- 名courtier

[near official as servant under a feudal sovereign] 皇帝左右的近臣
昔先皇颁僧保所货西洋珠于侍臣,某得八焉。--明. 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》
Wit opens every door , one courtier explained .
The king was attended by his courtiers .
It 's worse in France : Le Monde newspaper often reads like a Versailles palace gazette circa 1788 , chronicling which courtiers are currently in favour .
He booked hundreds of new courtiers and dressed them up in armour .
The princess was attended by her ladies-in-waiting .
Courtiers seldom go to the lower town .
Many of the leading princes and courtiers of the Queen 's party fled abroad .
The courtiers at Versailles loved Franklin
The king and queen led a great crowd of noblemen and noblewomen , courtiers , ladies-in-waiting , and palace attendants .
It was in the blue room where stood the prince , with a group of pale courtiers by his side .
" How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress ," said an old knight .
So he returned to the emperor , and said that it must be a fable , invented by those who had written the book .
This was the place where the emperor and his companions enjoyed the quiet pleasures of composing poems , drawing pictures , and admiring the landscape .
The courtiers , to get into favor with the Queen , took to pulling their noses several times every day to make them grow longer .
The king could feel his courtiers gazing at him oddly and whispering in corners , as if the mess were his fault and he had turned into King Michael .
As a literary courtiers , the courage to " call the Son of Heaven had come on board ", but also by allowing the right to get drunk off boots Huan ;
But where was the nightingale to be found ? The nobleman went up stairs and down , through halls and passages ; yet none of those whom he met had heard of the bird .
This did not do at all before the Prince , who quite failed to see the joke , and actually banished two of his courtiers who had dared to mention disrespectfully Princess Rosebud 's tiny nose !
Already a new emperor had been chosen and the people who stood in the street asked the lord-in-waiting how the old emperor was ; but he only said , " Pooh ! " and shook his head .
for , you see , as they were lying on their faces , and the pattern on their backs was the same as the rest of the pack , she could not tell whether they were gardeners , or soldiers , or courtiers , or three of her own children .