
  • 网络Supply Environment
  1. 必和必拓补充称,截至9月的这个季度,在以墨西哥湾飓风等破坏性因素为代表的“富于挑战的供应环境”下,该集团实现了“强劲”业绩。

    BHP added it had delivered a " strong " performance in the September quarter given a " challenging supply environment " characterised by disruptions such as hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico .

  2. 随着供应管理在企业价值链中地位的提高,企业应根据自身的特点,进行供应环境分析,制定供应策略,适时、有效地开展供应工作,以提高企业竞争力。

    As the position of material and commodity supply management in enterprise value chains improves , any enterprise shall conduct supply environment analysis based on its own characteristics , make supply policy and carry on supply works suitably and effectively so as to improve its competition capability .

  3. 我国能源安全的基本形势是:总体能源需求大于能源供给,结构性矛盾突出,利用效率底下;随着世界石油需求不平衡的加剧,我国石油外部供应环境恶化;

    Leadership on Energy Use ' will curb high oil prices ' The basic situation of our energy security is : the total energy demand quantity is already larger than the total supply quantity , structural contradiction is serious , the energy use efficiency is low ;

  4. 敏捷供应链环境下多Agent协同机制研究

    Research on Multi-Agent Cooperation Mechanism in Agile Supply Chain

  5. 供应链环境下基于Agent的协商决策

    Agent-based Negotiation Decision Making in Supply Chain Management

  6. 供应链环境下基于ASP模式的采购信息系统研究

    Purchasing Information System Based on ASP Mode under the Supply Chain Environments

  7. 供应链环境下CAF汽车零件供应商的绩效考核评估体系

    Researches on CAF Auto Parts Suppliers ' Ongoing Performance Evaluation System

  8. 多个MRP系统在供应链环境下的协调策略研究

    Study on the Policies of Several MRP Systems Corresponding in the Environment of SCM

  9. 第五章提出了基于CORBA技术集成供应链环境下的智能体库存管理系统的设计。

    The fifth chapter poses the design of Agent Stock Management System under the environment of supply chain based on CORBA technology .

  10. 供应商关系管理中基于SOA的供应商协作模型研究与实现供应链环境下制造商和供应商运作协调研究

    Research and Development of Supplier Collaboration Model and System Based on Service Oriented Architecture ; Study on the Operation Coordination between the Manufacturer and the Suppliers Based on Supply Chain

  11. 从核心企业的角度,研究了绿色供应链环境下精益生产的实施控制结构和系统,提出了基于多Agent的绿色供应链环境下精益生产拉动式协同控制系统模型。

    Moreover , the thesis makes a study on the control structure and system of lean production in green supply chain , gives pulling coordination control system model based on multi-Agent from the aspect of core enterprises .

  12. 供应商管理库存(VMI,vendormanagedinventory)作为供应链环境下的一种先进的库存管理模式,成为学者们和企业决策者们关注的焦点。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI , Vendor Managed Inventory ) as an advanced inventory management in the supply chain environment , become scholars and business decision-makers focus .

  13. 在分析供应链环境下制造企业原材料评价因素的基础上,将模糊综合评判法用于企业原材料库存管理,改进传统的ABC分类法。

    This article , by applying ABC method , emphasizes the importance of purchasing cost control by way of analyzing and segmenting the raw materials and suppliers .

  14. 基于此,本文考虑顾客行为因素(侧重于非理性行为),对供应链环境下的B2C无理由退货策略及其相关决策展开研究。

    So based on customer behavior ( especially irrational ), this paper studies optimal B2C-URP and related operational decision under supply chain environment .

  15. 同时,论文运用供应链环境下的库存管理理论,在FC公司推行了供应商库存管理方法。

    In the meantime , by the theory of inventory management in the Supply Chain Management environmental science , we carry out the VMI Model in FC Company .

  16. 本文讨论了供应链环境下两种经典的库存管理模式VMI和JMI和JMI,并对这两种库存管理下的牛鞭效应进行了量化分析。

    Thirdly , this thesis discusses the bullwhip effect of two classic inventory management model VMI and JMI in supply chain context .

  17. 本文提出了一个研究框架用来帮助电信管理者在恰当的供应链环境和操作条件下,使得应用RFID技术能为供应链系统带来更大的绩效收益。

    This paper proposes a research framework used to help the managers in telecom industry determine the appropriate supply chain environment and operational conditions under which investing in radio frequency identification ( RFID ) technology is more beneficial .

  18. 通过对供应链环境下影响供应商选择因素的分析,提出了建立指标评价体系的原则,据此建立了具体的供应商指标体系和评价模型,并给出了结合层次分析(AHP)的模糊综合评价计算方法。

    Based on the analysis on the factors of supplier selection , the paper puts forward the principles , evaluation index system and the model of supplier selection with AHP and gives out an arithmetic with comprehensive fuzzy evaluation .

  19. 分析了JIT采购与JIT哲理的关系,在此基础上,总结供应链环境下,JIT采购的内涵、特征及其优越性。

    Meanwhile , a conclusion about the connotation , characteristics and advantages of JIT purchasing is made on the basis of an analysis of the ties between JIT purchasing and JIT philosophy , under the Supply Chain Circumstance .

  20. 为了使饲料企业更好解决问题,进一步强调饲料企业在供应链环境下实施采购管理,提出了管理信息系统的建立和实施与JIT采购管理的方法。

    In order to help the feed business solve problems , and further stress that the feed business should apply procurement management in the supply chain , this paper proposed to build information management system and implement the JIT procurement and management approach .

  21. 重点分析了现有的RFID标签所有权转换方案,指出了每个方案的优缺点。(2)针对供应链环境中的企业数据安全问题,设计了一个供应链环境中的RFID标签所有权转换方案。

    The existing RFID tag ownership transfer schemes are analyzed especially , and the advantages and disadvantages of every scheme are pointed out . ( 2 ) Aiming at the corporate data security threats in supply chains , a RFID tag ownership transfer scheme for supply chains is proposed .

  22. 本文通过对传统库存控制模式和供应链环境下VMI库存控制模式的分析,使用MAS技术在Swarm仿真环境下进行仿真,试验结果表明供应链环境下VMI库存控制模式在总体上优于传统库存控制模式。

    In this paper we investigate total cost effects in traditional / VMI inventory control model under SCM , simulate the whole system with MAS technology in Swarm and further argue that VMI inventory control model is better than the traditional one as a whole .

  23. 比较传统的采购信息系统,新方案和IDSS具有系统化,网络化和智能化特征,有助于企业在电子供应链环境中获得优势。

    In contrast with the current procurement information system , the new solution and the IDSS are systematic , networking and intelligent . The enterprise will benefit from the IDSS implementation to obtain superiority in the e-supply chain environment .

  24. 第四章论述了在多种先进的集成技术中,以COM+和CORBA例,详细介绍了两者的基本结构和主要特点,通过比较,最后选择CORBA技术来集成供应链环境下的智能体库存管理系统。

    The fourth chapter takes COM + and CORBA as examples in many advanced integrated technologies and discusses in detail the basic structure and main characteristics , by . comparing them , the thesis chooses CORBA technology to integrate Agent Stock Management System under the environment of supply chain .

  25. 现代供应商库存管理(VMI)是一种供应链环境下的新的库存管理方式,它能够对改善整个供应链库存状况、降低系统库存总成本起到积极的作用。

    VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory ) is a new method of inventory management under the environment of supply chain , which could make a positive contribution to improve the inventory situation of whole supply chain and reduce the gross cost of systematic inventory .

  26. 第五部分主要是阐述军工企业在供应链环境下的库存管理模式。

    Part five discusses the stock management modes in military industry .

  27. 供应链环境下配送中心选址问题研究

    Research on Problem of Distribution Center Location under Supply Chain Environment

  28. 基于供应链环境下企业与供应商的合作关系分析

    Analysis of Partnership Between Purchaser and Supplier Under Supply Chain Environment

  29. 供应链环境下物流外包的决策和风险问题的研究

    Research on Logistics Outsourcing Decision and Risk Under Supply Chain Conditions

  30. e-供应链环境下制造商与零售商的合作策略研究

    Research on Cooperation Strategy between Manufacturers and Retailers in e-supply Chain