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  • tetris
  1. 身为独立研究和咨询公司SaibusResearch高级分析师,纽鲍尔每年都努力地在竞争激烈的俄罗斯方块世界和他的工作之间维持一种平衡。

    Neubauer juggles his yearly foray into the competitive world of Tetris with his job as a senior analyst at Saibus Research , an independent research and advisory firm .

  2. Facebook用户也已经玩了超过200亿盘俄罗斯方块对战版游戏(TetrisBattle)。

    More than 20 billion games of Tetris Battle have been played on Facebook , too .

  3. 一个自主开发的一个俄罗斯方块C源代码!

    An autonomous development of a Russian box C source code !

  4. 2006年,EA手机成为俄罗斯方块的独家发行商。

    EA Mobile became the exclusive mobile publisher for Tetris in2006 .

  5. 今年4月份,德雷塞尔大学(DrexelUniversity)一栋建筑物的外墙在LED灯的帮助下,化身为世界上最大的俄罗斯方块游戏,规模打破了世界纪录。

    In April , the world 's largest game of Tetris was played on the side of a building at Drexel University using LED lights , breaking a world record .

  6. 俄罗斯方块品牌独家代理商、蓝色星球软件公司(BluePlanetSoftware)CEO玛雅o罗杰斯表示,过去三十年来,这款游戏一直精心保护着它的核心玩法,进而成就了长盛不衰的传奇。

    Maya Rogers , the CEO of Blue Planet Software , the sole agent of the Tetris brand , said the protection of the game 's core over the last three decades has aided its longevity .

  7. 此外,俄罗斯方块已经平稳地过渡到了智能手机,目前已跻身苹果公司(Apple)iTunes应用商店付费应用排行榜前100名。

    Tetris has also had a smooth transition on to mobiles phones and appears inside the top 100 paid applications on the Apple AAPL - 0.28 % iTunes App store .

  8. 在本文写作过程中,笔者还开发了一个实例小游戏&俄罗斯方块网络版。该游戏基于C/S的多用户网络游戏框架,客户端采用MVC模式实现,具有一定的理论和实用价值。

    During the writing of this thesis , the author selected the C / S style network protocol , developed a game programming framework , and a demo game-Online Tetris .

  9. 英国谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)认知发展和心理学教授汤姆o斯塔福德表示,俄罗斯方块长盛不衰的原因是,这款游戏能够把玩家带入一个完全不同的领域。

    Tom Stafford , a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K. , says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play .

  10. 如今,任何人都有机会在便携式任天堂游戏机、安卓系统(Android)、iPad、个人电脑和其他无数设备上玩俄罗斯方块游戏,一个由玩家组成的庞大社区已经强势涌现。

    With the chance to kick off a game of Tetris on a Nintendo DS , an Android , an iPad , a PC or countless other devices , a community of players has emerged in full force .

  11. 他过去也曾经说过:“俄罗斯方块是《糖果粉碎传奇》(CandyCrushSaga)这类益智游戏的鼻祖。这些游戏让我们连续几个小时,几天、甚至几个星期沉迷其中,不能自拔。”

    As he 's said in the past , too , " Tetris is the granddaddy of puzzle games like Candy Crush saga - the things that keep us puzzling away for hours , days and weeks . "

  12. 当今之世,还没有出现比乔纳斯o纽鲍尔更好的俄罗斯方块玩家。纽鲍尔四度加冕NES游戏系统俄罗斯方块世界锦标赛冠军。

    One man who 's been able to do that better than anyone else in the world is Jonas Neubauer , the four-time Tetris world champion on the NES gaming system .

  13. 从1983年的任天堂娱乐系统(NES)到智能手机,俄罗斯方块目前出现在50多种不同的游戏平台之上,超过4.25亿移动设备用户购买了这款游戏。

    Currently appearing on over 50 different gaming platforms , from the 1983 Nintendo Entertainment System ( NES ) to smartphones , Tetris is sold on over 425 million mobile devices .

  14. 纽鲍尔甚至出现在2011年发行的纪录片《秩序的狂喜:俄罗斯方块大师》(EcstasyofOrder:TheTetrisMasters)之中。在他看来,尽管俄罗斯方块是单人游戏,但它的社交属性也是一大吸引力。

    Neuberger , who even appeared in a 2011 documentary , " Ecstasy of Order : The Tetris Masters , " considers the social component of Tetris , although its played individually , a big draw .

  15. 该设备能被用来玩像俄罗斯方块这样的游戏,或者通过想一个自己正在感受的情感——比如开心或兴奋——而不是通过关键词,在Flickr照片里搜索有关图片。

    The device can be used to play Tetris-like games or search through Flickr photos by thinking about an emotion the person is feeling - like happy , or excited - rather than searching by keywords .

  16. 从1983年的任天堂娱乐系统(NES)到智能手机,俄罗斯方块目前出现在50多种不同的游戏平台之上,超过4.25亿移动设备用户购买了这款游戏。Facebook用户也已经玩了超过200亿盘俄罗斯方块对战版游戏(TetrisBattle)。

    Currently appearing on over 50 different gaming platforms , from the 1983 Nintendo Entertainment System ( NES ) to smartphones , Tetris is sold on over 425 million mobile devices . More than 20 billion games of Tetris Battle have been played on Facebook , too .

  17. 在经过长达三年的版权争夺战后,俄罗斯方块花落任天堂,成为后者游戏机上的招牌游戏,仅正版的gameboy版本就售出3000万份。

    After three years'fight on the copyright , the Tetris finally belonged to the nintendo and become the facia game , and the original edition had sold out for30 million pieces .

  18. 如何用VC++6.0实现俄罗斯方块游戏

    How to Realize Russian Grid Game by VC + + 6.0

  19. 本文主要介绍了“俄罗斯方块”游戏的设计与开发过程。

    This paper is on " Tetris " game design and development .

  20. 到地球去,俄罗斯方块,星际回归线,出拳。

    To the Earth , Tetris , Star Tropics , Punch Out .

  21. 俄罗斯方块蜡烛就是这样一款充满趣味的设计。

    The Tetris candle is such an interesting design .

  22. 帕基特诺夫爱玩拼图,从拼图游戏里得到灵感,设计出了《俄罗斯方块》。

    He got afflatus from his beloved puzzle , thus designed the Tetris .

  23. 无数的人买过并玩过俄罗斯方块这款游戏。

    Millions of people have bought and played Tetris .

  24. 这个俄罗斯方块还有个兔子捣乱。

    This still has a rabbit to cause disturbance .

  25. 蓝星软件公司正致力于开发国际通行的俄罗斯方块以争取进入奥运会。

    Blue Planet is working on international Tetris Games along the lines of an Olympics .

  26. 这种映射完成后,用户可以表面上发挥太平洋业务中心傍或俄罗斯方块心灵感应。

    After this mapping is finished , EPOC users can ostensibly play Pong or Tetris telepathically .

  27. 1985年,他把这个程序移植到个人电脑上,《俄罗斯方块》从此开始传播开来!

    In1985 , he inputted the programme to his own computer , thus Tetris become very poputer .

  28. 同样地,例如,俄罗斯方块,苏联的原始版本

    And the same with , for instance , Tetris , original version , the Soviet one .

  29. 11岁的时候,杜罗夫就会编写自己版本的游戏,比如俄罗斯方块。

    By 11 , the younger Mr. Durov was coding his own versions of games like Tetris .

  30. 这款鞋子的多数图案都是老的电子游戏,比如俄罗斯方块,吃豆子,超级玛丽和塞尔达。

    Most of the shoes are about old school games like Tetris , Pacman , Mario and Zelda .