverty alleviation strategy for Africa .

  6. 2004年6月9日,八国集团首脑会议以八国集团名义正式推出了美国倡导的大中东计划。

    On June 9th , 2004 , the Group 8 summit put forward the Greater Middle East Plan under the name of the Group 8 officially which was advocated by the United States .

  7. 时至今日,八国集团首脑会议议题涉及经济、政治、裁军、安全、信息技术、教育、疾病防治等诸多领域,已成长为全球治理中心。

    Today , the G8 summit involve economic , political , disarmament , security , information technology , education , disease control , and other fields , has become a centre of global governance .

  8. 2002年西方八国集团首脑会议通过的《非洲行动计划》对非洲一些国家的债务减免和经济援助,为非洲国家的经济发展提供了一次新机遇,从这个角度来说,具有积极意义。

    The Africa Action Plan passed at the G-8 Summit in 2002 has some active significances in that it has created a new opportunity for African countries to apply for reduction of or exemption from the debts and for economic assistance .

  9. 在日本北海道举行的八国集团首脑会议上,与会各国领导人承诺与国际货币基金组织一道努力帮助粮食进口国,并表示决心要增加对非洲农业的投资,从而使主要农作物产量在十年内增加一倍。

    At their summit on the Japanese island of Hokkaido , G8 leaders promised to work with the International Monetary Fund to help food-importing countries and vowed to boost investments in African agriculture to double the production of key food staples within ten years .