
jiā pǐn
  • excellent product;fine-quality goods;famous product;fine work of art
佳品 [jiā pǐn]
  • (1) [top grade]∶上好的物品(指在同种物品中)

  • (2) [treasure]∶珍品

  • (3) [good strains of seeds]∶优良品种

  1. 枸杞是滋补佳品。

    Chinese wolfberry is an excellent tonic .

  2. 吃个橙子来补充维他命C,这也是减缓压力的佳品。

    Grab an orange for a dose of Vitamin C , another stress-buster .

  3. 厨房用具KitchenUtensil这件礼物不仅实用,而且还有心理治疗的功效。“前任”刀架组包含了五把刀和一个刀架,采用不锈钢制造,锋利无比,刀把采用人体工程学设计,手感舒适实乃送礼之佳品。

    Not only functional , but also therapeutic , " The Ex " Knife Set and Holder is a five-piece knife set plus holder that makes for the perfect gift . Constructed with heavy-gauge durable stainless steel , each knife offers a razor-sharp precision , ergonomically designed for comfortable handle .

  4. 新疆葡萄酒,已成为大众喜爱品尝的佳品。

    Xinjiang grape wine has Become a delicacy loved By all .

  5. 产品精美时尚、款式多样,是礼品中的佳品。

    Our product is elegant and fashionable , styles varied and popular .

  6. 当地制作的陶娃娃是馈赠亲友的佳品哦。

    Locally made pottery dolls make nice gifts for friends .

  7. 人参补膏,冬令佳品。

    Tonic jelly prepared from ginseng is the best speciality for winter .

  8. 彩陶动物,色彩丰富,收藏佳品。

    Painted earthen animals are rich in color and good for collection .

  9. 功效:这是一款最适合在节日享受的沐浴佳品。

    Functions : This type of bathing product best fits for festival .

  10. 真丝围巾,色彩丰富,送礼佳品。

    Rich-colored silk scarves can serve as good presents .

  11. 正宗白胡椒粉,调味之佳品。

    Authentic white pepper powder , an excellent seasoning .

  12. 瓶装香菜心酱菜,香味浓郁,脆爽可口,是方便佐餐之佳品。

    The pickled vegetable of bottled coriander heart is convenient and high quality .

  13. 钓鱼台国宾酒选用陈年窖藏酒调酿,为宴请和馈赠宾客之佳品。

    ' Diaoyutai Ambassador'is an exquisite choice for the distinguish banquet and gift .

  14. 车料玻璃制品,晶莹剔透,收藏佳品。

    Cut-glass wares with glittering and translucent carving are really good for collection .

  15. 羊奶的营养成分和人奶非常接近,被公认是最接近人奶的乳中佳品。

    The nutritional content of goat milk and human milk is very close .

  16. 冬至后,人们常买些冬令佳品作为送客礼品。

    After the winter solstice , people often Buy winter specialities as presents .

  17. 老少咸宜的营养饮料。馈赠亲友的四季佳品。

    A nourishing Beverage for all ages , an excellent gift in all seasons .

  18. 价格优惠,包装精美,为馈赠佳品,同时也是营养丰富的美食。

    Price concessions , beautifully packaged for gifts to share and is also nutrient-rich food .

  19. 是集收藏与家庭装饰为一体的佳品。

    Is the collection collection and the family decoration for the integration of the market .

  20. 本店小吃,种类繁多,众所喜爱品尝之佳品。

    A great variety of snacks served By our restaurant are delicacies loved By all .

  21. 现代出品,必属佳品!

    A product by modern audio .

  22. 该产品风味独特,是餐桌上的调味佳品。

    The flavor of the production is unique , and it is the fine seasoning production .

  23. 汤是一餐的开胃佳品。

    Soup can serve as a great appetizer to a meal , or as an entree .

  24. 食品展销会上有很多众所喜爱品尝之佳品。

    At the food sales exhiBition , there are a lot of delicacies loved By all .

  25. 如此佳品做为炒场主角,非它莫属。

    Jiapin market speculation that as the protagonist , it is none other than non - .

  26. 长期以来,装在纸盒里的昂贵品牌一直是馈赠或者讨好官员的佳品。

    Cartons of expensive brands have long been given as presents or to curry favor with officials .

  27. 是一种难得的馈赠佳品和高雅的室内装饰品。

    Is a unique gifting and elegant interior decorations . ? Plum Orchid Bamboo Chrysanthemum as a group .

  28. 众所喜爱品尝之佳品

    Delicacies loved By all

  29. 成为宴席及日常餐桌的理想菜肴和访亲探友馈赠佳品。

    As a banquet table and an ideal day-to-day visit to the pro-dishes and the gift Jiapin visit friends .

  30. 水果中的佳品石榴,种植广泛,营养丰富,石榴的保健功能显著。

    Pomegranate is a kind of fruit planted widely , rich in nutrition and having an evident effective health .