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  • attachment behaviour
  1. 模仿、依恋行为差异有显著性(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    The imitation and attachment behaviors were significantly different between the two groups .

  2. 爬行经验与母婴依恋行为特点关系的研究

    Experimental Study . Developmental Psychology , 1984 , 20 . The Relation between Crawling Experience and Mother-Infant Attachment

  3. 例如,在田鼠中这种荷尔蒙对依恋行为很关键:催产素水平较高的雄鼠更有可能忠贞于它们的伴侣。

    In voles , for example , the hormone is key to attachment behavior : Males with higher levels of oxytocin are more likely to be faithful to their mates .

  4. 运用沃特期-迪因儿童依恋行为分类卡片的相关条目,评估81名寄宿制幼儿园幼儿与母亲的依恋水平,并用自编问卷回溯幼儿三岁前的养育经验及相关基本信息。

    Items from Waters & Deane 's Attachment Q-set were used to evaluate mother-child attachment of 81 boarding kindergartners . Their nurturing experience before three was traced via a self-made questionnaire .

  5. 通过对69名8、9个月婴儿的母亲进行标准化的访谈,考察个体早期自主位移动作&爬行的经验与婴儿对母亲依恋行为特点的关系。

    The present study examined the relation between crawling experience and mother-infant attachment . Sixty-nine mothers with babies aged 8 ~ 9 monthes were interviewed with standardized procedures in the laboratory .

  6. 从婴儿紊乱-适应不良的依恋行为指征、母爱情感交流受损维度、父母无助或惧怕行为表现特征等方面综述了紊乱型婴儿的依恋特性、内部工作模式及研究进展。

    In this article , characteristics of disorganized attachment infants , internal working models and research development are summarized from the views of behavior indices of disorganized-disoriented infant attachment , dimensions of disrupted maternal affective communication , and helpless / fearful profile of parental behavior .

  7. 小学高年级儿童亲子依恋与欺负行为的关系研究

    Study on the Relations between Primary School Pupils Attachment and Bullying

  8. 依恋是人类行为的基本现象之一。

    The attachment is one of the basic behaviors of human beings .