
jiā rén
  • Beauty;lovely;beautiful woman;talent;good (or fine) person
佳人 [jiā rén]
  • (1) [beautiful woman]∶貌美的女子

  • (2) [good (or fine) person]∶美好的人,指怀念的人或理想中的人

  • (3) [talent]∶有才干的人

佳人[jiā rén]
  1. 不管多大多老,不管佳人朋友怎么催。

    No matter how old the majority , no matter how beautiful woman friendreminders .

  2. 第三部分,佳人形象反映的文人心态,剖析佳人形象背后透露出来的创作者的男权中心意识,由此可见男性叙事者在父权制与男权文化交替作用下对女性的矛盾心态。

    Part three explores the writers ' male power center consciousness reflected by the Beautiful Woman image .

  3. 才子配佳人,真是美满姻缘。

    A beauty married to a talented scholar & what an ideal match .

  4. 这位佳人似乎给自己那被晒成小麦色的胴体都剃了毛,因此,为避免私处冻伤,她给自己穿上了厚厚的一层皮毛。

    Having seemingly waxed every hair from her sun-kissed body , the beauty avoided frostbite to her most private regions with the help of a thick covering of fur .

  5. 但是,等等,还有更多值得看:你也会从这部影片中获得激动人心的情节转折,一个善良与邪恶、高贵与耻辱、恐惧与勇气、爱与死亡交织在一起的世界呈现。乱世佳人

    But wait , there ’ s more : you ’ ll also get exciting plot twists and a world in which good and evil , nobility and dishonor , fear and courage , love and death , are intertwined . Gone with the Wind

  6. 怎么能少得了《乱世佳人》。你可以再次回味下这部经典,发现这个精彩故事的新侧面,一个坚强的、受伤的、独一无二的女人,她成功地经受住了命运的打击,让一些男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下的故事。

    There are good movies , and then there ’ s ’ Gone with the Wind . ’ You ’ ll keep coming back to it , discovering new sides to this incredible story of a strong-spirited , damaged , one-of-a-kind woman , who managed to survive blows of fate that would bring some men to their knees .

  7. 在好莱坞,《乱世佳人》(gonewiththewind)等许多影片的背后都有雷曼的资金。

    In Hollywood , it was the money behind films such as gone with the wind .

  8. Jim竭尽所能想博得佳人一笑。

    Jim did everything he could to get Susan Mayer to laugh .

  9. 但是如果考虑通货膨胀,货币贬值的因素,票房收入最高的电影应该是“GoneWiththeWind”,也就是《乱世佳人》。whenafilm'sgrossisadjustedforinflation,就是考虑通货膨胀的因素。

    But when a film 's gross is adjusted for inflation , the highest-grossing film is " Gone With the Wind . "

  10. 其实,我DVD机坏了,我们都没看到《乱世佳人》的结局是什么。

    Well , my DVD player just broke , and none of us know how " Gone With the Wind " Ends .

  11. 此外,该公司每年会在洛杉矶举办一代佳人大会(GenerationBeauty)。每年都有大批参会者涌向自己最喜欢的网络名人那里,与美妆和数字媒体行业的重量级人物亲密接触。

    Additionally , the company hosts an annual convention called Generation Beauty in Los Angeles , where attendees flock to meet their favorite digital celebrities and rub elbows with major players from the beauty and digital media industries .

  12. 对于零售商来说,售卖二手的《乱世佳人》DVD是合法的,但他们却不能从俄罗斯低价买进这一DVD,进口至美国,再以低于美国市价的价格卖出。

    A retailer could legally sell a second-hand Gone with the Wind DVD , but could not buy it cheaply in Russia , bring it to America and sell it for a low price .

  13. 这一幕令人想起《乱世佳人》(GoneWiththeWind)中饿着肚子的郝思嘉(ScarlettO’Hara)从土里刨出一颗萝卜,咬了一口又吐出来,发誓自己再也不会挨饿。

    The scene brings to mind the moment in " Gone With the Wind " when Scarlett O'Hara , half-starving , digs up a radish , bites into it , vomits and vows never to be hungry again .

  14. 后来,史温顿受欢迎的电影有:《黑色芳心》、《LoveistheDevil》,和迄今为止最出名的作品《美丽佳人欧兰朵》。她在剧中扮演一个男人,活了四百多年后最终变成了女人。

    Later successful films of Swinton 's include " Female Perversions , " " Love is the Devil , " and her most well-known work to date , " Orlando , " in which she played a man who lived for more than 400 years and became a woman .

  15. 华红和烟富1号试管苗POD活性在接种后44d时达到最大值,粉红佳人接种后52d时达到最大。

    In addition the POD activity of Huahong and Yanfu No.1 reached maximum after the inoculation for 44d , and which were 52d for Pink Lady .

  16. 三佳人追求:您的满意是我的心愿。

    Sanjian people 's pursuit : Your satisfaction is our wish .

  17. 有点骨气,贾维斯,我佳人有约

    Grow a spine , Jarvis . I got a date .

  18. 酣睡爱亦诚:美梦思佳人;

    Love lives in sleep : 'Tis happiness of healthy dreams ;

  19. 因为他自高中时代起就在一起的佳人于上周一宣布分手。

    since his high school sweetheart announced their split last Monday .

  20. 我发现汤姆是我的最佳人。

    I find Tom is the best man I can choose .

  21. 解析《乱世佳人》中郝思嘉的女性主体意识

    Analysis of Scarlett 's Feminine Subjective Consciousness in Gone With the Wind

  22. 他们放了录像片《乱世佳人》。

    They showed a video of " gone with the wind " .

  23. 玛格丽特米切尔&《乱世佳人》(1936)

    Margaret Mitchell - Gone With The Wind ( 1936 )

  24. 你想去看《乱世佳人》这部电影吗?

    Would you like to see the movie Gone with the Wind ?

  25. “红粉佳人”的味道有点儿甜。

    The taste of " Pink Lady " is sweet .

  26. 我就像理查·基尔,而你们俩是我的风月佳人。

    I 'm like Richard Gere and you 're my two hookers .

  27. 你打算把我这样的佳人浪费掉么?

    Are you going to let all this beauty go to waste ?

  28. 格雷顿小姐将成为你的如意佳人。

    Miss Gradgrind will be everything that you want .

  29. 贫穷的美佳人,情人易找,丈夫难寻。

    A poor beauty finds more lovers than husbands .

  30. 作者是《都会佳人》生活时尚编辑。

    The writer is citta bella 's lifestyle editor .