
  • 网络photon structure
  1. 光子结构函数的直接检验

    Direct test for photon structure function

  2. 本文基于喷注电荷截面方法,提出了一种直接测量光子结构函数的可行方案。

    Based on the jet-charge-cross section method , a practical scheme is worked out to test the photon structure function directly .

  3. 利用微电子和光子结构分析软件(AMPS)模拟了不同异质结能带补偿条件下a-Si:H/c-Si异质结太阳电池的光电特性。

    We analyzed the opto-electrical properties of a-Si : H / c-Si heterojunction solar cells with different band gap discontinuities using Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures ( AMPS ) .

  4. 十二重准晶光子结构中的负折射与成像

    Negative refraction and imaging using 12 - fold - symmetry quasicrystal structures

  5. 平面波展开法可用于计算周期性光子结构的光子带隙。

    The plane wave expansion method ( PWE ) is one of the most popular approaches used for calculating photonic bandgaps in photonic structure .

  6. 生物体结构色的研究具有重要意义,因为它不仅能揭示自然界中许多有趣的调控颜色的方式,同时也可以在光子结构的设计和制备方面给予我们很多启示。

    The investigation of structural colors in the biological world is of great significance since it can not only reveal the interesting way of color steering in nature but also inspire our design and fabrication of photonic structures .

  7. 光学微操控主要研究光力与光力矩对尺寸在几十纳米到几十微米量级的微粒的操控,目前也开始涉及光力对微纳光子结构光学性质的影响。

    Optical micromanipulation is devoted to the study of manipulating particles rang-ing in size from tens of nanometers to tens of micrometers by using optical force and torque , and involves the effect of optical force to the optical properties of micrometer-or nanometer-scale photonic crystal recently .

  8. 制备出线宽1μm,宽度5μm的CHINA复杂结构,以及杆间距、层间距均为5μm的三维木堆型光子晶体结构。

    A CHINA model with width of 1 μ m is made , and a wood-pile 3D photonic crystal structure with log and layer space of 5 μ m is fabricated .

  9. 结合FDTD方法通过数值建模得到具有无序光子晶体结构的LED模型。

    The LED with disordered photonic crystals is obtained by combining with the FDTD method .

  10. 在实现的算法平台上对LED仿真计算,并分析研究了光子晶体结构对GaN基蓝光LED提取效率的影响。

    Modeled and simulated LED on the implemented algorithm platform , investigated the influence of photonic crystal on the light extraction efficiency of GaN-based LED .

  11. 合浦珠母贝韧带中文石纤维的直径为80~90nm,具有典型的2D光子晶体结构特征。

    In addition , the oriented arrangements of aragonite fibers with 80 ~ 90 nm in diameters had the features of typical 2D photonic crystals .

  12. 首次明确提出了谐振型微波光子晶体结构的概念,研究了它的带隙形成机理,总结了这种微波光子晶体不同于普通Bragg型微波光子晶体的一些独特的特点。

    The mechanism of bandgap forming is investigated , and the characteristics of resonance-type MPCs which are different from Bragg-type MPCs are discussed .

  13. 在LED中制作光子晶体结构,通过这种周期性结构产生的倒晶格矢量,可以将光子晶体层中的波导模式转化为辐射模式,从而可以提高LED的提取效率。

    As a periodic structure , photonic crystal fabricated in LED could convert the waveguide mode to radiation mode by grating vector . Thus the light extraction efficiency could be improved by photonic crystal .

  14. 提出利用全息光学元件(HOE)实现光子晶体结构。

    It demonstrates that photonic crystal can be fabricated using a holographic optical element ( HOE ) .

  15. 经封装后初步测试结果表明,有光子晶体结构的比没有光子晶体结构的LED器件在光通量、光效率以及光辐射功率等方面最高分别提高了22.3%、36.65%、14.23%。

    After chip packages , the initial test results indicated that PC-LEDs had clearly improvement than that without PC structures in the flux , light efficiency and light radiation with the highest increases by 22.3 % , 36.65 % , 14.23 % respectively .

  16. 最后,本论文设计了一种基于锑化铟(InSb)材料工作在太赫兹波段的支持单向边界模式的旋电光子晶体结构,并分析了这种太赫兹单向边界模的传输特性。

    Finally , this paper also presents a design of gyroelectric PhC structure with indium antimonide ( InSb ) dielectric which supports one-way edge mode operating at terahertz frequencies , and the characteristics of terahertz one-way edge mode are carefully analyzed .

  17. 同时,本文提出的新型微波光子晶体结构(AUC-EBG)和带金属过孔的AUC-EBG结构,使得结构更加紧凑,性能更加优越。

    Besides , this paper presents a new type of microwave photonic crystal structure ( AUC-EBG ) and the AUC-EBG structure with metal via hole .

  18. 对光子晶体结构的设计来实现对波段的控制。

    The design of photonic crystal structure can control the band .

  19. 一维光子晶体结构对反射光相位的影响

    Effect of Structure of One-dimensional Photonic Crystals on the Reflective Phases

  20. 上海光源储存环光子吸收器结构设计与研制

    Photon Absorber Development for Storage Ring of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility

  21. 新型光子晶体结构在微带有源天线中的应用

    The Application of Novel Photonic Bandgap Structure To Microwave Active Antenna

  22. 研究了光子晶体结构在天线设计中的应用。

    Implement the photonic ban-gap structure in the design of micro-strip antenna .

  23. 高质量二维光子晶体结构刻蚀掩膜版的制作方法

    Fabrication of a High Quality Etching Mask for Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Structures

  24. 边界元方法计算光子晶体结构的研究

    Theoretical study of boundary element method for structure calculation of photonic crystals

  25. 红外隐身一维光子晶体结构反射特性的理论分析

    Theoretical Study on Reflectivity of 1D Photonic Crystals of Infrared Stealthy Materials

  26. 体积全息图中光子禁带结构性质的分析

    Analysis for Characteristics of the Photonic Band Gap Structures in Volume Hologram

  27. 我们还讨论了如何利用多光束干涉的方法来加工聚合物光子晶体结构。

    We can use multi-beam interference method to fabricate the polymer PhCs .

  28. 双光子晶体结构对光提取效率的影响分析。

    Analysis about influence of dual-photonic crystals structure on light extraction efficiency .

  29. 介绍了几种常见的谐振型微波光子晶体结构以及它们在微波工程中的应用。

    Some familiar resonance-type MPCs and their applications in microwave engineering are presented .

  30. 二维光子晶体结构和缺陷对光子禁带的影响

    Effect of structure and defect on photonic band gap of 2d photonic crystal