
  1. 通过对两大法系的立法考察得出有益于保险合同形式立法选择的结论。

    The results of legislation chosen of the form of the insurance contract depend on the reviews of two great system of the law established .

  2. 本文首先对免责条款进行法理分析,结合免责条款在保险合同中的表现形式,论证其合理性的一面。

    Based on the analysis of its expression form in insurance contracts , the rationalization aspects are proved in this paper .

  3. 虽然保险合同双方当事人在形式上是平等的,但由于其利益交换形式的特殊性,存在着实质不平等的潜能;

    Though both parties of insurance contract are equal in form , since its interest exchange is particular , the unequal latent really exists ;

  4. 内容包括海上保险合同的订立、形式、内容、效力、履行、变更和转让、终止以及解释等环节。

    The content of this paper included : conclusion , form , content , effectiveness , performance , modification and assignment , termination and interpretation of contract .

  5. 接着论述不正当免责条款在保险合同中的表现形式,并就此提出应从行政规制和司法控制两个方面来规制不正当免责条款。

    And according to the form of the unfair clauses appeared in insurance contracts , the paper tries to put forward some useful suggestions from administration rules and judicial control to regulate the unfair clauses in the insurance contract .

  6. 洪水保险作为一种以保险合同形式存在的损失补偿方式,能够为洪灾损失提供经济补偿。

    Flood insurance , which exist in the form of insurance contract , could compensate the loss economically .

  7. 由于艺术品的价值难以确定,在实际操作中,艺术品保险合同一般采用定值保险合同形式。

    Because of the value of art work is difficult to ascertain , in actual operation , art insurance generally use valued policy .

  8. 本文针对争论比较多的保险合同的特征、保险合同中的要约与承诺、保险合同的形式以及保险利益等四个问题展开分析和讨论。

    The article discusses four problems : the characteristics of insurance contracts , the offer and acceptance in a insurance contract , the form of a insurance contract , and the interest of insurance .