
  • 网络INSURANCE;insurance studies;Actuarial science
  1. 高等院校保险学专业课程改革探索

    Study on the Reform of Insurance Speciality in Higher Education Universities

  2. 最终的风险计量又将保险学中风险理论贯穿其中,从而得到一个考虑较为全面,又较实用的隧道工程风险计量体系。

    The final risk measuring adopts the risk theory of insurance .

  3. 而鞅论与停时更是现代金融学、破产理论、风险投资、保险学的理论基础。

    Martingales and stopping times are the basis of Finance theory .

  4. 2001-2005年我国保险学文献计量分析

    Bibliometric Analysis of Insurance Literatures Published during the Period of 2001-2005

  5. 保险学是保险实践的理论概括和总结。

    This is the theoretical generalization of insurance practice .

  6. 前景理论在保险学中的应用

    Application of Prospect Theory to Insurance

  7. 保险学和管理学都是保险企业管理学的母学科;

    The insurance and the management are the metro science of the management of insurance enterprise .

  8. 本课程为保险学基本概念与原则的一个综合分析。

    This course is a comprehensive analysis of the major concepts and principles applicable to insurance .

  9. 华顿商学院影响到无数与商业相关的领域,包括保险学、医疗保健、法律以及伦理学。

    It has influenced countless business-related disciplines , including insurance , health care , law and ethics .

  10. 保险学复杂而精深,在具体处理理赔问题时,不可避免需要法律对其进行规制。

    Insurance complicated and profound , dealing in detail with compensation issues , needs legal rules and regulations .

  11. 本文以经济学、社会学和保险学原理为指导,吸收前人研究成果,从人口老龄化的角度对福建省基本养老保险问题进行了较为详尽的分析。

    In terms of population aging , the author makes comparatively exhaustive analysis on the problem of endowment insurance .

  12. 保险学主要研究和阐述保险的一般规律和基本理论,介绍保险的基本业务和基础知识。

    The course studies and relates same law and basic theory , introduce the basic operation and knowledge of insurance .

  13. 第二,运用区域经济学和保险学的基本理论,结合农业保险的供求形成机理,对区域农业保险的供求形成机理进行了理论阐释。

    Explain the mechanism of supply and demand for regional agriculture insurance by bringing to bear the basic theory of regional economics and insurance .

  14. 法律利益原则与经济利益原则孰优孰劣,一直是保险学领域广泛争议的问题。

    Which of the two principles the legal interest principle and the economic interest prin ciple is better has long been an extensively disputed problem .

  15. 利用保险学理论对地质灾害风险进行分析可知地质灾害风险基本符合可保险条件,具有可保性。

    Through analysis on geological disaster risk by using the theory of insurance , we conclude that geological disaster risk basically accord with the insurable conditions .

  16. 为此,本文结合信息经济学和保险学的相关知识分析了道德风险与逆向选择是如何构成存款保险的制度性缺陷的。

    Combined with some corresponding knowledge of information economics and insurance this article analyzes the reason of how the moral risk and adverse option constitute the systematic defect in the deposit insurance .

  17. 我的专业课程有:货币银行学,保险学,财政学,金融工程,金融法,投资学,证券投资学,中央银行学,商业银行学等科目。

    I course : money and banking , insurance , public finance , finance engineering , finance law , investment , portfolio investment , central banks , commercial banks and other subjects .

  18. 本文运用统计学、管理学、社会保险学、计量经济学等的有关理论与方法,研究了我国煤矿工伤风险综合评价及保险费率机制。

    This dissertation researches coal mine industrial injury risk evalution and insurance premium rate mechanism in our country according to the theories and methods of statistics , management , social insurance and econometrics .

  19. 借助于他在精算学和保险学以及对心碎症状的知识,他试图解决华尔街定量金融家最棘手的问题:违约相关性。

    Borrowing from his work in actuarial science and insurance and his knowledge of the broken-heart syndrome , he attempted to solve one of Wall Street quants ' most intractable problems : default correlation .

  20. 本文质疑了期望效用理论在保险学中的分析,并用前景理论来解释保险业务,提出购买保险产品者在面临收益时是风险偏好的,在面临损失时是风险规避的观点。

    This paper oppugns the analysis of expect utility theory , uses prospect theory to interpret insurance , and points out that insurance buyer is risk seeking when facing gains and risk averse when facing lose .

  21. 本文运用保险学原理和计量经济学分析方法,建立了我国寿险需求函数的计量模型,并估算了我国寿险需求的收入弹性。

    This paper made a metric model of China life insurance demands function and imputed the income elasticity of China life insurance demands on the basis of the principles of life insurance and methodology of econometrics .

  22. 不仅局限于本学科,而是针对研究对象&委托代理风险管理,融合了保险学、经济学、管理学等多门学科的专业知识进行全方位详细分析。

    Is not confined to this subject , but against the object of study - principal-agent risk management , and integration of an insurance policy , economics , management and other multi-discipline expertise to conduct comprehensive detailed analysis .

  23. 本文以保险学监管理论和会计学财务理论为基础,对非寿险偿付能力监管指标的有效性进行了研究,探索了改善监管指标的途径,提出了改进设想。

    Based on theories in insurance supervision and in accounting and finance , this dissertation conducted the research on the effectiveness of solvency supervisory indicators for non-life insurance , explored ways to improve existing supervisory indicators and presented corresponding suggestions .

  24. 本文首先对Pareto分布的发展作了简单的介绍,并介绍了Pareto分布族在经济学、社会学、环境学、保险精算学中的广泛应用。

    This paper introduces the development of Pareto Distribution Family and it 's application in Economics , Sociology , Euthenics and Actuarial Statistics .

  25. 关于《保险精算学》的几个问题

    Several Questions about the Actuarial Science of Insurance

  26. 保险精算学与保险经济学中保险产品定价之比较

    Pricing Comparison of Insurance Products between Actuarial Science of Insurance and Economics of Insurance

  27. 根据保险精算学原理推导了随机利率模型下的寿险产品的精算模型;

    Actuarial models of life insurance products with stochastic interest rate are deduced according to the actuarial insurance theory .

  28. 保险精算学是一个围绕生与死的统计学科而心碎现象的统计也变得非常引人注目。

    Actuarial science is the study of the statistics surrounding life and death and the statistics surrounding the broken heart phenomenon were striking .

  29. 风险理论是保险精算学的重要组成部分,它是对保险所面临的各种风险进行数理分析的理论。

    Risk theory is the system of mathematical statistics analysis on all kinds of risk , which is the main part of insurance .

  30. 从拉瓦尔大学毕业后,他进入多伦多附近的滑铁卢大学学习保险精算学。

    After graduation from Laval , he enrolled at a new university , Waterloo , near Toronto . He would now be studying actuarial science .