
miǎn fú bīng yì
  • be exempt from military service
免服兵役[miǎn fú bīng yì]
  1. 凡是年龄在18岁以上的人都不能免服兵役。

    No one above 18 can be exempt from military service .

  2. 他因视力不好而免服兵役。

    His bad eyesight exempted him from military service .

  3. 大学在校男生免服兵役。

    Men in college were exempt from military service

  4. 他们得到许诺,可以免服兵役。

    They were promised dispensation from military service

  5. 比尔的父母花了一大笔钱使他免服兵役。

    Bill 's parents paid a lot of money to buy him out of the army .

  6. 他因近视免服兵役。

    He was excused from military service on account of his short-sightrdness .

  7. 他由于健康原因而免服兵役。

    He was exempted from military service on health grounds .

  8. 他由于身体不好而免服兵役。

    He is exempt from military service , because of his bad health .

  9. 视力不佳将使你免服兵役。

    Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service .

  10. 他身体不好,因而免服兵役。

    His bad health exempted him from military service .

  11. 他因视力差而免服兵役。

    Poor eyesight exempted him from military service .

  12. 身体不好使他免服兵役。詹姆斯被硬抽去服兵役。

    Poor health exempted him from military service James was combed out against his will .

  13. 比尔可免服兵役,因他在一家,后备部队工作。

    Bill was exempted from national service because he was in a " reserved occupation " .

  14. 有严重生理缺陷或者严重残疾不适合服兵役的人,免服兵役。

    Exemptions from military service shall be granted to persons unfit for it due to serious physical defects or serious deformities .

  15. 而塞翁的儿子因为是个跛腿,免服兵役,所以他们父子得以避免了这场生离死别的灾难。

    The Cypriot Weng 's son because it is a lame leg , non-military service , so they can avoid this father and son Shengchisibie disaster .

  16. 3月12日,以色列议会决定逐步废除极端正统派犹太男子的免服兵役特权。

    Am 12 . M ä rz beschlie ß t das israelische Parlament die schrittweise Einf ü hrung der Wehrpflicht f ü r ultraorthodoxe M ä nner .

  17. 朴槿惠的回应是,那些没完成兵役的人(李明博由于支气管炎而免服兵役)没有资格谈论国家安全问题。

    Park responded that those who had not completed military service - Lee was exempted because of bronchial problem - were not equipped to talk about national security .

  18. 该项收入则包括丹麦金、犁头税、免服兵役税、摊派税、动产税等。此外,作者还考察了中世纪英国的财税管理体制。

    The general revenue include Danegeld , carucage , scutage , tallage , movables tax etc. In addition , the author also inspected financial and tax administrative system in the medieval Britain .

  19. 现在我不需要服兵役是因为葡萄牙政府在2004年班布了法令,在海外居住的公民一律可暂时免服兵役。

    I do not need to serve the military because the government of Portugal has announced an order in2004.According to the law , all citizens living abroad are temporarily exempted from military service .

  20. 服兵役法律规定的所有身体合格的平民应服兵役有严重生理缺陷或者严重残疾不适合服兵役的人,免服兵役。

    The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service . Exemptions from military service shall be granted to persons unfit for it due to serious physical defects or serious deformities .