
  • 网络Debt contract;Debt covenant;indenture
  1. 债务契约对上市公司金融资产分类具有一定影响,但在各年呈现出不一致性,且与宏观经济形势有关。

    Debt covenants with certain financial assets are classified in listed companies , but in each year showing the inconsistency , and the macroeconomic situation .

  2. 这一裁定令人对债务契约的有效性和债权人为向俄罗斯公司提供的贷款要求担保的能力产生了疑问。

    The freeze called into question the validity of debt covenants and the ability of creditors to claim collateral used to secure loans to Russian companies .

  3. 公司扭亏行为盈余管理影响因素包括政治成本、债务契约、ST等因素;

    The influence factors reverses losses include political cost , debt contract and ST.

  4. Watts和Zimmerman根据经济学的契约理论,对会计政策选择的经济动机提出了三大假设:.补偿计划假设、债务契约假设、政治成本假设。

    Watts and Zimmerman give us the three hypothesizes of economic incentives : Compensation contract hypothesis , Political cost hypothesis , and Debt contract hypothesis .

  5. 债务契约与外部审计需求关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Relationship between Debt Contracts and External Audit Demand

  6. 企业的风险置换行为及其对债务契约的选择

    Firm 's Risk-shifting Behavior and Its Selection of Debt Contracts

  7. 其中,理论分析主要从债务契约理论与信息不对称理论出发。

    The theory mainly contains debt contract theory and the information asymmetry theory .

  8. 治理环境、控制人性质与债务契约假说

    Governance Environment , Controller 's Characteristic and Debt-covenant Hypothesis

  9. 论债务契约约束与企业会计政策选择

    On the Restriction of Debt Contracts and the Selection of Firm 's Accounting Policies

  10. 会计信息与债务契约的相互影响

    Analysis of Accounting Information and Liability Contract

  11. 每当借款者认为订立外币债务契约较为廉价,汇率错配就会出现。

    Currency mismatches occur whenever borrowers find it cheaper to contract debts in foreign currencies .

  12. 不对,美国财政部不能单方面修改其债务契约的条款。

    No , the US Treasury cannot unilaterally rewrite the terms on its debt obligations .

  13. 当前国内外学者普遍认同盈余信息在债务契约中的重要性,但是就银行能否识别盈余质量这一问题,国内的研究并未形成较为一致的结论。

    Currently many domestic and international scholars generally recognize the importance of earnings quality in debt contracts .

  14. 相反债务契约限制性条款的存在,增加了债务企业的违约风险。

    On the contrary the existence of restrictive clauses in debt contracts add the debt default risk to enterprises .

  15. 由于我国企业薪酬制度和国有公司债务契约软约束的特殊性,我国企业的盈余管理动机也呈现出独有的特点。

    Because of remuneration system and debt soft constraint in China , the motivation of earnings management possessed unique characteristics .

  16. 企业契约的制定过程中,应全面权衡,综合考虑,制定完善合理的债务契约和薪酬契约,充分发挥薪酬契约机制和银行监督机制对上市公司盈余管理行为的治理作用。

    Companies should consider more comprehensive and formulate reasonable debt and compensation contracts , giving full play to their governance effects .

  17. 债务契约是限制经理人员活动或要求经理人员按一定目的进行行动的条款或条件。

    Liability contract is the clauses or conditions which restrict managers 's activities or require managers to act on a certain purpose .

  18. 企业的会计选择是由分红计划、债务契约和政治成本这3个契约变量决定的。

    Bonus plan , debt contract and political cost are the three important contract variations which cause an enterprise to make accounting selection .

  19. 由于债务契约诱使股东选择风险更大的项目进行投资,举债就产生了股东和债权人的激烈冲突。

    Because the debt contract lures the shareholder to choose a risk bigger project to invest , that conflicted between the shareholder and creditor .

  20. 这三大假说对应的契约关系分别为报酬契约、债务契约和政治成本,文章分别从这三个方面进行了论述。

    Three contract relations reward contract , debt contract and political cost related to the three famous hypotheses , are addressed in this article .

  21. 其终极目的在于获取私人利益,具体目的为筹资、避税、获取政治资本以及规避债务契约约束等。

    The aims are to obtain the private benefit , collect capitals , escape taxes , obtain political capitals and evade the obligations of contracts .

  22. 这一点,首先是通过普遍实行的措施而做到的,例如禁止缔结以债务人的人身作抵押的债务契约。

    The first step was the introduction of general measures & for example , the prohibition of debt contracts pledging the person of the debtor .

  23. 从债务契约的角度而言,为缓解债权债务各方的代理冲突,以谨慎性原则修正财务会计中的计量属性选择是必要的。

    In terms of debt contract , it is necessary to revise measurement attributes using prudence principle in order to reducing conflicts between creditor and debtor .

  24. 本文以民营上市公司为对象,研究报酬契约与债务契约对盈余管理行为的影响。

    The paper studies the effect of compliment contraction and debt contraction on earnings management based on the data from the report of Private List Company .

  25. 财务约束研究主要探讨债务契约施加在管理者身上的财务约束对管理者激励和经济效率的影响。

    Financial constraint study consists of the effort made to understand the impacts of the constraints induced by debt financing on managerial incentives and economic efficiency .

  26. 这些结论表明我国债权人监督可以抑制应计盈余管理行为,在债务契约的影响下,管理层更多采用真实盈余管理行为来操纵利润。

    The results show that creditors can inhibit accrual earnings management , and managers will use more real earnings management in the effect of debt covenant .

  27. 债务契约是用来规范企业股东、经理和债权人代理关系的法律文件,为了维护自己的权益不受侵犯,债权人通常要求在债务契约中包含若干针对代理人行为的限制性条款。

    In view of modern contracts theory , the debt contracts are the legal documents which legalize the agency relationship among the shareholders , managers and creditors .

  28. 后来的学者基于债务契约假说研究了债务契约的治理效应,但都是基于应计盈余管理研究的。

    Based on Debt Covenant Hypothesis , many scholars studied the governance effects of debt covenant , but all of them concentrated on the accrual earnings management method .

  29. 到目前为止,和债务契约期限结构有关的理论大多来自西方发达国家,因为西方发达国家有完善的资本市场和法律体系。

    So far , the theory of debt contracts in the structure were almost from western developed countries , because they have mature capital market and legal mechanisms .

  30. 当契约不完全时,许多利益冲突不可能在事前加以解决,相机控制权配置就成为治理债务契约中利益冲突的重要手段。

    As a result , many conflicts of interests cannot be solved beforehand and the contingent allocation of rights of control rises to be an important solution to this problem .