
  • 网络Clement;Clement of Alexandria
  1. 另一个出现的时间要晚点,他是亚历山大的克雷芒。

    Another that existed a little bit later than this is Clement of Alexandria .

  2. 他很可能在亚历山大城的,早期基督学校学习过,我之前也提过,克雷芒很可能就是这间学校的领导。

    He had actually been trained in probably the catechetical school in Alexandria that I mentioned before that Clement probably headed up .

  3. 有人纠正我们,要接受,不得恼怒。《克雷芒致哥林多人一书》(基督教)

    Let us receive correction , at which no man ought to repine .

  4. 圣沙克雷芒的圣德尼教堂是我们教区的,但我会弄到许可证让你们到圣保罗教堂去举行婚礼。

    Our parish is Saint-Denis du Saint Sacrament , but I will get a dispensation so that you can be married at Saint-Paul .