
  1. 新型小麦雄性不育系BNS的不育性、温光及遗传特性分析

    Analysis on the Male Sterility , Thermo-photosensitive and Genetic Character of New Male-sterile Line BNS in Wheat

  2. 光周期遗传特性对青饲玉米植株生长的影响

    Effects of photoperiod heredity character on plant growth in ensilage corn

  3. 番茄耐弱光性遗传规律的研究

    Analysis of Hereditary Laws of Tomato Weak Light-Resistance

  4. 转Bt基因抗虫杂交棉的光合性状遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Photosynthetic Characters in Hybrids between Transgenic Bt Cotton Cultivars

  5. 在每日日长循环、光体系及遗传背景的变化基础上,如果CO的表达和日长状况协调,那么CO激活FT表达,随后开花。

    On the basis of the variation in daily day-length cycle , light system and genetic background , CO activated FT expression and then led to flowering occurrence given that CO expression and daylength were well coordinated .

  6. 小麦光合性状遗传的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Inheritance of Photosynthetic Characters in Wheat

  7. 柳树光合特性遗传变异的初步研究

    A preliminary study on genetic variation of Photosynthetic Characteristics

  8. 分光光度-遗传算法同时测定锌、镉、钴、镍、锰

    Simultaneous determination of zinc , cadmium , cobalt , nickel , manganese by spectrophotometry combined with genetic algorithms

  9. 夏大豆F2代农艺和光合性状的遗传模型分析

    Genetic Model Analysis of Agronomic and Photosynthetic Characters in F_2 Generation of Summer Soybean

  10. 种子植物受UV-B影响的主要部位包括光合器官、遗传物质、蛋白质等。

    Photosynthetic organs , genetic material , and proteins etc.

  11. 水稻品种RicoNo.1光叶特性的遗传

    The inheritance of glabrous - leaf character in rice variety Rico No. 1

  12. 能源甘蔗主要经济和光合性状的遗传分析

    Genetic analysis of main economic and Photosynthetic Traits in Energy Sugarcane

  13. 陆地棉光合性状的遗传模型分析

    Analysis on the Genetic Models of Photosynthetic Characters in Upland Cotton

  14. 玉米光合生产率遗传的研究

    A study on the heredity of photosynthetic production rate in corn

  15. 甘蔗有性世代单叶净光合速率的遗传变异性

    Genetic variation of net photosynthetic rate in sugarcane hybrid progenies

  16. 茶树净光合速率的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Net Photosynthetic Rate in Tea Plants

  17. 涂层目标光散射参数的遗传算法

    The genetic Algorithm for the Light Scattering Parameter of the Target with Coat

  18. 杂交水稻抽穗期遗传研究&Ⅳ.光周期敏感性的遗传

    Studies on the Inheritance of Hybrid Rice Heading Time ⅳ . The Inheritance of Photoperiod-sensitivity

  19. 品种(系)间光合速率具有遗传稳定性;

    The photosynthetic rate was stable hereditary .

  20. 净光合速率的遗传则可能存在复杂因素。

    Furthermore , complicated factors may exist in the genetic of the net photosynthetic rate ( NPR ) .

  21. 甘蔗光合性状的遗传分析和高光效亲本评价研究

    Study on the Genetic Analysis of Photosynthetic Characters and the Estimation of Parents with High Photosynthetic Efficiency in Sugarcane

  22. 大豆短叶柄弱枕性状光温反应及遗传的初步研究

    Primary Studies on the Responses of Soybean with Characters of Short Petiole and Weak Pillow to Temperature and Day Length and its Inheritance

  23. 结果表明:番茄耐弱光性以显性遗传和基因互作效应为主,存在部分加性遗传效应。

    The results showed that the weak light-resistant ability of tomato has significant hereditary effects on dominant character and gene interaction while there exists part additive effect of heredity .

  24. 甘薯地下部块根的干物率和薯肉色也是贮藏根固有的遗传生理特性,嫁接组合块根的干物率和薯肉色趋于同砧术品种一致,与光合源的遗传生理特性无关。

    The dry matter content in root and the root flesh color of the grafted seedling were similar to those of the stock varieties , and not influenced by the photosynthesis source .

  25. 普通小麦光合速率、光合色素的遗传分析

    Genetic analysis of photosynthetic rate and pigment of common wheat