
  • 网络False news;disinformation
  1. 他们散布假消息,企图败坏政治家的名声。

    They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians

  2. 因此,西方对俄罗斯实施了制裁,打起了假消息战,并努力重振北约(NATO)作为军事组织的雄风。

    Hence the sanctions , the war of disinformation and the reinvigoration of Nato as a military force .

  3. 这是一条故意制造的假消息。

    This was a deliberate piece of misinformation .

  4. 她捏造了假消息。

    She invented false news .

  5. Facebook和谷歌两家本周已采取行动,限制在散布假消息的在线平台上投放广告。

    Both Facebook and Google have moved this week to restrict advertising on online platforms carrying fake news .

  6. 在唐纳德.特朗普(DonaldTrump)赢得美国大选之前,党派性网站发送的假消息以前所未有的方式在社交媒体上传播。

    Fake news propagated by partisan websites proliferated across social media in an unprecedented fashion ahead of Donald Trump 's victory in US elections .

  7. 周二,美联社Twitter账号发布的白宫发生两起爆炸、致使美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)受伤的假消息,让美国主要股指&标普500指数一度暴跌近1%。

    The leading S and P 500 share index briefly plunged almost 1 per cent on Tuesday after the false post on the AP Twitter account , which claimed that President Barack Obama had been injured in a double blast in the White House .

  8. 加上那个关于他最近下落的假消息。

    Add to that the phoney tip on his recent whereabouts .

  9. 这也可能是政治假消息,能够决定一场选举。

    or bogus political information that could decide an election .

  10. 很难衡量这些假消息影响选民的程度。

    The degree to which this influenced voters is hard to gauge .

  11. 这则假消息还真的在推特上骗了不少人。

    This one actually fooled quite a bit of people on Twitter .

  12. 有些人喜欢传播假消息。

    Some people like to circulate false news .

  13. 该网站发布了一条假消息,宣布将在凌晨关闭网站。

    The site teases the fake news that it will shut down at midnight .

  14. 在这一天,甚至是早间新闻也会传播假消息。

    On this day , even the morning news broadcast can spread false news .

  15. 这条假消息导致美国股市出现短暂而剧烈的下跌。

    The report caused a brief but sharp dip in the US stock market .

  16. 俄罗斯已经进攻格鲁吉亚的假消息引起了人们的恐慌。

    A spoof broadcast in Georgia claiming that Russia had invaded the country caused panic .

  17. 发假消息将会进监狱

    Fake texts will end in jail

  18. 其中有一位因为发布征税系统改革的假消息而被起诉。

    One was accused of writing a fake report about changes to the income tax system .

  19. 这条推特是假消息。

    The tweet was a hoax .

  20. 这是假消息。

    This is false news .

  21. 我感觉你好像给了我一条有关修道士的假消息。

    I have a feeling you 've been feeding me a line of shite about the Monk .

  22. 艾森豪威尔和他的好朋友塞雷纳·布雷特在怀俄明州散布印度将要袭击美国的假消息。

    Eisenhower and his close friend Sereno Brett planned and launched a fake " Indian attack " in Wyoming .

  23. 她的诉讼手段和她坚定的决心一致,公开发表强硬言论来反击那些关于她的假消息。

    Her litigious strategy tracks with her willingness to push back on her critics by issuing harsh public statements .

  24. 此前美国与巴基斯坦情报消息来源曾多次声称“马哈苏德已死”,但最终被证实为假消息。

    Several previous claims of his death , made by US and Pakistani intelligence sources , have proven untrue .

  25. 其中一些人成立了一个非官方工作组,调查他们的平台在传播假消息方面起到的作用。

    Some of them have formed an unofficial task force to investigate the role of their platform in spreading fake news .

  26. 这部新修订的法律增加了不少新规定,将9种常见行为列入刑事处罚范围。如:在微信、微博发布假消息;

    The revision includes several new articles regarding nine common offences , including posting false information on WeChat or micro blogs ;

  27. 也会用到试探法,就是放出实验性的假消息给对方,测试他们的反应如何。

    Sounding out is also used , where trial balloon ideas are sent to the other side to test their reaction .

  28. 2007年就曾有报道说罗琳正在撰写侦探小说,但后来这些报道被证明是假消息。

    It was reported in 2007 that Rowling had been working on a detective story , but these reports were later discredited .

  29. 他会在无意中成为向另一国情报机构提供假消息的渠道(肯·福利特)

    He would be the unconscious channel for a piece of disinformation aimed at another country 's intelligence service ( Ken Follett )

  30. 一名以散布假消息而著名的侏儒诗人,声称他知道一座藏满宝藏的古墓的位置。

    18a gnome bard , known for spreading falsehoods , claims that he knows the location of a forgotten tomb full of treasure .