
  • 网络spectral emissivity
  1. C2O分子2.7μ带谱带模型参数和光谱发射率的计算

    The calculation of band model parameters and spectral emissivity for the co_2 2.7 μ band

  2. 基于Kirchhoff定律,利用波长为1.55μm的半导体激光器InGaAsP作测量光源、以PbSe探测器作光电转换器件、以8031单片机为核心,设计了一种可实时测量光谱发射率的仪器。

    Based on the Kirchhoff law , a practical spectral emissivity measurement apparatus using laser diode InGaAsP as light source , using PbSe as detector and using 8031 micro-processor as processing center is presented .

  3. 轴对称等离子体流场光谱发射率的求解方法

    Solving method of spectral emissivity in the flow field of axisymmetrical plasma

  4. 可同时测量真温及光谱发射率的8波长高温计

    Eight-wavelength pyrometer which can simultaneously measure the true temperature and spectral emissivity

  5. 地物目标热红外光谱发射率的野外测量方法研究

    Field Measurement Methods for Thermal Infrared Spectral Emissivity of Terrestrial Surface Materials

  6. 微构造硅的发射率随着尖峰高度的增加而增强,并且测量过程中温度越高,光谱发射率越高。

    As the height of spike increases , the normal spectral emissivity increase .

  7. 固体材料表面光谱发射率测量

    The Measurement of the Spectral Emissivity of Solid Materials

  8. 材料法向光谱发射率测定装置

    An Apparatus for Measuring Normal Spectral Emittance of Substances

  9. 目标函数对神经网络光谱发射率模型性能影响的研究

    Effect of target function on performance of multi-spectral emissivity model of neural networks

  10. 目标真温及光谱发射率智能识别法

    Intelligent Recognition of the True Temperature and Spectral Emissivity

  11. 低温目标光谱发射率建模及弱信号检测技术的研究

    Study of modeling spectral emissivity of low temperature target and weak signal detection

  12. 基于小波神经网络的多光谱发射率模型的研究

    Study of Multispectral Emissivity Model Based on Wavelet Network

  13. 一种利用激光作为光源实现的光谱发射率测量装置

    A spectral emissivity measurement apparatus using laser diode

  14. 红外光谱发射率测试方法的研究

    Research for measurement method of infra-red spectral emissivity

  15. C/C复合材料光谱发射率测量研究

    Spectral Emittance Measurement of C / C Composite

  16. 基于快速傅立叶红外光谱仪的自然地物光谱发射率测量

    Measuring Spectral Emissivity of Natural Objects with FTIR

  17. 光谱发射率模型优化算法研究

    Optimization algorithm for spectral emissivity model

  18. 薄膜的光谱发射率

    Spectral Emissivity of thin Films

  19. 测试了多种金属氧化物单体在三种温度(400℃、500℃、600℃)下的光谱发射率曲线。

    Many metal oxide monomers spectral emissivity graph is measured at three temperatures ( 400 ℃? 500 ℃? 600 ℃) .

  20. 研究了微构造硅的法向光谱发射率。实验表明微构造硅的发射率极高,接近标准黑体的发射率。

    Experimental results show that the micro-structured silicon has a high normal spectral emissivity , close to the standard black body .

  21. 此外,它回避了光谱发射率的测量和温度计光谱响应度的数据。

    Moreover , it also avoids both the measurement of the spectral emissivity and the knowledge of the spectral responsivity of the thermometer .

  22. 本文报道利用红外分光光度计和微机系统,采用二次测量技术,测量材料表面法向光谱发射率的基本原理和测试方法。

    The experimental principle and the method to measure the normal spectral emittance of materials by infrared spectrophotometer and microcomputer system are presented .

  23. 本文主要完成了以下几方面的创新性研究工作:1.研制基于傅里叶红外光谱仪的材料光谱发射率测量装置。

    The finished research works are as follows : 1 . A new measurement equipment has been researched based on the Fourier transform spectrometer .

  24. 采用模压成型法制备了不同类型的C/C复合材料,测试了其法向光谱发射率的变化。

    Different types of C / C composites were prepared by conventional molding , and the changes in normal spectral emissivity of samples were tested .

  25. 阐述了采用“单光束比较辐射度量法”测量材料的法向光谱发射率的原理和系统设计方法;

    The principles and the system designing method of measuring the normal spectral emittance of materials with the method of single beam comparative radiation are introduced .

  26. 野外测量的大气环境、目标背景和地物的热力学特性等因素的影响,使得野外测量地物目标表面光谱发射率变得较为复杂。

    Field atmospheric conditions , the environmental background of target and the target 's thermodynamic properties will make it difficult to collect target 's spectral emissivity in field .

  27. 野外测量实验结果表明,按照文中所述的测量方法,测量得到的地物热红外光谱发射率具有良好的一致性,发射率测量误差小于0.02。

    Experimental results show that a consistent and repeatable target 's emissivity spectra can be acquired to follow the presented measurement methods and protocols . Measurement error of emissivity is below 0.02 .

  28. 介绍了以高信噪比同时测量近室温目标温度和光谱发射率的中红外多波长辐射温度计,详细说明了其光学系统及电气系统设计。

    A brand new kind of mid infrared multi wavelength radiation thermometer for the measurement of true temperature and emissivity near room temperature with high signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) was presented .

  29. 计算了砷化镓在其红外吸收波段的光谱发射率,并分析了温度、薄膜厚度等对砷化镓薄膜红外辐射特性的影响。

    Using the calculated temperature-dependent optical dielectric functions , we obtain the spectral emissivity of GaAs film in the infrared region . The influence of temperature and film thickness on infrared radiative properties is analyzed .

  30. 重点讨论了利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪野外测量地物目标光谱发射率的方法和程序,介绍了几种正确分离目标温度与发射率的方法。

    The collection of thermal infrared emissivity spectra using a Fourier transform infrared spectroradiometer ( FTIR ) is discussed and several algorithms for separating temperature and emissivity from collected target 's radiance spectra data is presented .