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  1. 但依所定的目标市场而言,你产品的定价太低。

    You 've set prices too low for your target market , though .

  2. 但是种植转基因作物的影响很大程度上依情况而定:比如AndhraPradesh的生态环境和种植方式和赞比亚非常不同。

    But the consequences of cultivating a GM crop depend heavily on context : the ecology and farming practices of Andhra Pradesh are very different from those of , say , Zambia .

  3. 我们应该指出,证据完全是依情况而定的。

    We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial .

  4. 如何脱出法,须依情况而定。

    How this can be done depends on the circumstances .

  5. 角色都依你来定。你扮演每个角色的预期是什么?

    What is your expectation for yourself in each role ?

  6. 这依情形而定&并非所有的机场都硬性规定要有。

    This depends & not all airports enforce it at all times .

  7. 算术类型的存储空间依机器而定。

    The size of the arithmetic types varies across machines .

  8. 很奇怪,人生中很多事情都是依时间而定的。

    How odd that so much of life is dependent upon time .

  9. 通常依时间而定&你上网的时间。

    It usually depends on the time – how long you are online .

  10. 我接受与否将依条件而定。

    My acceptance will hinge upon the terms .

  11. 纸牌上的一个记号(形状依花色而定)。

    A mark on a playing card ( shape depending on the suit ) .

  12. 重新安装真空管路,依设备而定。

    Re-fit vacuum line , depending on equipment .

  13. 新种植的菊花应每周浇水两至三次,依情况而定。

    Newly planted mums should be watered two or three times a week , conditions .

  14. 研究方法多半依主题而定,也能反过来用以判断主题是否适合研究。

    A topic often dictates methodology , which in turn can determine the feasibility of a topic .

  15. 因此我认为,一种资源是否比另一种更重要要依情况而定。

    Therefore , I think whether one source is more important than the other depends on circumstances .

  16. 馆阁职事官的员数主要依需要而定,贴职则没有具体规定。

    The numbers of officials in Guange depend upon the actual need and Tiezhi has no actual principles .

  17. 这要依情况而定,中国医生通常建议在手术阶段选择西医,在恢复阶段选择中医。

    It depends usually a Chinese doctor will recommend western medicine for intensive treatment , and Chinese medicine for recovery .

  18. 为了产生电压,这种混合物会流经另一种材料:石墨、钛溶液、硅和不同形式的碳(依情况而定)。

    That mixture flows into another material to create voltage : graphite , titanium solutions , silicon , and different forms of carbon , depending .

  19. 最常见的答案似乎是“依情况而定”,但是似乎存在一些关键的人格,与敏捷方法有着一定的关系。

    The most common answer seems to be " it depends ", but there seem to be some key characteristics that seem to indicate an affinity with agile methods .

  20. 对病人来说,中医和西医哪一个是最好的选择呢?这要依情况而定,中国医生通常建议在手术阶段选择西医,在恢复阶段选择中医。

    For a patient , which is more preferable ? It depends usually a Chinese doctor will recommend western medicine for intensive treatment , and Chinese medicine for recovery .

  21. 挂起来的都是些很重的皮带扣,有香蕉、机器人、电话、有名的换挡器、停车或空档驱动,挂在哪一档都依心情而定。

    These are the very heavy hangered buckle cases . There 's banana , robots , telephone the famous gear shift park vs neutral drive depending on his mood .

  22. 如果可能的话我们会把木星带入全景,但亲爱的,我们对此要很谨慎,再次说明,能否成功依情况而定,毕竟木星的能量太强大了。

    IF POSSIBLE we will bring Jupiter into full view , but beloveds , we have to be careful with this , again it depends as its energy is so strong .

  23. 初熟和适熟烟叶中有较高的挥发性成分含量,有机酸含量也较稳定,未熟和过熟烟叶中有机酸和挥发性成分依品种而定。

    The leaves of prime and proper maturity were found to be with high content of volatile component and stable of organic acid , but the immatured and over-matured were of changeable contents dependent on varieties .

  24. 这位前亚洲足联主席的律师声称,法官得出的结论是依情况而定的,是“基于谎言的”。

    Lawyers for the Qatari , now former head of Asian football , said the ethics committee had reached its conclusions relying on circumstantial evidence , which was " bogus " and " based on lies " .

  25. 栽培菊花的土壤应保持湿润,但要排水方便,这样就不会太湿。新载的菊花每周必须浇水两到三次,依情况而定。

    The soil for chrysanthemums should be kept moist but well drained so it does not get too wet . Newly planted mums should be watered two or three times a week , depending on conditions . Plants established in the ground may do well just with normal rainfall .

  26. 起薪为26000至30500英镑不等,依个人经验而定。

    Starting salary varies from £ 26 000 to £ 30 500 , depending on experience .

  27. 治疗则依病理特性而定,原则上上皮癌以手术与放射线合并治疗

    We usually treated patients with epidermoid cancer with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy .

  28. 不同水力性质的变程是不同的,变化范围从31.4m到270.6m。因此取样距离应依具体情况而定。

    The ranges of different hydropower properties are from 31.4 to 270.6m .

  29. 这要依具体情况而定,看公司的要求。

    This will decide according to specific condition , see that company asks .

  30. 那得依装货情况而定。

    That depends on the shipping position .