
zhài wù qīnɡ chánɡ
  • Debt repayment;redemption of debt;retirement of debt
  1. 修正夫妻财产约定后的债务清偿问题;

    To correct debt discharge means with conjugal property stipulation ;

  2. 很明显它产生了债务清偿能力的问题。

    It was evident that it had created liquidity problems .

  3. 船舶变卖后债务清偿顺序之探讨

    A Research on Sequence of Debt Performance after Sale-of-the-Vessel

  4. 第一个结果会迫使债权人能够接受债务清偿后剩下的损失。

    The former forces lenders to accept losses beyond what borrowers can pay .

  5. 复杂债务清偿的矩阵算法

    A Matrix Algorithm for Clearing off Malti debts

  6. 合伙债务清偿制度安排问题研究

    Research on Institutional Arrangements of Joint Debts Liquidation

  7. 明确遗产债务清偿顺序。

    Five , clear heritage debt discharge sequence .

  8. 电子货币是指通过电子信息的交换来完成债务清偿的支付工具。

    The electronic money is a payment instrument for settlement obligations through exchanging electronic dates .

  9. 略论财产继承中的债务清偿

    Discharge of Debts in Inheritance of Property

  10. 债务清偿问题的一个多项式算法

    A Polynomial Algorithm for Clearing off Debts

  11. 丧失债务清偿能力的;

    Lost the capacity of debt redemption ;

  12. 夫妻债务清偿是夫妻财产关系中的难题。

    How to clear off the matrimonial debt is a big problem in the matrimonial property .

  13. 否则,股东则应当承担按份的债务清偿责任。

    If not , the shareholder is responsible to pay off the debt according to his share .

  14. 因此,债权人可以主张被吊销营业执照的公司承担债务清偿责任。

    So the creditors may require the company whose business license has been revoked to pay the debts .

  15. 与此同时,债务清偿负担正在束缚家庭对政策作出回应的能力。

    At the same time , debt-service burdens are constraining households ' ability to respond to policy actions .

  16. 为了评价流动性和债务清偿能力,使用一系列的周转比率指标是非常重要的。

    To evaluate the liquidity and debt-paying ability , using a series of turnover ratios is very important .

  17. 估算了宜万段高速公路建设项目财务评价指标,表明该项目具有叫好的收益能力和债务清偿能力;

    It shows by the calculating of financial evaluating index that this project has good ability to make profits and paying debt .

  18. 因此,研究合伙事务所的合伙债务清偿制度安排便成了会计界的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , it is an important subject of the accounting field to study the partnership debt discharged system of the partnership public accounting firm .

  19. 夫妻共同债务清偿后还存在债务的求偿问题,夫妻内部之间,除法律另有规定外,应平均分摊。

    Husband and wife joint debt settlement after debt claim , between husband and wife internal , unless otherwise provided by law . should be shared equally .

  20. 工会、经理办公室确认职工所借公司的实物或经济债权债务清偿完毕。

    The trade union and the general office confirm that any and all articles or economic debt owed by Party B from Party A has been settled completely .

  21. 抵押权因债务清偿或者其他原因而消灭的,应当依照规定办理注销抵押登记。

    If the mortgage is eliminated as a result of the liquidation of liabilities or for other reasons , procedures shall be undertaken to nullify the mortgage registration .

  22. 这将降低债务清偿负担,其作用与每年最高削减700亿美元的长期减税措施(在按揭期限内)相当。

    It would reduce debt-service burdens and offer the equivalent of a long-term tax cut ( over the life of the mortgage ) of up to $ 70bn annually .

  23. 确认劳务出资,还应处理好劳务出资的评估和法律责任等问题,以确保公司的资本真实和债务清偿。

    In order to acknowledge labor service contribution , we should deal well with the evaluation of labor services and its legal liability to guarantee capital reality and debt discharge .

  24. 为了保护遗产债权人的利益,立法上有必要对遗产债务清偿作出详细的规定。

    For protecting the legal rights of the creditor of the legacy , it is required to make out the detailed provisions on how to pay off the inherited debts .

  25. 用“代赎契”称号和拥有债权银行的全部财产回债务清偿,通常合同。

    Using a " deed in lieu of foreclosure ," the bank claims the title and possession of the property back in full satisfaction of a debt , usually on contract .

  26. 本部分介绍了关于继承客体的各种学说的内容,重点评价了法律地位说的内容和意义,阐明法律地位说是整个遗产债务清偿制度的理论基础。

    Part one is on various theories about the object of heirdom , such as the theory of heritage , the theory of estate and debts , the theory of legal status etc.

  27. 信托公司发放贷款时,往往立刻拥有抵押资产的所有权(这种资产通常被银行当作抵押品),只有在债务清偿以后才会返还产权。

    When making a loan , trusts often take immediate ownership of the assets that would normally be posted as collateral to banks , and only transfer them back once the debt has been repaid .

  28. 公司重整的法律性质表现为债务清偿与公司再建相结合,私权性质与社会本位相协调。重整制度的主要目的是债务清理和企业拯救。

    The legal nature of corporation reconstruction shows the combination of Debt Discharges and Corporation Reconstruction , the coordination of private-right nature and social standard . The main purpose of Reorganization System is Debt liquidation and Corporation Rescue .

  29. 财政部在1999年颁布的企业会计准则中将公允价值定义为在公平交易中,熟悉情况的交易双方自愿进行资产交换或者债务清偿的金额。

    Ministry of Finance defined the fair value as " a fair deal , familiar with the situation of the parties to the transaction or exchange their assets the amount of debt repayment " in the corporate accounting standards issued in 1999 .

  30. 首先,主权债务清偿成本势将大幅上升,超过诸如环境保护和一些社会服务等项目的偿债成本。而且,不像以往那些成功的财政调整,今后没有哪个国家能够把下调利率作为一种权宜之计。

    First , sovereign debt service costs are set to soar , overshadowing those for programmes , such as environmental protection and some social services , and , unlike past successful fiscal adjustments , no country can lower interest rates as a palliative .