
  • 网络insurance theory
  1. 首先列举几种主流的学术观点,主要有特殊救济说、一般救助说、失业保险学说、互助保险说、社会津贴说。

    First listed several mainstream academic point of view , mainly list several employment security systems , special relief system , general assistance system , unemployment insurance system , mutual insurance theory , social allowance system .

  2. 通过梳理各种理论学说,明确刑事被害人国家补偿制度的理论根基,即以国家责任说为主体、社会保险说为辅助。

    List out various theories and confirm that the theoretical foundation is Theory of State Liabilities supplemented by Theory of Social Insurance .

  3. 尽管Zynga并未透露任何与上市时间有关的信息,但保险的说,直到劳动节后(9月的第一个周一&译者注)该公司才有可能真正上市。

    The company does not say anything about timing , but it 's a safe bet that Zynga doesn 't plan to actually go public until sometime after Labor Day .

  4. 保险公司说我应当将我的首饰估一个价。

    The insurancecompany said I should have my jewellery valued .

  5. 是的。车辆保险局说两辆货车完全没用了。

    The vehicle insurers say the lorries are complete write-offs .

  6. 可以保险地说在一生开始的时候,这个转盘是停在“0”上;似乎没有道理要去改变它位置。

    It 's safe to assume that we start life with that dial set at zero , and we rarely see any reason to change it .

  7. 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫自《哈利·波特》系列电影后的转型之作预告片出来了,而且我们可以保险地说,他已经以恐怖风格从霍格沃茨毕业了。

    The teaser trailer for Daniel Radcliffe 's first'grown up'film since Harry Potter has been released * and it 's safe to say he 's graduated Hogwarts in spooky style .

  8. 阿里斯产权保险公司说,这项技术不归它所有,但是如果这个年交易额高达550亿美元的市场能够变得更透明,让人更有信心,那么作为这个市场的保险提供者,阿里斯公司也将从中获益。

    ARIS said it had no ownership of the technology , but would benefit from the greater transparency and confidence in a $ 55-billion-a-year market in which it sells insurance .

  9. 北川县城里的一位保险推销员说:“我知道我的同事已经死在这底下了,但是我有责任找到他。”

    An insurance company salesman in desolate and empty Beichuan said : " I know my colleague is dead under here but I owe it to him to find him . "

  10. 保险经纪说,中国有钱人很少能够没有任何问题地通过体检,常见的毛病包括胆固醇偏高之类。中国商人往往要比新加坡和台湾的投保人多给出7%到10%的保费以弥补他们身体的缺陷。

    Few Chinese businesspeople pass physical tests without any red flags such as high cholesterol levels , insurance brokers say . Chinese businesspeople often pay 7 % to 10 % more than people in Singapore or Taiwan , brokers said .

  11. 投资医疗健康技术将消除不必要花费并防止重叠保险,贝利说。

    Investments in health care technology will eliminate unnecessary costs and prevent duplicative care , Bailey said .

  12. 打个比方,如果你患了某种疾病。有时保险公司会说,存在年度限制或终生限制。

    So , say you 've had some sort of illness . Sometimes the insurance company will say there 's a yearly cap or a lifetime cap .

  13. 2008年和2009年初,此类保护机制的溢价(或者说利差)曾急剧扩大,这显示投资者愿意支付更多成本购买防范违约的保险,或者说他们愿意押注于银行的信誉崩溃。

    The premium paid for protection or spread widened sharply in 2008 and early 2009 , indicating that investors were willing to pay more to insure against a default or to bet against the creditworthiness of a bank .

  14. 保险公司欺骗我说他们会为我的房子保险。

    The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house .

  15. 来自好事达保险公司的吉姆詹宁斯说,分心驾驶事故的首要原因是手机。

    Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company says the number one cause of distracted-driving accidents is the mobile phone .

  16. 保险从本质上说是人们规避风险或转移风险的一种方式,由面临同类危险的人组成团体,筹集资金,当个人遭遇不测时由全体成员共同分担个人的风险与损失。

    Insurance is a way for people avoiding or transferring risk , by people who confronted with similar risk form a group , raise money , all the members will share risk and loss when individual come to a bad end .

  17. 代位求偿权与损害赔偿请求权的冲突与规制,可以推断,我国立法实质上采纳了被保险人地位优先说的主张,应当注重操作层面上的合理化来避免法律规避行为。

    The conflict and rules and regulations of the subrogation and damages right of claim can reckon , the our country legalization substantially adopted an assured stance the priority says of claim , should pay attention to operate the rationalization on the bedding plane to avoid law evading behavior .

  18. 此部分分析的重点在于保险利益及其归属,保险说和保证说争议的一个最重要的问题就在于保证保险中的投保人对保险标的是否具有保险利益。

    This section is focused on the analysis of insurable interest and whom it belongs to . The most important focus of the controversy between " insurance " and " guarantee " is that whether the policy-holder has insurable interest on the subject matter of insurance .

  19. 汽车消费贷款保证保险的法律性质在理论上存在保证说与保险说之争。

    There are insurance theory and guarantee theory about it .

  20. 国内对保证保险的性质存在三种学说:保险说、保证说和联姻说。

    INSURANCE In China , there are three theories , namely , insurance surety and synthesis .

  21. 第一部分保险代位求偿权的理论依据与立法意义分析。学者关于保险代位权的立法目的有多种学说,本文在逐一分析上述学说基础上得出自己观点即赞成防止被保险人不当得利说并阐述原因。

    This essay is divided five parts : The first part , the basis of theory about Insurance subrogation right and the legislation significance analysis .