
  1. 前米兰中场球员AngeloCarbone对《全体育》发表了他对现任米兰球星布罗基的评价。

    MILAN-Former Milan midfielder Angelo Carbone has commented in Tuttosport on current Rossoneri star Cristian Brocchi .

  2. 但是,据《全体育》报道,都灵巨人将倾尽全力来引进这位意大利最有前途的新星。

    However , according to Tuttosport , the Turin giants are considering breaking the bank to bring in one of Italy 's greatest prospects .

  3. “热那亚还没有决定他的未来,但我不认为他们会签下他,”桑德罗。戈达告诉全体育报。

    " The clubs are yet to sort out his future , but I don 't think Genoa will sign him ," Sandro Gedda said in Tuttosport .

  4. 根据《全体育》的报道,内斯塔仍然还不能正常走路,他依然还在按照他的康复计划器械室训练。

    According to sports daily Tuttosport , Nesta is still struggling to walk normally as he continues to work in the gym and follow a recovery program .

  5. “我很清楚我想要什么样的未来,我希望去一家对我信得过的俱乐部,”德。切利告诉全体育。

    " I know exactly what I want for my future , I want to go to a club who has faith in me ," De Ceglie told Tuttosport .

  6. 这一周,全世界体育迷们的目光都投向了休斯顿,这里将举办爱国者VS猎鹰的超级碗决赛。

    The eyes of the sports world are on Houston this week as the Patriots and Falcons prepare for Super Bowl LI .

  7. 全热线体育彩票销售系统的技术简析

    A Brief Analysis of the Online Sales System of Sports Lottery

  8. 非洲人国民大会同南非白人的会议南非全白人体育联合会

    ANC / Afrikaner meeting South African All-white Sports Federations

  9. 全脑体育教育与人的第二大脑&双手运动潜能的全面开发

    Development of hands potential & physical education in full brain and second brain of human

  10. 南非全白人体育联合会

    South African All-white Sports Federations

  11. 体育行为的流行现象,是全社会体育发展气候图象的一个侧面。

    The prevalence phenomenon of sports behaviors is one of the aspects of sport development in the whole society .

  12. 本文简要分析了全热线体育彩票销售系统的网络实现,阐述了该系统的关键技术,分析了它所采取的主动安全性及被动安全性措施,以及可能遭受的攻击及相应对策。

    This paper briefly analyses the realization of the online sales network system of sports lottery , elaborates key technologies of the system , analyses the active and passive security measures the system takes , and the possible attacking on the system and counter-measures .

  13. 全脑型体育教学训练法的实验研究

    Experiment Research about the Whole Brain Type Sports of Teaching and Training

  14. 在全世界,体育是一项对所有的人,不论背景如何,都敞开大门的活动。

    Sport the world around is an activity available to all people , regardless of their background .

  15. 为改革传统的左脑型体育教育模式,确立全脑型体育教育模式提供了科学实验依据。

    This study provided the helpful scientific experimental data for the establishment of " the whole brain sports educational pattern " .

  16. 为什么中国&一个几乎在全世界各项体育运动中都有扮演着重要角色的国家,却不能举办奥运会?

    Why can 't China , a country playing an important role in nearly all sports worldwide , host the Olympics ?

  17. 学校体育场地应该为全社会的体育健身发挥出重要作用,对此,提出了相应的对策和建议。

    School sports fields should take acts to serve the society , and some corresponding suggestions and countermeasures were put forward .

  18. 全世界在体育运动方面花费大量的金钱,我想大部分都是花在胜利的目标上.

    Um , world-wide vast sums of money are spent on sports , mostly I think with the aim of winning .

  19. 学校体育培养了学生全方位的体育文化素养,为他们参加社会体育打下基础;

    Through school physical education the students ' physical and cultural accomplishments are entirely cultivated so as to lay a good foundation for the participation in social sport .

  20. 探讨确立全脑型体育教育模式对有效开发学龄前儿童运动和智力潜能的意义。

    This study explored the important role that " the whole brain sports educational pattern " plays in developing sports of preschool children and the potential intelligence of children .

  21. 体育运动仍然是希腊人生活的重要部分。希腊人通过奥运会对全世界的体育运动和体育精神产生了重大的影响。

    Sports are still an important part of Greek life and , by giving us the Olympics , the Greeks have had a tremendous influence on world sports and sportsmanship .

  22. 当他卸任的时候,国际奥委会有了数十亿美元的商业化收入,抵制时代终结了,奥运会成了全世界的体育盛会。

    When he left , the IOC 's coffers were bulging from billions of dollars in commercial revenues , the boycott era was over , and the games were entrenched as the world 's favorite sports festival .

  23. 文章认为:我国业余运动训练体制不应该盲目地追求多渠道发展,盲目地全方位建立体育俱乐部,盲目地增加运动竞赛的种类。

    The author believes that the sport training system should not be developed through many channels blindly and sport clubs should not be all - sidedly established without limitation and the sport competition should not be increased both in its programs and in its types .

  24. 通过大力开展群众体育运动,在全社会推广终身体育;

    By developing mass sports in the whole society to promote whole-life sports ;

  25. 通过综述议论的方法,阐述了体育社会化在现阶段的基本内涵是体育面向社会,同时发动全社会来办体育。

    Sports socialization is regarded as breakthrough of Chinese sports reform to change the long existed incoordination between athletic sports and masses sports .

  26. 全世界各种大小体育赛事及节庆活动对主办国或主办地区产生相当大的影响。

    The sports events and festival activities in various of size in the world may have considerable impact to the host country and the adjacent region .

  27. 使各项阳光体育运动制度运行充满源动力;4.加强体育立法,加强领导,齐抓共管,形成全社会支持青少年体育工作的合力。

    The " sport " run the source of power system of ; 4 . the strengthening of the sports legislation and strengthening leadership , the whole society to support the work of teenagers sports .