
  1. 几年前,厦门市启动了人才储备项目。

    Xiamen Years ago , Xiamen launched its talent reservoir project .

  2. 土地储备项目经济评价研究

    The Research on the Economic Evaluation of Land Reserve Items

  3. 锻炼并储备项目建设人才。

    3 , Trained and stored the skill for ;

  4. 纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫表示,他将启动美国首个州层面的汽油储备项目。

    New York governor Andrew Cuomo says he 's launching the country 's first state-based gasoline reserve .

  5. 中国的大豆储备项目对市场产生的影响要小得多,该项目是几年前在东北大豆种植商的游说下设立的。东北是中国多数大型机械化农场的所在地。

    The soya reserves programme , which has had far less of an impact on the market , was set up a few years ago after lobbying by growers in the northeast , home to most of the large mechanised farms in the country .

  6. 他说,如果产油国遏制国家垄断控制石油部门这个趋势,如果美国政府停止储存紧急用石油的战略石油储备项目,或者如果美元价值加强,价格还会更低。

    He says prices would also be lower if oil-producing nations reversed the trend towards state monopoly control of their petroleum sectors , if the U.S. government stopped stockpiling emergency oil for its Strategic Petroleum Reserve program , or if the U.S. dollar were to strengthen .

  7. 60万m~3原油商业储备库项目施工管理

    Construction Management for 60 × 104 m ~ 3 Commercial Crude Oil Depot Project

  8. 去年六月,我以实习生的身份加入了上海希尔顿的人才储备生项目。

    I joined Hilton Shanghai last June as an intern in the Graduate Intake Program .

  9. 随着我国石油化工工业的发展以及国家原油战略储备库项目的实施,石油储罐大型化成为发展的必然趋势。

    With the development of the petrochemical industry and the implementation of the national strategic oil reserve base project , the inevitable trend for oil storage tank will be large-scale .

  10. 技术升级、人力资源储备、项目设计经验、市场定位等方面存在着显著的优势,而组织结构、激励机制、信息化应用等方面存在着明显的不足。

    There is significant advantage in technology upgrades , human resource reserves , project design experience and market positioning , while there are obvious deficiencies in organization structure , incentives and information technology applications .

  11. 国家储备粮库试点项目小型烘干机系统应用效果

    Application of small drying system

  12. 他说财政部正在寻找一个和联邦储备的联合项目,那会使这些类型贷款的财政资助各个容易实现。

    He said that Treasury was exploring a joint program with the Federal Reserve that would seek to make financing of these types of loans more available .

  13. 高额外汇储备和经常项目与资本项目的双顺差给央行的汇率政策以及维持人民币汇率稳定带来了巨大压力。

    High foreign exchange reserves and the double surplus of current account and capital account have given severe pressure to the central bank to maintain the RMB exchange rate stability .

  14. 西沙拉曼说,印度希望就本国的巨额粮食储备和粮食补贴项目方面的未解决问题立即进行密集的谈判。

    India wants immediate and intensive negotiations over the unresolved issue of its vast grain stockpiling and food subsidy programmes , she said .

  15. 尽管有世界上最大的石油储备,社会主义计划项目提供的免费住房,对穷人的医疗保障和其他服务已经为经济带来了负担。

    Despite having the world 's largest oil reserves , spending for the socialist programs providing free housing , health care and other services to the poor have burdened the economy .

  16. 完善招商办公项目动态储备,做好招商项目的登记、分析、跟踪和查询,为投资者提供规范、可信、真实和快捷的招商办公服务是招商办公部门成为投资者桥梁和纽带的基础工作。

    Perfect project investment office , dynamic reserves investment project registration , analysis , tracking and query , provide investors with normal , credible , true and quick promotion office service is the bridge and the link of attracting investors becoming office department .

  17. 为了估计资金流出的规模,《华尔街日报》比较了中国外汇储备的变动规模和导致外汇储备增减的主要项目的变化情况。这些项目包括贸易顺差、外国直接投资、外国资产生息以及汇率的变动。

    To gauge the size of the outflow , the Journal compared the change in the country 's foreign-exchange reserves with changes in the main components that cause reserves to rise and fall : the trade surplus , foreign direct investment , interest on foreign assets and movements in exchange rates .