
  • 网络Storage space
  1. 因此P公司采取各种措施降低原材料库存,来节约储存空间,提高生产质量,但是库存过低会给公司带来巨大的风险。

    So P company take various measures to reduce raw material inventory , to save storage space , improve the quality of production , but the inventory will bring huge risk for less stock .

  2. Fire还自带8G储存空间,可用来存储书籍、电影、文档和软件。

    The fire also comes with 8 GB of built-in storage for books , movies , documents and apps .

  3. 驻极体(Electret)是一类能够长期储存空间电荷和偶极电荷的功能电介质材料。

    Electret is a functional dielectric material that can keep space charge and dipole charge for a long time .

  4. 亚马逊宣布,用户只需每年交付20美金,就可拥有无限储存空间来储存mp3和aac音乐文件。

    The company announced that for $ 20 a year , users will receive unlimited storage space for their MP3 and AAC music files .

  5. 该手表电话拥有至少4GB的储存空间,所以使用者不必担心产品因储存空间不够而无法安装这些程序。

    There is at least a 4GB memory chip built in , so you 'll at least have plenty of space to store them .

  6. 要接触云网络,只需要一台通云电脑(cloudbook),上面没有任何储存空间,永远保持着无线链接。

    And so in some ways , all you really need is a cloudbook . And the cloudbook doesn 't have any storage . It 's wireless . It 's always connected .

  7. 基于单元化分装对企业备品备件的储存空间优化研究

    Optimize Spare Part Storage Space Based on Cell Distribution and Management

  8. 所以你需要电脑有很大的储存空间。

    So you need a lot of storage on your computer .

  9. 为节省储存空间,纸面记录被用缩微胶卷拍摄下来。

    The paper records were microfilmed to save storage space .

  10. Ⅱ类的基质有较低的孔隙度和渗透率,基质提供储存空间,裂缝提供流动通道;

    Matrix provides some storage capacity and fractures provide the fluid-flow pathways .

  11. 拆装简便,运输方便,储存空间小。

    Dismounting simple , convenient transport , storage space .

  12. 冗余数据的存在,不仅浪费储存空间,而且干扰了人们做出正确而简洁的决策。

    These data not only waste the storage space but also disturb making decision .

  13. 帕金森数据定律:数据总会占满整个可用储存空间。

    Parkinson 's Law of Data : Data expands to fill the space available .

  14. 能有储存空间的任何建筑物。

    Any structure providing space for storage .

  15. 网络有着巨大的储存空间,广泛收集,转发这些信息。

    The network has a huge storage space , can widely collect and forward information .

  16. 如果图形内容并不复杂的话,向量图形所占的储存空间比点阵图形少。

    For graphics which are not complicated , vector graphics occupy less storage space than bitmap graphics .

  17. 嗯,首先,它提供一个安全而集中的储存空间。

    Well , first of all , it provides a safe , compact place to store them .

  18. 有些上网本几乎没有储存空间,只使用网络上的资料和应用程序。

    Some have little storage capacity , relying instead on data and applications drawn from the Internet .

  19. 硬件压缩增加了在备份媒介上的可用储存空间,减少了存储成本。

    Hardware compression increases the available storage space on the backup media , which reduces storage costs .

  20. 我拍了好多照,我得上传到电脑上,释放些储存空间。

    I took so many pictures , I had to offload them onto my PC to free up some memory .

  21. 我们必须澄清一下,这个卡槽其实并非大家所期待可以成为储存空间扩充的希望。

    But , we must make it very clear that this is not the storage augmentation you might be hoping for .

  22. 你缺不缺少储物空间?在家里你是怎么开发自己的储存空间呢?

    Are you short on storage space or do you have enough ? How have you developed storage space in your home ?

  23. 通过对油藏非均质性表现的成因分析,认为该类裂缝型油藏的有效油气储存空间主要是各级裂缝及毗邻基质孔隙;

    With an eye to reservoir property , this paper reckoned that distinction cranny and adjacent pore are the valid storing space .

  24. 在全部汉莎中短程航班的商务舱中间座位是空的,为您提供额外的储存空间。

    The middle seats in Business Class are kept free on all short and medium-haul Lufthansa flights and act as additional storage areas .

  25. 这个向导允许您注册网上储存空间,或跟本地网络上的服务器建立连接。

    This wizard allows you to sign up for online storage , or create a connection to a server on your local network .

  26. 宽大的主卧配设有大量的储存空间,一张带有小抽屉机电脑连接器的书桌以及一条通往驾驶室的私人通道。

    The expansive master stateroom includes generous storage , a desk with vanity and computer connections , and a private entrance from the cockpit .

  27. 我做这个是希望有一个跟物品清单和商店一样的储存空间。

    I did this so I could have a storage place that can actually sort my items like the shops and the inventory do .

  28. 这指的是,更新你的博客,或者博客设计要尽可能快,而且要求服务器储存空间使用最小化。

    This means that updating your weblog , or its design is as fast as possible , and required server storage space usage is minimal .

  29. 一旦你设计你页你需要足够的储存空间与带宽,使你能承受交通。

    Once you 've designed your pages , you need enough storage space and bandwidth to make sure you can deal with the ensuing traffic .

  30. 他们的储存空间通常都相当有限,所以他们不能存太多货,这意味着我们需要多次少量送货。

    They generally have pretty limited storage space , so they can 't carry much stock , which means we have to make lots of small deliveries .