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  1. 这包括河图洛书的问题、先天学的问题、后天学的问题和占筮方法的问题,这就是本文的第四章和第五章的内容。

    This paper researches on the issues of the River Map and Luo Chart , Priori Learning and Postnatal Learning , divine method in chapter four and five .

  2. 先天学之自得,后天学之无奈&朱熹易学中的先天后天问题经老师解释这些难点后,这首诗变得易懂多了。

    The Issue of the Prenatal and Postnatal in ZHU Xi s Yi Studies ; Now that the teacher has explained the difficult points , the poem comes into much clearer focus .

  3. 方法回顾性分析78例(126眼)眼球壁先天异常声像学表现。

    Methods 126 eyes echography appearances of congenital abnormal of the eyeball wall were reviewed .

  4. 目的探讨眼球壁先天异常声像学表现及其诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate echography appearances and diagnosis value of congenital abnormal of the eyeball wall .

  5. 先天论是现象学诠释学的理论准备,先天概念是从现象学方面进入海德格尔存在论思想的基本前件之一。

    " Nativism " provides theoretical preparation for phenomenology and annotation , and it becomes the basic precondition of ontology theory .