
  • 网络Bonded Logistics Park;Bonded Logistic Park;BLP
  1. 在此基础之上,结合宏观因素和微观因素,采用PENTS、五力模型和SWOT分析方法,对北海保税物流园区的发展环境进行了全面论述。

    On this basis , combined with macroeconomic factors and micro factors , used PENTS model , five forces analytical method and SWOT analytical tool marked a comprehensive exposition on the developing environment of beihai Bonded Logistics Park .

  2. 本文的研究对于金塘保税物流园区的规划建设具有一定的理论与现实意义。

    This study has certain theoretical and practical significance to the planning and construction of Jintang Bonded Logistics Park .

  3. 在保税物流园区的选址中,用层次分析法(AHP)对三个候选区位进行了比较,选出在重庆市出口加工区附近设立保税物流园区的较佳方案。

    Secondly , AHP method is applied to evaluate the three prepared precincts refer to the location choice of bounded logistics park and also obtain the result that the scheme of Chongqing export processing zone is better .

  4. 北海区港联动保税物流园区的发展战略研究

    The Research on Developing Strategy of Beihai Zone-harbor Gear Type Bonded Logistics Zone

  5. 然而建立保税物流园区就可以从根本上解决这一问题。

    Establishing BLZ can resolve these problems ultimately .

  6. 我司位于青岛保税物流园区内,地理位置优越。

    Our company situate in Free Trade Zone of Qingdao , which is strategic location .

  7. 保税物流园区现有的研究主要涉及的是关于物流园区规划和物流园区的开发、赢利模式。

    Present research about bonded logistics zone is mainly on the logistics zone planning , logistics zone development and profit models .

  8. 其次,利用国外的成功发展经验,探讨保税物流园区与保税区的管理架构及发展模式。

    Secondly , according the overseas successive experience , the paper discusses the management structure and development mode of Bonded Logistics Park and Bonded Zone .

  9. 熟悉海关、政府规定及加工贸易政策及出口监管仓、出口加工区、保税物流园区管理办法。

    Understanding customs regulation and government 's manufacture trading policy , as well as the administration measures of export supervised warehouse , export processing zone , bonded logistics park .

  10. 因保税物流园区内所提供的物流服务都涉及进出口问题,所以对服务质量有着更严格的要求。

    As all the logistics service provided in the bonded logistics zone have relationship with the import and export services , so it has more stringent requirements for service quality .

  11. 论文的最后,运用厦门保税物流园区与保税区的案例,分析其合作的可能性和必要性。

    At last , Xiamen Bonded Logistics Park and Bonded Zone have been taken for case study . After the study , the paper confirms the possibility and necessary of cooperation .

  12. 经过十几年的发展,我国保税物流园区所在区域的经济实力得到了不断的增强,成为吸引国内外资金的投资促进区、带动区域经济发展的功能区和我国对外开放的试验区。

    After over 10 years , the economic strength of bounded logistics area have grown so stronger that it has become the main power of attracting capital from both home and abroad .

  13. 为改变外贸体制发展状况,我国开始设置其它类型的海关特殊监管区域,如出口加工区、保税物流园区等。

    To change the status of the development of foreign trade system , China began to set up other types of custom special supervised areas , such as export processing zones , bonded logistics park .

  14. 金塘保税物流园区是浙江省发展海洋经济的规划项目,所处位置不仅具备发达的经济背景,同时具备区港联动优势,对于促进金塘港向自由贸易港转型具有重要意义。

    The region it located not only has a well-developed economic background , but also possesses the zone-port interaction advantages . Those made it very important to promote Jintang Port transition to free trade port .

  15. 本文从区域经济可持续发展基本理论和我国保税物流园区的基本概念着手,结合重庆市物流业现状,对设立保税物流园区的可行性进行了分析,提出了设立保税物流园区的战略决策。

    Based on the theory of regional economy continual development and the situation of bounded logistics park in China , as well as logistics status in Chongqing , bounded logistics park strategic decision-making is put forward .

  16. 之后,利用频度统计、理论分析等方法,通过构建保税物流园区发展水平评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法、证据推理法,构建了保税物流园区发展水平评价模型。

    Then , Utilise Delphi method and some other methods , to create the Index System of Evaluation Development Lever of Bonded Logistics Zone , use analytic hierarchy process and Evidential Reasoning Approach ( EVA ) .

  17. 希望通过本文的研究,可以在一定程度上丰富我国保税物流园区对区域经济可持续发展的研究内容和方法,同时也指导重庆设立保税物流园区的决策和实践。

    Wish this article could to some extent enrich the research content and method of bounded logistics park for the regional economy continual development , and instruct the decision-making and practice of Chongqing bounded logistics park .

  18. 然后,在北海保税物流园区已建成这一假设前提下,分别提出其战略愿景、目标、定位、功能以及战略类型和战略重点。

    Then , on the assumption of beihai Bonded Logistics Park have been built , respectively brought its strategic vision , objectives , location , type and function , as well as the strategic focus of the strategy .

  19. 最后建立保税物流园区物流能力指标体系并对其进行评价,得到若干提升保税物流园区物流能力的措施和建议,以期对一般物流园区物流能力的提高有一定的借鉴作用。

    Finally , through establishing indices system of the logistics capacity of bonded logistics zone , we can obtain some measures and proposals to enhance the logistics capacity of bonded logistics zone and draw on the experience of it for the general logistics zone .

  20. 本文的第一章主要从自由贸易区和物流园区这两个方面为保税物流园区寻找理论基础,并且简要介绍了自由贸易区在其他国家的实践情况和物流园区在中国的发展状况;

    The first chapter is the theory basis of bonded logistic zone which is based on free trade zone and logistic zone theory . Another part of this chapter is about the development of free trade zones in other countries and logistic zones in China .

  21. 最后,分别从发展规划的编制、运营模式的选择、信息系统的建立以及政策环境的营造四个方面论述了北海保税物流园区的发展战略措施,为其实现战略开发与规划提供决策参考意见。

    Finally , from four aspects which are the preparation of development plans , the selection of operational mode , the build of information systems and creation of policy environment to describe the development strategic measures of beihai Bonded Logistics Park , providing practical reference significance for the implementation .

  22. 保税物流园区是指经国务院批准在保税区的规划面积或者毗邻保税区的特定港区内设立的,专门发展现代国际物流业的海关特殊监管区域。

    Bonded Logistics Zone ( BLZ ) is that the customhouse who refers to the job approved by State Council , setting up , developing specially modern international logistics within the bonded zone plan area or the specially appointed harbour district being adjacent to a bonded zone oversees area peculiarly .

  23. 本文先后分析了保税区、出口加工区、保税物流园区的政策和功能优势。

    After analyzing the policy advantages and functional advantages of Bonded zone , Export processing zones and Bonded Logistics Park , this paper defined the content of comprehensive bonded zone .

  24. 本文主要针对海关的保税物流体系,分析了现在热门的保税物流中心、保税物流园区之间的异同点以及它们相互之间的联系。设立保税物流园区对重庆区域经济可持续发展的研究

    Finally we make some suggestion and future developing way about the customs bonded logistics system . The Research on the Foundation of Bounded Logistics Park for the Continual Development of Chongqing Regional Economy

  25. 在经历了保税仓库、保税区、出口加工区、保税物流中心、保税物流园区的发展时期,现如今已进入综合保税区(保税港区)的主导发展时期。

    After the bonded warehouses , bonded zones , export processing zones , bonded logistics center , bonded logistics park development period , now it has developed into the leading development period of Comprehensive Free Trade Zone .