
  • 网络oedipus rex;Oedipus the King;Oedipus
  1. 《俄狄浦斯王》与《雷雨》艺术魅力探寻

    The Artistic Charm of Oedipus Rex and Thunderstorm

  2. 悲剧精神的一脉相承&论《俄狄浦斯王》与《雷雨》的命运主题

    Tragic Spirits from the Same Origin & On the Themes of Fate in Oedipus Rex and Thunderstorm

  3. 永远的神话&索福克勒斯《俄狄浦斯王》的批评、阐释与接受

    An Eternal Myth : Criticism , Interpretation and Reception of Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex

  4. 回归与奉献&兼论俄狄浦斯王的心理受挫与渴望

    Return and Sacrifice & A Study of Oedipus ' Frustrated Psyche and His Desires

  5. 《雷雨》的希腊悲剧血统&兼与《俄狄浦斯王》比较

    The descent of Greek tragedies in Thunderstorm & As compared with Oedipus the King

  6. 罪恶还是清白&俄狄浦斯王悲剧成因之我见

    Guilty or Innocent & My view the cause of the tragedy of Oedipus Rex

  7. 弗洛伊德对《俄狄浦斯王》的全新解读,是以他的精神分析学作为工具的。

    Signund Freud interpreted King Oedipus by means of his psychoanalysis theory as an instrument .

  8. 《俄狄浦斯王》与《红楼梦》结构诗学及生命哲学比较

    Structural Poetics and Philosophy of King Oedipus and Dreams in the Red Mansions : A Comparison

  9. 俄狄浦斯王悲剧原因新探&一种语言学维度的解读

    A New Approach to the Cause of King Oedipus ' Tragedy & A Study from Linguistic Angle

  10. 独特的冲突与抗争&论古希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》的艺术魅力

    Unique Conflict and Resistance & On the Artistic Fascinations of the Ancient Greek Tragedy Oedipus the King

  11. 由古希腊著名悲剧作家索福克勒斯所创作的《俄狄浦斯王》就是古希腊悲剧不朽而杰出的代表。

    King Oedipus by Sophocles-the famous playwright of ancient Greece-was a representative of the eternity of classical Greek tragedies .

  12. 本文追溯了西方文学经典之一《俄狄浦斯王》的产生背景、历史命运,及其批评、阐释和接受过程。

    This paper explores the background , destiny , and a long history of criticism , interpretation and reception of Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex .

  13. 这一特点将他和索福克勒斯笔下的俄狄浦斯王联系在一起,这两者间的精神联系远比弗洛伊德所阐释的丰富和宽广。

    This capability connects Hamlet with Sophocles'Oedipus the King , and the spiritual relationship between the two is deeper and wider than what Freud has interpreted .

  14. 古希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》和中国现代悲剧《雷雨》在故事情节的设置、母题的选择等方面都有不少相似之处。

    Hellenic tragedy The King Oedipusis wrote by Sophocles , Chinese modern tragedy Thunder Storm is wrote by Cao Yu , and the two writings are famous .

  15. 《俄狄浦斯王》讲的是一个“杀父娶母”的故事,它引起人类对父亲这一角色的思考。

    " Oedipus Rex ", is a story " killing the father and marrying the mother ", and it causes mankind 's thinking to the role of father .

  16. 围绕《俄狄浦斯王》的原型意味,从三个层面展开讨论:发生学的,俄狄浦斯故事何以成为原型;

    The paper gives a thorough analysis concerning the implication of the prototype of Oedipus on three levels genetically , how the story is developed into the prototype ;

  17. 本文从古希腊的悲剧精神的维度,探讨了亚里士多德的“发现”中所蕴藏的伦理学意义;以《俄狄浦斯王》和《伊菲革涅亚在陶罗人里》两剧为个案,分析亚里士多德的思辨幸福观。

    This paper , from the tragedy of ancient greece , makes an analysis of the ethics significance of aristotle 's " findings " and his thinking of happiness .

  18. 《俄狄浦斯王》中的“父亲”形象是隐蔽的,但他身上凝聚着人类对“父亲”原型的认识和思考,代表着“父亲”这一形象的文化意义。

    " Father " of " Oedipus Rex " image is obscure , but he condenses understanding and thinking of " father " prototype of mankind , and represents the cultural meaning of this image .

  19. 若以《俄狄浦斯王》为样本,既可讨论命运观及其相关思想对于古希腊戏剧的美学贡献,又能揭示古典艺术精神之于现代人生观的启迪。

    King Oedipus taken as the example , the aesthetic contribution of fate and associated ideas to classical Greek dramas can be viewed , and enlightenment from the spirit of classical art can be revealed .

  20. 因犯了杀父娶母大罪而被迫弄瞎双眼流放而死以解除百姓于灾难之中的俄狄浦斯王,一直作为一个罪人而承受了因果报应式惩罚。

    Because of his crimes of slaying his father and marring his mother , Oedipus was forced to bund his eyes and abandoned him in the wilderness in order to deliver his people from the famine .

  21. 作为希腊悲剧典范的《俄狄浦斯王》不仅在当时推动整个希腊戏剧达到顶峰,而且还以其在艺术上和思想上的成就留给后人一笔巨大的精神财富。

    As a classic of Greek Tragedy , Oedipus the King does not only represent the peak of Greek drama of that time , but also greatly enlightens the descendents with its distinguished achievements both in artistry and ideology .

  22. 本文通过《雷雨》与最能代表古希腊悲剧特征的《俄狄浦斯王》的比较,试图从遗传与继承的角度,对《雷雨》中所流淌的古希腊悲剧血统做另类探究。

    Through the comparison between Thunderstorm and Oedipus the King which best represents the characteristics of Greek tragedies , and from the angles of heredity and inheritance , this paper attempts to make another exploration for the descent of the ancient Greek tragedies reflected in Thunderstorm .