
  1. 佛山市图书馆期刊采访分析报告

    An Analytical Report on Periodical Acquisition of Foshan Library

  2. 形象工程与内涵建设的统一&佛山市图书馆新馆十周年馆庆有感

    Unify of Typical Project and Connotation Construction & Thoughts on the Tenth Anniversary of New Foshan City Library

  3. 佛山市图书馆公益讲座举办5年来已见成效,但因面临经费短缺等问题而制约了讲座的规模和水准,阻碍了讲座的进一步发展。

    Public lecture in Foshan Library has achieved some effect after a 5 - year development but its scale and its level are restrained for being short of funds , which hinders its future development .

  4. 佛山市联合图书馆建设构想

    Thoughts on construction of Foshan United Library

  5. 公共图书馆理念的成功实践之二:佛山市联合图书馆研究

    A Study of Foshan United Libraries

  6. 深圳的“图书馆之城”和佛山市的联合图书馆之路,是公共图书馆平民化建设的具体实践。

    " The City of Libraries " in Shenzhen and the United Libraries of Foshan City are good examples of the civilianization of public libraries .