
  • Crop breeding;【农】plant breeding
  1. 外源DNA导入植物技术的发展及其在作物育种中的应用

    Advances of exogenous DNA injection to plant and its applications in crop breeding

  2. DNA标记在作物育种中的应用

    Crop breeding with DNA - marker assisted selection

  3. DNA分子标记技术辅助选择是当今作物育种的重要方法之一,并在作物改良中得到日益广泛的应用。

    Marker-assisted selection was an important approach in crop breeding , this method was abroad used to crop improvement .

  4. 应用AHP建立作物育种选择函数

    The Establishment of the Selecting Function in Crop Breeding by Using AHP

  5. RNA干涉技术及其在作物育种研究中的应用

    RNA Interference and Its Application in Crop Breeding

  6. 为推动数量性状位点基因在作物育种中的应用,本文简要叙述了用于数量性状位点基因的鉴定与Q×E分析。

    The identification of QTL and the analysis of Q × E for the utilization of crop breeding is simply introduced .

  7. 随着分子标记技术及其检测手段的发展,开发和应用成本的降低,分子标记辅助选择(MAS)在作物育种上的应用优势日益明显。

    With the development of molecular marker technologies and detection techniques and the decrease in the exploitation and application cost , molecular-assisted selection ( MAS ) shows superior applications in crop breeding .

  8. 用水稻、小麦和大豆的8个三重复品系试验的产量结果,进行了作物育种品系试验的三种分析方法与随机完全区组分析(RB)的比较。

    Three analysis methods were compared with the analysis method of randomized complete block ( RB ), based on the data of lines performance tests ( 3 replications ) in rice ? wheat and soybean .

  9. 介绍了RAPD标记的发展、原理、方法、特点和不足,并且对它在遗传图谱的构建、基因定位、品种和品系的分类及鉴定、作物育种等研究领域中的应用作一简述。

    This review introduced the evolution , theory , method , characteristics and disadvantages of RAPD analysis . The advance and applications of RAPD marker on genetic linkage mapping , gene localization , population classification and identification and forage breeding were described .

  10. 本文介绍了一种新型粘度仪(RVA)的基本工作原理、特点及其在粮食食品的品质评价和作物育种等领域中的应用成果。

    The basic principle and features of a new instrument Rapid Visco Analyser ( RVA ) for measurement of viscosity was introduced briefly . Some important achievements in evaluating quality of grain and food as well as in crop breeding were summarized .

  11. 采用FoxBASE~+数据库系统的原理,根据作物育种的特点,设计一个分析统计数据库系统(ZYFB系统).1个主模块和4个子模块,每个子模块之间即相互独立。

    Using FoxBASE + database system function and crop breeding feature de-sige one analyze average database system ( ZYFB system ) one main block and four condition block .

  12. 分子标记辅助选择技术及其在作物育种上的应用(综述)

    Marker-assisted selection and application to the crop breeding ( summary )

  13. 游离小孢子培养是芸薹属作物育种过程中的主要方法之一。

    Isolated microspore culture is a main method in Brassica breeding .

  14. 荷兰农业及作物育种简介

    Introduction of the Agriculture and the Plant Breeding in the Netherlands

  15. 自花授粉作物育种中分离世代的选择效应

    Selection effects in segregating generations of breeding population for self-fertilized crops

  16. 超低能离子注入作物育种的一种重要机制

    An important mechanism of crop breeding with ultralow energy ion injection

  17. 作物育种学拼盘式教学模式的实践和探索

    Practice and Exploration : A Cold-dish-like Teaching Mode of Plant Breeding

  18. 提高作物育种水平的几个理论与技术问题

    Summary of Several Theoretical and Technological Problems on Raising Crop Breeding Level

  19. 保障我国粮食安全的作物育种方向探讨

    Discussion on Orientation of Crop Breeding to Ensure Grain Safety of China

  20. 作为一个年轻的教师,他开始了作物育种的实验。

    And as a young teacher he began experiments in crop breeding .

  21. 生物技术与作物育种&现状与潜力

    Biotechnology and crop improvement & present status and future prospect

  22. 作物育种同异理论的研究现状与展望

    Study on Similarity-difference Theory of Crop Breeding and Its Prospect

  23. 细胞工程技术在作物育种上的研究与应用新进展

    Development and Progress in the Application of Cell Engineering in Plant Breeding

  24. 强化实践教学环节提高作物育种学课程教学质量

    Strengthen practice teaching to improve the teaching quality of the crop breeding

  25. 作物育种遗传过程的控制

    On the Control of Genetic Process in Crop Breeding

  26. 植物远缘杂交是作物育种中广泛应用的技术。

    Wide hybridization is a most widely used technique in crop breeding programs .

  27. 体细胞突变体的筛选在作物育种中的应用

    Application of Selection on Somaclonal Variation in Crop Breeding

  28. 花药培养技术是蔬菜作物育种中一种重要的辅助育种技术。

    Anther culture is a very important assistant breeding technique in vegetable crops .

  29. 合子期化学诱变在作物育种中的应用

    Application of chemical mutation on zygophase for crop breeding

  30. 小孢子培养技术在芸苔属作物育种上的应用研究进展

    Applications of Microspore Culture Technology in Brassica Breeding Programs