
  1. Poisson过程及其稀疏过程在保险公司破产问题中的应用

    Ruin Problem for The Poisson Processes and p & Thinning Processes

  2. 保险公司破产模型的进一步研究

    A Further Research on a Ruin Model of Insurance Companies

  3. 本局会接受任何因保险公司破产而未能获得处理之赔偿申请。

    The Bureau will accept liability for claims unsettled because of the insolvency of an insurance company .

  4. 罚金函数是保险公司破产前瞬间盈余和破产时赤字的函数。

    Penalty function is the function of the deficit at ruin and the surplus immediately before ruin .

  5. 给出了一个保险公司破产的数学模型,并求出了保险公司破产的概率。

    A mathematical model is given for bankruptcy of insurance company and its probability of bankruptcy is obtained .

  6. 迫于市场压力,美联储(Fed)被迫斥资850亿美元,接管美国国际集团(AIG),以避免这家最大的保险公司陷于破产。

    And market pressures forced the Federal Reserve into a huge $ 85bn takeover of AIG , our largest insurer , to avert its bankruptcy .

  7. 保险公司之所以破产,是由于承保人误解了其保单的风险特征,就像美国国际集团(aig),或是由于欺诈,就像equityfundings。

    They fail because underwriters misunderstood the risk characteristics of their policies , as at AIG , or because of fraud , as at equity fundings .

  8. 通过正规变化函数的Potter界,先给出特殊模型下保险公司发生破产的概率分布的界,进而得出一般模型下保险公司发生破产的概率分布的极限表达式。

    Using the Potter 's boundary , the boundary of the ruin probability in a particular model was given in advance , then the limitation expression of insurance company ruin probability was obtained .

  9. 在这样的条件下,利用Gerber-Shiu贴现罚函数推导出了保险公司的破产概率。

    An expression of ruin probability in this situation is derived from discussing the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function .

  10. 保险公司的破产已提到议事日程。

    The bankruptcy of insurance companies has been brought up now .

  11. 美国财产保险公司的破产成本分析与启示

    The Cost of Property - Casualty Insurance Company Failures in the USA

  12. 中国保险控股公司破产风险及其防范

    The Precaution System Against the Risk of Bankruptcy for Insurance Holding Company in China

  13. 好几家大型人寿保险公司已经破产。

    Several big life insurers have gone bust .

  14. 保险公司的破产关系到金融业乃至整个国家的稳定。

    The bankruptcy of insurance company can cause serious impact on the stability of the whole financial sector , even the whole society .

  15. 讨论索赔量的分布为一类重尾分布,研究了在发生索赔次数与收取保费次数不独立的情形下,保险公司发生破产的概率分布。

    Under the hypothesis that the claim size is heavy-tailed and the number of premium rate and the claim number are dependent , the distribution of ruin probability was obtained .

  16. 保险公司理论破产后,为了弄清破产的严重程度,破产持续时间是一个重要的破产量。

    After the theoretical ruin in insurance company , in order to describe the severity of the ruin , the duration of ruin is a important quantity of the ruin .

  17. 假设盈余过程满足正安全负载条件,应用常微分方程的理论,推导保险公司最终破产概率的分析表达式,并给出实例说明。

    Assuming to satisfy the positive safety loading condition , an analytical expression for the ultimate ruin probability of an insurance company cab be derived using the ordinary differential equation theory , and illustration is given by examples .

  18. 让出现严重危机的保险公司通过破产退出保险市场,既符合市场经济优胜劣汰的规律,又能强化保险公司自身以及广大保单持有人及其他金融消费者的风险防范意识。

    Let the insurance company which get in serious crisis withdrawl from the market is accord with the law of the market economy survival of the fittest , and also this will strengthen the risk prevention awareness of the insurance company , the policy holder and other financial consumers .

  19. 保险公司确实会破产,但原因不是这些模式所描述的,而是由于一些意料之外或被忽视的事件,例如暴露于石棉、或英国上议院对公平人寿(EquitableLife)的裁定等长期隐患。

    Insurance companies do fail , but not for the reasons described in such models . They fail because of events that were unanticipated or ignored , such as the long-hidden danger from asbestos exposure , or the House of Lords judgment on Equitable Life .

  20. 把随机过程中的随机游动模型和排队论运用到保险事务中,得到保险公司破产概率的一个上界,并引出影响破产概率的调节系数。

    This text has studied the random walks and queues in the insurance , then acquired a super-bounds for the ruin probability of the insurance and given a Lundberg type coefficient of ruin probability .

  21. 偿付能力不足会极大增加保险公司的经营风险,成为保险公司破产的主要原因。

    The shortage of solvency will increase the operating risk of the insurance company and which becomes the main reason of company bankruptcy .

  22. 纵观世界保险业,许多发达资本主义国家的保险公司破产都是由偿付能力危机引发的。

    Throughout the insurance industry in the world , many insurance companies bankrupt due to a solvency crisis .

  23. 随着我国保险市场主体的快速增加,保险公司的破产已是不可回避的现实问题。

    With the quick increase of the main bodies of insurance market , the bankruptcy of insurance companies is inevitable reality .

  24. 将利率因素引入到一类保险风险的控制问题中,研究了常利率下保险公司为最小化破产概率,其新风险业务最优比例的选取问题。

    The interest force is introduced into a kind of control problem of the insurance risk . The optimal proportion of new risk business under constant interest rate is studied . Optimal is meant in the sense of minimizing the ruin probability of the insurance company .

  25. 如何尽快提高保险资金的投资收益、保持较好的动态偿付能力、降低保险公司的破产水平是每个保险公司的必然选择。

    So how to enhance the profits from investment , keep good solvency ability and decrease the level of ruin probability are the necessary choices for each insurance company .

  26. 而在实际保险实务中当保险公司的盈余过程低于某一限度时,保险公司就面临着破产问题,所以本文就这两种情况都进行了讨论。

    But in the fact , insurance company is facing bankruptcy when the surplus as a limit below . So the two aspects are discussed .

  27. 新的模型下保险公司的盈余资本可用一个随机游动过程描述,利用停时理论和鞅论证明了保险公司的破产概率的一个上界。

    In the new model , the surplus of the insurance company can be described by a random walk process . Based on the stopping-time theory and the martingale theory , an upper bound of the ruin probability is being proved .