
  • 网络Christie’s;Christie's;christie;JAMES CHRISTIE
  1. 这幅油画在佳士得的拍卖会上被交易商拍走。

    The painting was bought by dealers at the Christie 's sale .

  2. 实习生雇主包括纽约市医院(NewYorkCityhospital)和佳士得拍卖行(Christie'sauctionhouse)。

    Employers ranged from a New York City hospital to Christie 's auction house .

  3. 英国最大的两家拍卖行,苏富比和佳士得参与了对这些作品的估价。

    Britain 's two main auction houses , Sotheby 's and Christies , have been involved in valuing the works .

  4. 在周一晚上这场名为《展望过去》(LookingForwardtothePast)的拍卖会上,佳士得总计收获了7.059亿美元。

    In total Christie 's sale on Monday evening , entitled " Looking Forward to the Past , " reaped $ 705.9m .

  5. 他也为去年5月佳士得大肆宣传的拍卖会“假如我活着,那就周二见”(IfILiveI’llSeeYouTuesday)担任专家,该拍卖会包括热门当代艺术家的35件作品,共拍出1.346亿美元。

    Mr. Gouzer was also the specialist responsible for Christie 's much-hyped " If I Live I 'll See You Tuesday " auction of 35 works by fashionable contemporary names , which raised $ 134.6 million last May .

  6. 佳士得纺织品主管帕特•弗罗斯特(PatFrost)表示:狩猎装是衣服保持了自身的价值,并且实际上超过了原有成本的一个很好的例子。

    The safari suit is a good example of clothes holding their value and indeed exceeding the original cost , says Christie 's head of textiles Pat Frost .

  7. 苏富比这场为期一周的拍卖会充分证明了中国人的购买力,对佳士得(Christie)和宝龙这两家拍卖行来说,这也是好事一桩。

    A good week for Sotheby 's has amply demonstrated China 's spending power-a boon for Christie 's and Bonham 's too .

  8. 佳士得拍卖行的“PrintsandMultiples”拍卖活动将于下月创造历史,出售首幅由人工智能(AI)创作的画作。

    Next month , auction house Christie 's Prints and Multiples will make history by offering the first piece of art created by artificial intelligence for sale .

  9. 在昔日进军中国市场的竞争中,佳士得(Christie’s)的步伐似乎落后于苏富比(Sotheby’s)。

    Christie 's seemed to have lost pace against Sotheby 's in the race to get into the Chinese market .

  10. 佳士得战后与当代艺术部的负责人布莱特·戈尔维(BrettGorvy)也来到了这里。

    Brett Gorvy , chairman of postwar and contemporary art at Christie 's , was here , too .

  11. 佳士得拍卖会的其他亮点还包括安迪•沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)、勒内•马格利特(RenéMagritte)及马塞尔•杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)的作品。

    Among other highlights at Christie 's were works by Andy Warhol , Ren é Magritte and Marcel Duchamp .

  12. “期待往昔”拍卖会(LookingForwardtothePast)定于5月11日晚举行,将有约25件拍卖品,组织者是佳士得战后和当代艺术部的卢瓦克·古泽(LoicGouzer)。

    Scheduled for May 11 , " Looking Forward to the Past " is an evening sale of about 25 lots organized by Loic Gouzer , of Christie 's postwar and contemporary art department .

  13. 今年2月,佳士得还买下了当代艺术画廊HaunchofVenison。

    In February this year , Christie 's also bought a contemporary art gallery , Haunch of Venison .

  14. 在此之前,拍卖会上出售的史上最昂贵艺术品,是弗朗西斯•培根(FrancisBacon)在1969年创作的三联画《弗洛伊德肖像画习作》(ThreeStudiesofLucianFreud)。该作品于2013年11月在佳士得拍出1.424亿美元的价格。

    Previously the most expensive work sold at auction was Francis Bacon 's 1969 triptych " Three Studies of Lucian Freud , " which sold for $ 142.4m at Christie 's in November 2013 .

  15. 香港——六瓶1990年的勃艮第罗曼尼-康帝(Romanée-Conti)上个月在佳士得拍卖,最终以98万港币(约合78万人民币)的价格卖给亚洲买主。

    HONG KONG - Six bottles of 1990 Roman é e-Conti Burgundy sold to an Asian buyer at a Christie 's auction in Hong Kong last month for 980000 Hong Kong dollars ( $ 126345 ) .

  16. 上周二,在伦敦举行的印象派和现代派艺术品拍卖会上,佳士得(Christie)的成交总额为1.44亿英镑,这是欧洲艺术品拍卖会有史以来的最高成交额。

    On Tuesday , Christie 's sold 144m of art at its Impressionist and Modern sale in London , the highest ever amount for any European art auction .

  17. 2013年11月,弗朗西斯·培根(FrancisBacon)的《卢西恩·弗罗伊德肖像画习作三联画》(ThreeStudiesofLucianFreud)在佳士得拍卖会上拍出史上最高的1.424亿美元,当时的预估价为8500万美元。

    Francis Bacon 's " Three Studies of Lucian Freud , " which sold for a record $ 142.4 million at Christie 's in November 2013 , carried a presale estimate of more than $ 85 million .

  18. 早在2007年,纽约佳士得(Christie)首饰拍卖部副总裁达芙妮霠Ⅷ(DaphneLingon)就已经对未来的珠宝潮流未卜先知。

    In 2007 , Daphne Lingon , senior vice-president of jewellery at Christie 's New York , identified what would be the next big thing in the market .

  19. 佳士得首席执行官爱德华•杜尔曼(EdwardDolman)表示:你永远不能说永远,但目前市场没有一点疲弱迹象。

    Edward Dolman , Christie 's chief executive , said : You can never say never but at the moment there is no weakness at all .

  20. 例如,佳士得给威尼斯艺术家弗朗西斯科·丰泰巴索(FrancescoFontebasso)在18世纪中叶创作的油画《井边的丽贝卡和埃利泽》(RebeccaandEliezerattheWell)的最低估价为12万英镑。

    In one example , Christie 's was offering the mid-18th-century canvas " Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well " by the Venetian artist Francesco Fontebasso at a low estimate of 120000 .

  21. 佳士得拍卖行(Christie's)将分三次拍卖前曼彻斯特联队(ManchesterUnited,简称:曼联队)教练亚历克斯•弗格森(AlexFerguson)收藏的价值约500万美元的葡萄酒,这些藏品的大部分将于5月份在香港拍卖。

    Former Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson is set to sell an estimated $ 5 million-worth of wine at three sales by auction firm Christie 's , with the bulk being put up for auction in May in Hong Kong .

  22. Frieze博览会也同佳士得和苏富比一样,热衷推出“跨界”的收藏概念。

    Frieze , like Christie 's and Sotheby 's , is eager to promote the concept of " crossover " collecting .

  23. 马文斐(StevenMurphy)担任拍卖行佳士得(Christie’s)首席执行长的时间不长,但在此期间佳士得实现了创纪录的销售额,并一直领先于主要竞争对手苏富比(Sotheby’s)。

    Steven Murphy 's short reign as the chief executive of auction house Christie 's has been marked by record sales that have kept it ahead of its main rival , Sotheby 's.

  24. 他在佳士得的拍卖会上代表一位客户以50.65万英镑拍下了查尔斯-安东尼·夸佩尔(Charles-AntoineCoypel)1737年的画作《阿米达宫的毁灭》(TheDestructionofthePalaceofArmida),售价是预估价的两倍。

    Buying on behalf of a client , he paid 506500 , or twice the estimate , at Christie 's for Charles-Antoine Coypel 's 1737 painting , " The Destruction of the Palace of Armida . "

  25. 佳士得的拍品原本属于民间艺术交易商伊迪丝·格莱格尔·哈尔珀特(EdithGregorHalpert),约翰逊的若干藏品也来自她那里。

    The Christie 's lot had previously belonged to the folk art dealer Edith Gregor Halpert , as did a number of the Johnson pieces .

  26. 全世界最大的两家拍卖行佳士得和苏富比也拥有自己的官方Instagram账号(分别有9.67万名和12万名关注者)贴的是即将举行的拍卖会上精选拍品的照片。

    The world 's biggest auction houses , Christie 's and Sotheby 's , also use their official Instagram feeds ( with 96700 and 120000 followers , respectively ) to post preview images of select items from coming sales .

  27. 不过,佳士得拍卖行(Christie)将拍卖弗格森收藏的5000瓶葡萄酒的消息让我们看到,在收藏红酒方面,弗格森似乎同样遵循他的足球转会政策,那就是只买最好的。

    With the news that Christie 's is to sell 5,000 bottles from his cellar , we can see that when it comes to buying wine he appears to have mirrored his football transfer policy of buying only the very best .

  28. “里希特的蜡烛好比沃荷的梦露”,FrancisOutred如是说。他是佳士得欧洲拍卖行当代艺术的负责人,曾在10月14日参加过一次拍卖。

    " Richter 's candles are like Warhol 's Marilyns ," says Francis Outred , head of contemporary art for Christie 's Europe , who has one coming up for auction on October14th .

  29. 具体成交价也是秘而不宣——佳士得的阿历克斯•克莱恩(AlexisKlein)一再向我保证这合乎法律——但暗示说“打字机橡皮擦”的价位肯定超过220万美元,这是2009年它上次拍卖时的价位。

    The price is also confidential - Alexis Klein of Christie 's assures me this is legal - but hints that it is above $ 2.2m , which is what the piece fetched when it last sold in 2009 .

  30. 这是2001年以来,佳士得在香港举行的首场葡萄酒拍卖会。拍品中包括来自拉图堡酒庄(ChateauLatour)珍藏酒窖的127件葡萄酒,成交总额达1800万港元,高于之前预测的1000万港元。

    The wine auction , Christie 's first in Asia since 2001 , included 127 lots from the reserve cellars of Chateau Latour , which raised HK $ 18m , compared with its estimate of HK $ 10m .