
  • 网络global food crisis
  1. Dar得出结论说,政府采取支持旱地农民的积极政策能够减轻全球粮食危机。

    Proactive measures by governments in support of dryland farmers could alleviate the global food crisis , concludes Dar .

  2. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)呼吁增加对一种可能应对全球粮食危机的核技术的投资。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) has called for increased investment in a nuclear technology that could tackle the global food crisis .

  3. 联合国(UN)昨日宣布建立特别工作组,以应对全球粮食危机。联合国将粮价急剧上涨形容为全球范围内一场前所未有的挑战。

    The United Nations yesterday announced establishment of a task force to combat the world food crisis , describing a dramatic escalation in prices as an unprecedented challenge of global proportions .

  4. 国际粮食政策研究所(IFPRI)发表了三篇文章应对全球粮食危机。

    The International Food Policy Research Institute ( IFPRI ) has published three essays addressing the global food crisis .

  5. 贾善和:“全球粮食危机的深层原因、影响及启示”。

    Power hungry : six reasons to regulate global food corporations .

  6. 吉拉尼总理和布什总统还讨论了全球粮食危机。

    Prime Minister Gilani and President Bush also discussed the global food crisis .

  7. 全球粮食危机的幽灵再次来袭。

    The spectre of a global food crisis has reared its head again .

  8. 农作物价格上扬让人们再度担心起,2007-08年的全球粮食危机可能会重演。

    The price rises have revived fears of a repeat of the global food crisis of 2007-08 .

  9. 有些研究甚至认为,全球粮食危机可能最早2030年就会爆发,也就是说离现在只有15年。

    Some research even suggests a food scarcity crunch as early as 2030 – just 15 years from now .

  10. 全球粮食危机背景下的埃及农业发展和中埃农业技术合作建议

    The Agriculture Development in Egypt and Proposals for China-Egypt Cooperation on Agriculture under the Background of International Food Crisis

  11. 该清单显示,食品数量造价在二00八年的全球粮食危机不止。

    The list showed that a number of foods cost more than during the world food crisis of two thousand eight .

  12. 我呼吁你们采取大胆的紧急步骤,从根本上解除这场全球粮食危机。

    I call on you to take bold and urgent steps to address the root causes of this global food crisis .

  13. 难怪政客和联合国都越来越担心上涨的物价会导致全球粮食危机。

    No wonder that politicians and the United Nations are becoming increasingly concerned about rising prices leading to a global food crisis .

  14. 预计,联合国此次会议将推出一项解决眼下全球粮食危机的紧急方案。

    The U.N. meeting is expected to come up with a plan of emergency measures to solve the immediate global food crisis .

  15. 美国遭遇了半个世纪以来的最严重干旱,这进一步表明,我们正处于一场全球粮食危机之中。

    The worst US drought in half a century is further evidence that we are in the midst of a global food crisis .

  16. 世卫组织为在联合国秘书长潘基文领导下的全球粮食危机高级别工作组的工作做出贡献。

    WHO is contributing to the work of the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Crisis led by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon .

  17. 8已经警告,假如在2050年前相关支出没有翻倍,全球粮食危机“将演变成结构性危机”。

    The G8 has warned that , without a doubling of spending by 2050 , the global food crisis " will become structural " .

  18. 潘基文刚刚结束了对欧洲和西非的访问。他说,访问期间,全球粮食危机的严重性是他们会谈的重点。

    Mr. Ban just returned from a trip to Europe and West Africa where he says the gravity of the global food crisis dominated discussions .

  19. 最新的一份报告显示,由于全球粮食危机的影响,转基因作物种植面积正在快速增长,尤其是在发展中国家。

    The planting of genetically modified crops has surged , particularly in developing countries , because of the global food crisis , according to a report .

  20. 联合国人权理事会在日内瓦召开这次紧急会议的时候指出,全球粮食危机是对人权的一次大规模践踏。

    In calling for this special session , the U.N. Human Rights Council argued that the global food crisis is a massive violation of human rights .

  21. 全球粮食危机和经济危机正使得千百万人重返贫困,他们正被迫作出痛苦的抉择&不让孩子上学。

    The global food and economic crises are pushing millions of people back into poverty who are making the painful choice not to send their children to school .

  22. 据路透社报道,米罗诺夫相信试管肉可以帮助解决未来因为养奶牛和鸡的土地缩小所导致的全球粮食危机。

    According to Reuters , Mironov believes test tube meat could help solve future global food crises resulting from shrinking amounts of land available for grazing cows and chickens .

  23. 粮农组织总干事目前正在各大洲与成员国、发展伙伴及联合国其他机构一起处理全球粮食危机。

    The FAO Director-General is currently working on all continents to deal with the global food crisis , together with Member States , development partners and other UN agencies .

  24. 他表示,“全球粮食危机给了中国一个教训,”中国的政策制定者认识到,必须“更加注意粮食安全”。

    " The global food crisis gave China a lesson , " he says , adding that Chinese policymakers realised they had to pay even " more attention to food security " .

  25. 人们担心,食品价格通胀可能飙升,假如小麦产量的大缺口持续存在,2008年的全球粮食危机可能重演。

    There were fears that food price inflation could take off and that the world could even suffer a repeat of the 2008 food crisis should the big shortfall in wheat output persist .

  26. 2008年全球粮食危机期间,莫斯科曾利用出口关税与配额制度来限制粮食销售。2010年8月遭遇严重旱灾、庄稼受损后,还实施了全面出口禁令。

    Moscow restricted grain sales in 2008 during the global food crisis through the use of export duties and quotas and imposed a total export ban in August 2010 after a drought destroyed its crop .

  27. 四年前,糟糕的收成、误入歧途的贸易政策、再加上管理不善,这些不利因素结合起来导致了一场全球粮食危机,数百万人的生命和生计受到了威胁。

    It has been four years since a lethal combination of bad harvests , misguided trade policies and poor governance combined to create a global food crisis that put millions of lives and livelihoods at risk .

  28. 大豆价格已猛涨至自2007-08全球粮食危机爆发的最高水平,拉美恶劣天气影响了用于生产动物饲料和食用油的这种大宗商品的产量。

    The price of soyabeans has surged to levels not seen since the global food crisis of 2007-08 as bad weather in Latin America hits production of the commodity used to produce animal feed and edible oil .

  29. 粮食供求处于紧平衡状态,2007&2008年国际粮食形势异常严峻,全球粮食危机、粮食价格剧烈波动引起国际社会广泛关注,全球粮食价格再度上涨。

    Grain supply and demand in a tight equilibrium state , 2007 2008 international food situation stiffer , the global food crisis . food prices are volatile international society caused extensive concern , the global food prices rising again .

  30. 各国领导人在罗马召开的联合国粮食峰会上承诺削减贸易壁垒,增加粮食生产,以对抗全球粮食危机。

    World Leaders Pledge to Combat Food Crisis It was no easy matter for the delegates at the world food security summit in Rome to reach an agreement on a final declaration to ease increasing hunger in the world .