
yònɡ jīn zhì
  • commission
  1. 我的薪水采用基于销售业绩的纯佣金制。

    My salary was straight commission based on sales .

  2. 浮动佣金制促进了全球证券经纪业务新格局的形成。

    Floating Commission System promotes the establishment of the new global security brokerage business pattern .

  3. 当前传统证券经纪业务正面临极其严峻的挑战,浮动佣金制,加入WTO后,行业壁垒的逐渐消失,竞争主体的增加,监管制度的变革等,都使得证券经纪业务竞争日趋白热化。

    Traditional securities brokerage business is facing very serious challenges , floating commission system , after the accession to the WTO , the gradual disappearance of trade barriers , increase in the main competition , the regulatory regime change , have made the securities brokerage business increasingly intense competition .

  4. 实行浮动佣金制后券商的发展策略探讨

    The Countermeasures for Chinese Securities Dealers ' Strategy After Implementing Floating Commission System

  5. 浮动佣金制下客户交易行为的实证研究

    A Positive Study in Clients ' Dealing Behavior under the Fluctuating Commission System

  6. 港元联系汇率制浮动佣金制下的抉择

    Integrated Exchange System Between HK Dollars & US Dollars The Strategy of Floating Commission Pricing

  7. 浮动佣金制下的抉择

    The Strategy of Floating Commission Pricing

  8. 纯佣金制很难吸引到行业外的人才进入。

    Pure commission system is very difficult to attract talented people outside insurance companies to come .

  9. 在浮动佣金制下,营业部的经营受到挑战。

    Under the policy of the floating commission , the management of the brokerage branches is challenged .

  10. 在一个100%的佣金制和独立承包人的环境里,我需要使他们尽可能快的成功,要不然他们就会变得很气馁甚至离开。

    In a100 % commission and independent contractor environment , I needed to make them successful quickly or they would become discouraged and leave .

  11. 这种佣金制对于已经具有该资源的人来说具备强有力的激励,而对于没有从事过该职业的人来讲,就具有不确定的效果。

    This commission system already has powerful incentive to those who have resources to sales , but not incentive those people who have not engaged in sales .

  12. 这些公司的命运可能在1975年5月1日就已注定。当时废除了证券交易固定佣金制,对经纪业务收入形成挤压。

    Their fate was probably sealed on May 1 1975 , when fixed commissions for trading securities were abolished , setting off a squeeze on broking revenues .

  13. 2002年5月1日起实施的浮动佣金制,对我国的证券公司及证券业冲击很大。

    The Floating Commission System was put into effect on May 1st , 2002 . It would have a great influence on both Chinese Securities and the dealers .

  14. 本文从理论和实证两方面研究了浮动佣金制实施后对证券经纪业经营环境、竞争策略以及盈利能力的影响,并且对证券经纪业今后的竞争策略进行了探讨。

    This paper makes a study of management environment , competitive strategies , profitability of security brokerage theoretically and empirically , and discusses the competitive strategies after the notice brought into effect .

  15. 在浮动佣金制下,券商经纪业务的核心实际上就是佣金定价问题,而客户交易行为是营业部确定佣金价格水平的重要依据。

    This paper holds that the core of the securities company 's brokerage business is the pricing of commission , while the clients ' dealing behavior is the important foundation of the pricing .

  16. 广告代理的收费方式是建立在广告主与广告公司双方协商的基础之上的,15%的佣金制不是铁率。

    The charging method of the system adopted is based on the agreement of the advertiser and advertising company . The 15 % commission is not invariable and non-commission or minus is rarely seen .

  17. 证券公司在浮动佣金制下,如何求生存,如何选择竞争战略,如何保证所选择的竞争战略的实施,是本论文研究的主要问题。

    Under the floating commission system , how can the securities companies keep themselves alive , how to choose competitive strategies and how to ensure the implementation of the chosen strategies are what this dissertation mainly concerns .

  18. 在浮动佣金制下,营业部竞争均衡价格等于营业部成本加上投资者运输成本减去投资者偏好。在营业部较少地区,佣金基本接近垄断价格。

    The primary means of improving profit is the increase in department numbers , ( b ) when the commission floats , the equilibrium price amount to the department cost plus the transportation cost of investors subtract investor preference .

  19. 佣金浮动制下中小券商经纪业务设计

    The Business Design of Medium and Small Securities Trader

  20. 企业制度伦理治理:1、在薪酬制度上实行保单佣金的长期制或是终期制,但要相对的减少前期的保险佣金比例,尤其是首期的佣金比例。

    Enterprise system ethics governance : 1 、 in salary system implemented the policy commission long-term system or eventually period is made , but to relative reduce early insurance commission percentage , especially the commission percentage .

  21. 在我国目前的体制下,佣金制度改革主要采取由固定佣金制向自由佣金制逐步过渡的办法。

    Gradual transition from fixed commission system to liberal commission system is the main method under the current situation .