
xìn xī kē xué
  • information science
  1. 今年,中国在“农业科学、植物学和动物学”“化学与材料科学”“数学”“信息科学”4个领域全球领先;

    This year , China leads the world in four major research categories : agricultural sciences , botany and zoology ; chemistry and materials science ; mathematics and information science .

  2. 近年来,语义Web与Web挖掘成为信息科学的两大研究热点。

    Semantic web and web mining have recently been two research focuses of information science .

  3. Internet具有重要的地理信息科学资源。

    There are some important resources of Geographical Information Sciences on Internet .

  4. INTERNET上的地理信息科学资源

    Resources of Geographical Information Sciences on Internet Studying Geography

  5. GIS是现代地理科学与空间信息科学相结合的产物,是现代地学领域十分重要的一门分析和应用工具。

    GIS is an important analysis and application tool in earth science , which is based on contemporary geography and spatial information science .

  6. 近年来,HMM在生物信息科学、故障诊断等领域也开始得到应用。

    In recent years , HMM goes into bioinformation and fault diagnosis as well .

  7. 最后呼吁GIS领域应尽快引进格网计算技术,推动地球信息科学发展。

    Finally , it calls for the GIS world to introduce network computation technique as early as possible so as to promote development in Geo-information science .

  8. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSN)是一种综合了多种电子信息科学技术的新型无线网络,具有十分广阔的应用前景。

    Wireless sensor networks ( WSN ), with a wide application future , is a new wireless network which compose multiple science and technology of the electronics information .

  9. 多学科综合设计中的文档管理研究近年来,地理信息科学(GIS,GeographicalInformationScience)已成为一个多学科、多方向的研究领域。

    Study on File Management System in Multi - subject Integrated Design During these years , GIS ( Geographical Information Science ) has become a research domain of multi-subject and multi-direction concerning .

  10. 由Kohonen提出的自组织映射神经网络(SOM)被广泛用在信息科学领域。

    The SOM neural networks proposed by Kohonen have been widely applied in information sciences .

  11. Ken拥有UniversityofMarylandUniversityCollege的计算机与信息科学学士学位和技术管理科学硕士学位。

    He holds a bachelor 's degree in computer and information science , as well as a master 's degree in technology management from the University of Maryland University College .

  12. 21世纪中心科学技术(centralscience&technology)转移的趋势是从信息科学技术到生物科学技术(包括生命科学技术)再到认知科学技术(智能科学技术)。

    The central science and technology shift trend in the 21st century is from info-science and technology to bio-science andtechnology ( including life-science and technology ), and further to cognitive science and technology ( intelligent science and technology ) .

  13. 网格技术是当前信息科学的主要发展方向之一,是继Internet之后的又一次重大技术进步,是我国科技中长期发展规划重点支持的关键技术领域。

    Grid technology is one of the main development directions of information science , another significant technology advancement after the Internet , and key-technological field mainly supported by our country for medium-term and long-term development project of science and technology .

  14. X射线成像方法学在近年来取得了长足的发展,在临床医学、生命科学、材料科学、信息科学以及诸多工业应用领域中获得了极其广泛的应用。

    X-ray imaging methodology has been made great progress in recent years , especially for the applications of clinical medicine , life science , material science , information science , and a variety of industrial fields .

  15. 从地理信息科学的基本特征入手,深入研究了地理信息系统向语义方向发展、向移动GIS和语义GIS服务方向发展的必然性,剖析了其现状、相关支撑技术以及当前所面临的问题。

    In-depth analysis of geographic information science is investigated according to its essential characteristic , and come to a conclusion that geographic information system inevitably goes to the semantic GIS , mobile GIS and semantic GIS service directions .

  16. GIS作为一门集信息科学,空间科学、地球科学于一体的新技术学科,它的应用为城市防震减灾系统的建设提供了理想的技术支持。

    GIS ( Geographic Information System ), as a new branch of technology , combines information science , space science and geo-science etc together , and provides an ideal technological support for the development of the disaster reduction system .

  17. GIS是一种在计算机硬件和软件支持下,基于系统工程和信息科学的理论,进行管理和综合分析具有空间分布性质的地理数据的系统。

    With the help of the hardware and software , geographic information system ( GIS ) is a system based on the theory of systems engineering and information science that can manage and analyze synthetically geographic data with spatial distributing property .

  18. 射频识别(RFID)技术是一门多学科定义,具有极其广泛应用领域的新兴的信息科学与技术,它涵盖了电子系统、信息处理、信息安全、微电子与固体电子等领域。

    RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) system is a new information science and technology , which involves many subjects , such as electrical systems , information disposal , information security , microelectronics and solid-state electronics , etc.

  19. 从枚(MEI)系统经济学的角度将网络分成实体网络和虚拟网络两大类,并引入信息科学中全信息的概念。该系统基于。

    In this paper , Network is divided into two categories which are entitative network and virtual network based on MEI system economics , the concept of overall information is introduced from information science .

  20. 光电信息科学与技术的迅猛发展,呼唤着新型光电功能材料与之相适应;ZnS作为一种性能优良的光学、电学和光电一体化材料,具有极大的应用价值。

    The Science and Technological for photoelectricity has a great progress recently and it needs eagerly new type photoelectric materials to meet it requirement . ZnS is one of very useful photoelectric materials .

  21. 论文研究主要涉及嵌入式开发技术、3S集成技术、空间数据采集、移动计算技术、无线通讯技术、GPS定位导航等技术以及计算机科学和空间信息科学等领域。

    This paper is focused on the following technologies : embedded development , 3S integration , spatial data collection , mobile computing , wireless communication , GPS positioning and navigation , and the fields of computer science and spatial information science .

  22. 计算机辅助技术结合生物学、工程学和信息科学在组织工程中应用已发展成一个崭新领域&计算机辅助组织工程(CATE)。

    Advances in computer-aided technology and its integration with biology , engineering , and information technology to tissue engineering application have developed a new field of computer-aided tissue engineering ( CATE ) .

  23. 网格技术与空间信息科学的融合产生了空间信息网格SIG和GRIDGIS,作为SIG和GRIDGIS的重要组成部分,空间数据网格在整个空间信息网格中起重要作用。

    The mixture of the grid technology and the space information science has produced Spatial Information Grid ( SIG ) and Grid GIS . As an important constituent of SIG and the Grid GIS , the spatial data grid plays a significant role in the entire spatial information grid .

  24. 人工神经网络(NN)、遗传算法(GA)和模拟退火算法(SAA)的研究是当代信息科学的前沿和热点,也为非线性系统辨识理论的发展开辟了崭新的途径。

    The research of artificial neural networks ( NN ), genetic algorithms ( GA ), and simulated annealing algorithms ( SAA ) are the focus of modern information technology . It also opens a new route for the develop of nonlinear system identification .

  25. 近年来,提出的利用电磁感应透明效应(EIT)将量子态光场存储在原子系综中的新方案,已发展成为目前量子信息科学的重要研究内容之一。

    In recent years , a new scheme , which use of the electromagnetic induced transparency ( EIT ) medium to store the quantum states of light field , is one of the important researches in quantum information science .

  26. 在现代信息科学和生命科学相互交叉渗透的研究领域,由生物免疫系统启发的人工免疫系统(AIS)是继脑神经系统(神经网络)和遗传系统(进化计算)之后的又一个研究热点。

    Crossing the penetrating research region with life science mut ua lly at modern information science , artificial immune system ( AIS ) that inspired by biological immune system is a hot point after brain nervous system ( nerual n etwork ) and genetic system ( evolve calculation ) .

  27. 现代信息科学与生命信息科学的比较研究

    The Comparative Study on Modern Information Science and Life Information Science

  28. 信息科学和信息学:历史与发展、区别与统一

    Information Science and Informatics : History and Development , and Difference Unification

  29. 数字鸿沟与地球信息科学的应对

    The arithmetic figure margin replies with the Earth information science

  30. 论农业信息科学的形成与发展

    Discussion on the formation and development of agricultural information science