
  1. ENSO事件及其对全球生态环境的影响

    ENSO events and their impact on global eco - environment

  2. 当前全球生态环境安全令人担忧;

    At present , the global ecological environment security is worrisome .

  3. 全球生态环境问题及其城市规划的应对

    Globe Ecological-environmental Problems and the Replied Strategy for Urban Planning

  4. 中国是全球生态环境退化较为严重的国家之一。

    Ecological degradation is more severe in China .

  5. 由燃煤引起的汞排放给全球生态环境和人类健康造成了巨大的危害。

    Mercury emissions attributed to coal combustion caused great harm to the global ecological environment and human health .

  6. 他相信会议的成果必将为保护全球生态环境作出积极贡献。

    And he expressed his belief that the forum will make positive contributions to protecting the global environment .

  7. 随着全球生态环境的日益恶化,环境问题倍受全球关注。

    Great concern is laid upon the issue of environment with the deterioration of the global ecological situation .

  8. 进入21世纪,人类所面临的最大问题,就是全球生态环境的日益恶化。

    Since entering the 21st century , the biggest problem humanity faced was the deterioration of global ecological environment .

  9. 当前全球生态环境恶化,我国生态环境亦面临严峻形势。

    At present , whole world ecological environment worsens , our country ecological environment also faces the stern situation .

  10. 全球生态环境问题,成为20世纪后半叶全球问题之一。

    Global ecological environment problems have became one of the global problems in the latter half of the 20th century .

  11. 随着全球生态环境问题的加剧,各国都在探索新的城市发展与建设道路。

    With the intensification of global environmental problems , The states are exploring new road of urban development and construction .

  12. 随着肥料和农药的大量使用,农业非点源污染已经成为危及全球生态环境和农业可持续发展的主要方式之一。

    Agricultural non-point source pollution due to widely application of fertilizers and pesticides is becoming the major cause of the environment deterioration .

  13. 当今,全球生态环境系统正濒临失衡的危险,人类正面临着巨大的威胁。

    Nowadays , the global ecological environment system is get close to the danger of disequilibrium , and the mankind faces serious threat .

  14. 近些年来,随着全球生态环境的日益恶化,生态问题逐渐成为人类高度关注的一项重大战略问题。

    In recent years , as the deteriorating global environment , an ecological problem of human attention has become a major strategic issue .

  15. 在经济迅速发展和全球生态环境遭受严重破坏的情况下,人们越来越意识到了生态环境的重要性。

    In the rapid economic development and global ecological environment suffered serious damage , people are increasingly aware of the importance of ecological environment .

  16. 本文全面地论述了在经济全球化的背景下,由于经济的迅猛发展造成了化石燃料的大规模开发利用并且导致了全球生态环境恶化。

    This dissertation comprehensively discussed the large-scale development and utilization of fossil fuels and its corresponding global environmental degradation in the context of economic globalization .

  17. 在常规能源告急和全球生态环境恶化的双重压力下,风能的开发与利用有着巨大的发展潜力。

    The development and utilization of wind energy have the huge development potential under the double pressures of conventional energy dries and global ecological environment worsening .

  18. 目前,全球生态环境问题已被社会普遍关注,改善生态环境已提上议事日程。

    At present , the environmental issues have been paid much attention worldwide . How to solve these problems has also been carried to the official agenda .

  19. 世界能源危机和全球生态环境日益恶化迫使人们急需开发可再生能源。

    In light of the world 's energy crisis and the fast deterioration of the global environment , the development of renewable energy sources is urgently needed .

  20. 所以,在解决全球生态环境问题的对策上,有利于西方发达国家,而对发展中国家实行双重标准,存在明显的不公正。

    However , it is obviously of injustice because it imposes double norms on developed countries and developing countries in dealing with the problems of global eco-environment .

  21. 土壤盐渍化对农业生产的威胁是一个世界性的热点问题,也是影响全球生态环境的重要因素之一。

    Salinity is an important factor affecting ecological environment in the soil that threatens agricultural production , thus it is a global research focus in recent years .

  22. 核能是一种非常清洁安全的能源,它能够极大改善全球生态环境,保障人类社会的可持续发展。

    As a kind of clean and safe energy source , nuclear power can greatly improve the global ecological environment and support sustainable development of human beings ' society .

  23. 随着全球生态环境的急剧恶化,人类正面临着前所未有的生存危机,如何实现可持续发展已成为人类社会面临的重大问题。

    With a sharp deterioration in the global ecological environment , human beings are facing an unprecedented crisis of survival , how to achieve sustainable development have become major problems .

  24. 近年来,随着全球生态环境的恶化、自然资源的耗竭,区域发展战略和规划也逐渐成为全社会所关注的焦点。

    In recent years , with the deterioration of global ecological environment and depletion of natural resources , regional strategic planning have gradually become the attention focus of the entire society .

  25. 三北防护林体系工程是一项宏伟的千秋工程,她不仅是中国生态环境建设的伟大创举,也是全球生态环境建设的重要组成部分。

    Noted as a great splendid program , the three north shelterbelt program is not only a pioneering work in China 's eco-construction , but also the important part of national eco-construction .

  26. 土地沙漠化是人类面临的重大全球生态环境问题之一,造成了严重的环境恶化和经济贫困,威胁着人类社会的生存和发展。

    Desertification is one of the major global environmental problems that human faced , It has caused serious environmental degradation and economic deprivation and even hazard the survival and development of human society .

  27. 20世纪80年代以来,随着全球生态环境的迅速恶化,很多大型的生态研究网络应运而生,生态系统长期观测标准化问题提到了议事日程。

    Many large scale ecological research networks have been sprung up since 1980s when the global environments were deteriorating rapidly , and the standardization of long term ecosystem research has been brought to agenda .

  28. 但不可回避的是,目前全球生态环境出现了巨大的危机,人类的生存环境受到了威胁,对生态文明的构建形成了巨大的挑战。

    While we can not avoid the fact that there is a huge crisis in global ecological environment , which threatens the human living environment and severe challenge against the construction of ecological civilization .

  29. 环境非政府组织以保护全球生态环境为已任,凭借自身组织体制、机构以及活动方式上的灵活性和公益性等特点,在解决全球环境问题过程中,能够承上启下、沟通各方、促进协调与合作。

    Environmental NGOs are working for a better world by improving the environment and serving as a bridge between the peoples and governments in the world because of their technical expertise and monitoring capabilities .

  30. 特别是20世纪以来,随着全球生态环境的日益恶化,土地利用与生态环境关系问题更是引起国际社会的普遍关注。

    Especially since the latter half of 20th century , universal attentions are being attracted to the environmental problem arouse by land use from international community along with the worsening of the terrestrial environment .