
  • 网络the buddhist culture;culture of buddhism;buddhism culture
  1. 五当召风景区属于小型风景区,其景观特点主要是佛教文化和山地自然景观。

    The main characters are Buddhist culture and natural mountain landscape .

  2. 五台山佛教文化翻译规范化研究

    Study on the Standardization of Translations of Wutai Mountains Buddhist Culture

  3. 其次,对雍和宫的佛教文化旅游资源进行了具体的分类,并运用层次分析法(APH)对其进行评价,明确资源的开发优势和价值。

    Then , the paper classify the buddhism cultural tourism resource of the Yonghegong Temple , then using the AHP to give a ration analysis and evaluation on the Yonghegong Temple buddhism cultural tourism resources , so as to confirm their exploitative values and advantages .

  4. 我国西北地区佛教文化重心的历史变迁

    Historical Changes of the Center of Buddhist Culture in Northwestern China

  5. 论佛教文化对三言语言艺术的渗透

    Pervasion of Buddhism Culture to the " Sanyan " Language Art

  6. 如对外来佛教文化的融合吸收,就显示了中华文化海纳百川、有容乃大的宽广胸怀。

    It showed the broad-minded to absorb the outside Buddhist culture .

  7. 西夏京畿的佛教文化

    Buddhist Culture around the Capital Suburbs of the West Xia Dynasty

  8. 论荷花情结对中国佛教文化的审美观照

    Aesthetic Reflection of " Lotus Complex " on Chinese Buddhism Culture

  9. 众所周知,龟兹宗教文化是以佛教文化为主。

    Known , Qiuci religious culture is mainly Buddhist culture .

  10. 佛教文化充溢着许地山的多种创作文本。

    Many of Xu Di-shan 's works are full of Buddhistic culture .

  11. 关于英文导游准确传导中国佛教文化的研究

    On English Tour Guides ' Proper Introduction to the Chinese Buddhist Culture

  12. 五台山佛教文化旅游的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking About Mountains Wu Tai Buddhism Culture and Travel

  13. 四大名山佛教文化及其现代意义

    Buddhist Culture of the Four Great Buddhist Mountains and Its Modern Meaning

  14. 感受到悠久的佛教文化。

    Visitors can get a feel of the age-old buddhism .

  15. 传统佛教文化中的女性

    A Brief Analysis of the Females in the Traditional Culture of Buddhism

  16. 论回族文化中的佛教文化因素论东北民族文化

    The Buddhism Culture Elements in the Culture of Hui Nationality

  17. 云南佛教文化具有多民族性的特点。

    The Buddhist culture of Yunnan takes on a multi ethnic flavor .

  18. 社会形态演化与傣族佛教文化传承

    Evolution of Social Form and Culture Propagate of Dais Buddhism

  19. 试论李煜诗词中的佛教文化意蕴

    On the Buddhistic Cultural Meaning of LI Yu 's Poetry

  20. 论辽代家庭生活中佛教文化的影响

    Influence of Buddhist Culture upon Family Lives in Liao Dynasty

  21. 应以入世度生的精神,整合佛教文化资源,为旅游发展服务。

    Buddhist cultural resources needs to be integrated to service tourism development .

  22. 惟有佛教文化例外。

    Buddhist culture , however , was an exception .

  23. 佛教文化的导游讲解艺术

    A Probe into Explanatory Skills of a Tour Guide to the Buddhism Culture

  24. 佛教文化与宋传奇

    The Buddhism Culture and the Legend of Song Dynasty

  25. 中国佛教文化的基本精神如何?

    What is the essence of Chinese Buddhist culture ?

  26. 韶关佛教文化旅游及其开发策略

    Buddhistic Culture Tourism in Shaoguan and its Development Tactics

  27. 敦煌讲唱文学中的佛教文化

    The Buddhist Culture in Dunhuang Telling and Singing literature

  28. 二是明显以佛教文化为题材的作品。

    Second , the works is obviously taking Buddhism culture as subject matter .

  29. 五台山佛教文化的伦理效应

    The Ethical Effect of Buddhistic Culture of Wutai Mountains

  30. 佛教文化对《江格尔》的影响

    The Influence of Buddhism Culture on the Epic Jangar