
  • 网络What-if;What-if analysis
  1. PortfolioDashboard具有记分卡和投资气泡图、OLAPPivots,和假设分析特性支持所需的过程来选择并管理用于投资组合的恰当的资产混合。

    The Portfolio Dashboard with its Scorecard and Investment Maps , OLAP Pivots , and what-if feature supports the processes required to select and manage the right mix of assets for a portfolio .

  2. 经过考虑,我把这个用例改成“做假设分析(what-if)游戏”,它的确有一个结果:了解财务计划。

    On consideration , I change this one to " playing what-if games ," which does have an outcome : learning financial planning .

  3. 对于此示例,假设分析人员注意到ScheduleTraining任务需要一个新数据字段。

    For this example , suppose the analyst notices a new data field is needed for the Schedule Training task .

  4. 用户可以输入数据、使用规划功能并创建沙箱区域来执行“What-if”假设分析。

    Users can input data , use planning capabilities and create Sandbox Areas to perform ' What-If ' Analysis .

  5. 本文通过对攻击模型的假设分析,进而对其通信的安全性进行了评估。

    Security of communication is assessed by analysis of attack models .

  6. 其大致过程是按照假设分析校核重新设计这样一个重复试算的过程,来寻找满足结构设计要求的设计结果。

    It searches a satisfying result with the process suppose-analyze-check-redesign .

  7. 基于评价行为的审计假设分析

    Analysis of Auditing Postulate On the Basis of Evaluation Behavior

  8. 均值差异原因的假设分析模型

    A Research on What-if Model of the Cause of Equal Value Difference

  9. 短波段内多重信号分类算法的窄带假设分析

    Analysis of the Narrow Band Precondition about MUSIC Algorithm in the Shortwave Band

  10. 投入产出的线性假设分析

    On the linearity assumption of the input-output analysis

  11. 审计人员行为的经济学假设分析

    Economic Hypothetical Analysis of the Behavior of Auditor

  12. 在此基础上对湖南省职业教育的发展方向及未来趋势做出了假设分析,期望能为职业教育发展提供一些参考。

    It makes presumptive analysis of vocational education development direction and tendency in Hunan Province .

  13. 全纳教育理论假设分析及对学校职业教育改革的启示

    Analysis on Theoretical Supposition of Inclusive Education and Its Enlightenment to Schools ' Vocational Education Reforms

  14. 这等同于一次运行成百上千个“假设分析”情境。

    This is the equivalent of running hundreds or thousands of " what-if " scenarios all at once .

  15. 这可以实现假设分析,又不会在优化前产生实施新配置的开销。

    This enables " what-if " analysis without incurring the overhead of implementing the new configuration before tuning .

  16. 行为价值评价管理包括两部分内容,一是通过对员工人性假设分析、员工个体需求、员工行为动力分析和员工行为特点分析来探求员工行为规律分析;

    Behavior - based value appraise management includes two parts : one is the employees ' behavior rules analysis .

  17. 信仰之于人:几种假设分析&论信仰发生作用的机制每一个有信仰上帝的人都相信永生?另一个生命。

    Impact of Conviction upon People : Some Hypothetic Analysis ; Every religion believes in eternity ? another life .

  18. 因为它很容易与不同的数字实验,电子表格软件是特别有用的假设分析。

    Because it is so easy to experiment with different numbers , spreadsheet software is particularly useful for what-if analysis .

  19. 经典排队模型采用独立性假设分析网络的性能,忽略通信系统中的某些相关性,它往往会得到较为苛刻的结论。

    Classical queueing models would analyze the performance of a network with independence assumption , which leads to relatively rigorous results .

  20. 通过贝叶斯网络的反向推理可以进行各类假设分析,识别网络中的薄弱环节,为配电系统可靠性再评估提供了有效工具。

    Weak points are identified during backward propagation for what-if studies . The model provides useful tools for distribution system reliability re-assessment .

  21. 决策者通常想要通过“假设分析”分析需求层次来看见分析的敏感性。

    Often the decision-maker will want to see the sensitivity of the analysis by doing " what-if " analysis on the layers of demand .

  22. 随后,对因变量、自变量和控制变量做了定义,通过假设分析及借鉴以前学者的基础上提出了本文研究的实证模型。

    Subsequently , define the dependent variable , independent variables and control variables by assuming analysis and put forward an empirical model of this study .

  23. 相对于传统的工程师,我们有着巨大的优势。传统工程师肯定也很希望能够免费地建造他们的设计,并进行假设分析的游戏。

    We have a huge advantage over traditional engineers , who would probably love to be able to construct their designs freely and play what-if games .

  24. 由于广告作为一种专门用途文体,有其特殊的功能和语言特征。该论文运用最佳新奇假设分析了广告双关语的文体效应。

    Since pun in advertising language is for special purpose , the thesis further uncovers the puns ' stylistic effect based on the optimal innovation hypothesis .

  25. 911事件发生以来,选择性分析法、竞争性假设分析法等已经被正式写进了情报分析手则之中。

    Since the " 9 / 11 " catastrophe , the alternative analysis , ACH and many other analysis tradecrafts have been written into the intelligence analysis doctrine .

  26. 分析方法上强调直接针对社会结构的关系模式来进行分析,以补强假设分析单位为「独立」户不影响的主流社会科学方法。

    Analytic methods deal directly with the patterned , relational nature of social structure in order to supplement – and sometimes supplant – mainstream methods that demand independent units of analysis .

  27. 新古典宏观经济学派又被大家成为理性预期学派,因为该学派主要依靠理性预期等假设分析宏观经济问题,认为政府不应该干预经济,市场经济自己会恢复平稳运行。

    New classical macroeconomic school was everybody become the rational anticipated school , because the school relies mainly on the rational anticipated etc hypothesis analysis of macroeconomic problems , think the government should not intervene in the economy , market economy will recover smoothly .

  28. 但国内外学术界对其研究甚少,国内外研究主要集中在以下方面:公务员的人性假设分析;公务员腐败、寻租等违法行为的分析;公务员激励机制和约束机制的研究。

    The research both at home and broad mainly focuses on the following aspects : Humanity hypothesis analysis of civil servants ; on civil servants corruption ; on the illegal behavior such as rent-seeking case ; research on incentive mechanism and restriction or binding mechanism for civil servants .

  29. 先通过税务筹划的概述,明确税务筹划的主体和类型;同时根据经济学的两个基本假设分析税务筹划的动因和目标,并进一步分析了相应的筹划技术。

    Firstly , through an overview of tax planning , the subject and the type of tax planning are made sure ; at the same time , according to two basic assumptions of economics , tax planning motives and goals , and plan further analysis of the corresponding technology .

  30. 星载双站SAR停走停假设误差分析

    Error analysis of stop and go hypothesis of spaceborne bistatic SAR