
  1. 微博具有门槛低、字数少、内容广、易传播等特征,是当今数字时代发展的必然结果,也是一种新的作品表现形式。

    Micro blogging is the inevitable result of development of the modern digital era and is a new form of work performance because of a low threshold , few words , many contents and easy to spread .

  2. 变奏被定义为艺术作品在表现形式及内容上呈现出的一种灵动感。

    Variation is defined as a kind of changeability in the form or substance of artistic expression .

  3. 这组作品从表现形式来看,既可归于当代书法的极致发展,但基本无字可看;

    This group of works from the expressions of view , can be attributed to the ultimate development of contemporary calligraphy but can see no words ;

  4. 第四章以舞蹈美学的观点对其舞蹈作品的表现形式及其审美追求进行深层的分析,其属于深层性研究。

    Fourth chapter viewpoint manifestation with dance aesthetics to whose dance work and their appreciation of the beauty run after the analysis that deep being in progress spends .

  5. 而综观王小波的研究热潮,探讨其作品外部表现形式的较多,触及其作品核心价值的则相对较少。

    While making a comprehensive survey of this research upsurge , we found that the research discussing its external manifestation of works is relatively more than the one touching its core value excessively .

  6. 近年来,随着新媒体的兴起,艺术作品的表现形式更加多样化,已经开始形成了一些逐渐成熟的新型艺术形式。

    In recent years with the rise of new media , the ways of performing art has been more and more diversed , so a number of new and mature art forms have gradually come into being .

  7. 因为版权法保护的主要是作品的表现形式,而软件的价值在于其内在的技术思想。因此,用保护力度更大的专利来保护软件已经成为越来越多国家的选择。

    Since the main job of copyright law is to protect the form of the work , while the value of the software is its internal techniques , so using greater patent protection in this field is becoming a choice in more countries .

  8. 早期翻译儿童文学作品的主要表现形式有:1、固有名词的改译;

    Major manifestations of the translated children 's literature in this period include : ( 1 ) the re-translation of proper nouns ;

  9. 全文论述了这个现象产生和发展的原因,身体符号在美术作品中的表现形式以及其背后透射出的女性主义意识流。

    The paper looks into the reasons for the emergence and developments of this phenomenon ; the various forms of manifestation in the fine arts of thebodysymbolism ; and the feminist stream of consciousness behind it .

  10. 本课题研究中,作者依据相关的图片资料和文献记载,使大家了解线条在艺术作品中的表现形式,以及古代传统绘画中线条给我们所带来的启示。

    This subject in accordance with relevant research , the author of documented information to understand the lines in the art works in the form of expression , and the ancient paintings for our traditional lines of revelation .

  11. 可以说,节奏和韵律是艺术作品最重要的表现形式之一。

    Can say , the rhythm and rhyme is the most important works of art forms of expression .

  12. 无论以哪种形式进行创作,其目的都是为了展现水彩画独特的艺术魅力和美术作品共同的艺术表现形式特征。

    Whichever painted in anyway , the goal is uncovering the unique artistic charm of watercolor painting and the common form of artistic display .

  13. 那书的语言跟他接近。从作品的创意到表现形式&语言栽体,似乎可以感觉到编导正向着他心目中的“现代舞”靠近。

    From these works and their expression forms , it can be seen that the director was drawing closer to the concept of " modern dance " .

  14. 陌生化的基本意义在于:诗歌或文学作品中的一切表现形式,都不是对现实的严格模仿、正确反映或再现,相反,它是一种有意识的偏离、背反甚或变形、异化。

    The basic meaning of Bestrangement is : in poem or literature , all expressive forms are not strict copies of reality , on the contrary , they are intentional violations .

  15. 而工笔花鸟画作为花鸟作品中一种表现形式,其表现的对象又是色彩缤纷的大自然,色彩理所当然成为组成画面的重要形式之一。

    As an expression form of flower and bird painting , the meticulous painting regarded colorful nature as its object and color became one of the important forms to make up the picture naturally .

  16. 第二部分从草原画派的作品表现内容、草原画派的作品表现形式、草原画派的作品特点三方面对草原画派的作品进行了解读分析,以把握其艺术的基本特征。

    The second part analyzes grassland painting school works from three aspects : content and form representation , features of them in order to grasp the basic characteristics .

  17. 在著作权犯罪的犯罪对象上,注意排除非著作权作品,并注意著作权作品的新表现形式。

    Copyright in criminal targets , excluding non - copyright works attention , and attention to new manifestations of copyright works .

  18. 文章归纳出作品中最为重要的孤独和痛苦两个主题,并分别结合相应的作品对主题的表现形式、产生的根源和衍生的深层次内涵进行分析。

    According to the most important themes & loneliness and pain , the thesis summarizes the origin and the connotations derived from deep-seated .

  19. 对其作品的引用,主要表现在引用词语或成句、袭用意象、引用篇名等方面。此外,潘岳的诗文被编入《文选》,这也是其作品接受的表现形式之一。

    Their works of reference , mainly in reference to words or sentences , Xiyong image reference Version . In addition , Pan Yue , the poetry is incorporated into the " Selected Works ", which is the work accepted by one of the manifestations .