
  1. 在拉斯韦加斯举行全明星真人秀是第一次,能够加入其中感到很高兴。

    Bringing it to Las Vegas for the first time and being a part of it is going to be great .

  2. “狗狗秀”活动第一次得胜的狗名叫“轰动”,据说它是世界上头脑最聪明的狗,因此俱乐部将它的图片作为商标。

    He was said to have the best head of all the dogs in the world , so the club uses his picture as its logo .

  3. 如今,该内衣秀每年举办一次,都有数亿人通过电视转播或网络直播观看“维多利亚的秘密”内衣发布会的整个过程。

    Today , the lingerie show held once a year , there are hundreds of millions of people watched via live television or network ," Victoria 's Secret " lingerie conference , the entire process .