
  • 网络nuo mask
  1. 从制作、保存到使用的过程和每一个环节,傩面具都透露着民间艺术自然质朴的美感,饱含丰富的创造力。

    In each procedure from manufacture , preservation and use , Nuo mask shows the natural , pure beauty of folk art , which is also full of rich creativity .

  2. 当然,对傩面具的研究意义,不单单局限于当地傩文化的研究价值,它对于整个中国傩文化的演变与发展都是重要的价值参考。

    Of course , the Nuo mask research significance , not only confined to the local Nuo culture research value , it for the whole of China Nuo culture evolution and development are the important value of reference .

  3. 江西萍乡与南丰傩面具造型探研

    Investigating Nuo Mask Modeling of Pingxiang and Nanfeng in Jiangxi Province

  4. 试析巫傩面具的文化内涵

    An Analysis on the Culture Intention of the Mask of Sorcery and Nuo Play

  5. 着重分析每个时期湖南傩面具造型创作主题的选择、色彩的运用、工艺技法的变化。

    This paper focuses on analysing the choice of creation themes , the application of color and the change of craft .

  6. 而傩面具作为中国傩文化中最重要的表征,最直接地反映了傩文化的兴衰历程和发展轨迹,是我国面具文化中的瑰宝。

    Nuo mask is one of the most important symbol and treasure of Chinese Nuo culture , as it directly reflects the development of Nuo culture and its history .

  7. 大量资料显示,我国包括传统工艺、民族艺术等在内的民族民间文化遗产,正面临后继无人、管理混乱和大量流失的严峻形势,建立中国傩戏傩面具博物馆十分必要和紧迫。

    Today , many of our national heritages , including the Nuo art , are facing a grave situation of lacking successors and disappearing out of the historical stage .

  8. 江西南丰素有傩舞之乡的美称。南丰傩舞以其悠久的历史、古朴粗犷的舞蹈、神秘的傩面具、独特的乐器和音乐语言,堪为中国傩文化中的一朵奇葩。

    Nanfeng , Jiangxi has the title of the cradle of Nuo dance , which is one of the fantastic flowers in Chinese Nuo culture , with its long history , simple and unsophisticated dance , the mysterious Nuo mask , distinctive instrument and music language .

  9. 再次,对湖南傩面具造型艺术价值的传承进行了理论构思,从造型结构的提取与创造、纹样寓意的沿用与延伸、传统色彩的借鉴与衍生三个方面进行具体的方法探索。

    Again , the paper puts up with some theory for how to inherit the artistic value of Hunan nuo mask plastic arts based on three aspects as follows : extraction and creation of design structure , extension of decorative pattern , reference and derivation of traditional color .

  10. 本文广泛介绍了国内外存在的面具禁忌现象,并着重对贵州撮泰吉面具、傩堂戏面具和地戏面具的禁忌进行了深入的分析。

    This paper introduces the mask taboo at home and abroad , and gives analysis to the three types of mask in Guizhou , namely Zuotaiji , Nuotangxi and Dixi .

  11. 傩(nuo)面具在他们的精神生活中扮演着重要的角色,是傩文化的重要组成部分。

    Nuo masks play an important role in their spiritual life and is an important part of Nuo culture .