
  • 网络decent life
  1. 随着自我意识的觉醒,她们不再满足于传统的女性角色,而是或勇于主动追求所爱、或努力争取自由、追求平等权利等。此外,还有一些堕落女性力争回归物质或精神上的体面生活。

    With the awakening of self-awareness , they are no longer satisfied with conventional female roles . Some of them strive for love , some for freedom and equal rights and some " fallen women " struggle to return to materially or spiritually decent life .

  2. 国家有责任和义务让每个公民过上有尊严的体面生活。

    States have the responsibility and obligation to allow every citizen to live a decent life with dignity .

  3. 有足够的钱像位大人那样体面生活。

    Enough gold to live like a lord , you said .

  4. 波士顿残疾人为生存、为过上体面生活的斗争就是我们的斗争。

    The struggle of a disabled man in Boston to survive , to live decently is our struggle .

  5. 我觉得只要他愿意,他是可以过上体面生活的,这实属一大憾事。

    It is all a great pity , for he could earn a decent living for he chose .

  6. 他们属于如今在美国很普通的那一种人:靠工资过着体面生活的的人。

    They were people of a sort very common in America today , who live respectably from hand to mouth .

  7. 我不想过被“饲养”的体面生活,我必须选择自我独立的生活。

    I did not think were decent enough for me or were not " keepers " and have choose to live alone .

  8. 我们要看到,进城务工的农民并没有获得可以在城市体面生活下来的稳定就业和收入条件,当他们无法在城市体面生活下去时,必须要让他们可以返乡。

    What we want to see is whether migrant workers are able to make a decent living in cities , with stable employment and income , and if not , we must allow them to return home .

  9. 我们会继续努力,争取使我们的成员过上体面的生活。

    We 'll continue to fight for a decent standard of living for our members .

  10. 他们想要的无非是能有机会过上体面的生活。

    They only want the chance to live their lives decently .

  11. 他希望改邪归正,过体面的生活。

    He wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life .

  12. 让辛勤的劳动能换来体面的生活。

    Making sure your hard work leads to a decent living .

  13. 那罪犯希望改邪归下,过体面的生活。

    The criminal wishes to straighten up and lead a respectable life .

  14. 而对于迪帕克而言,这也是一种体面的生活。

    For Dipak , it 's also a decent living .

  15. 因为父母的辛劳工作,他才有了体面的生活。

    Thanks to his parents'hard work , he leads a decent life .

  16. 如果不读完大学,她能过上体面的生活吗?

    Could she make a decent living at it ?

  17. 未来的就业待遇将无法支撑体面的生活水平。

    Future jobs won 't support decent living standard .

  18. 肯定可以过上体面的生活。

    For the others , as you know .

  19. 他梦想着过体面的生活。

    He dreamed of living in decent conditions .

  20. 她继续过着体面的生活。

    She continues to lead a respectable life .

  21. 再说,体面的生活和高尚的品格是可以共存的。

    What 's more , decent lives and human dignity can go hand in hand .

  22. 不过这是个体面的生活,公司对我也基本满意。

    But it is a decent living and the firm is basically happy with me .

  23. 我们如何确保努力工作之后可以有体面的生活?

    And how do we make sure that hard work leads to a decent living ?

  24. 世界文明的命运取决于这样一个条件,即使全人类都达到一个体面的生活水平。

    The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind .

  25. 如果一个人曾经体面地生活过,便没什么可怕的。

    And there ain 't nothing to be afraid of if a chap 's led a decent life .

  26. “我要在大厅里工作,我要过上体面的生活”,他说。

    " I wanted to work in the lobby . I wanted to lead a decent life ," he said .

  27. 人类的发展不仅需要健康、教育及体面的生活水平,同样也需要国家对文化的认同和尊重。

    The development of human race not only requires health , education and decent living standard , but also needs cultural recognition and respect .

  28. 格里尔提出了3个理由:为你和你所爱的人赢得体面的生活、自尊以及对成功的渴望。

    Greer cites three reasons : To earn a decent living for yourself and your loved ones , self respect and desire for success .

  29. 即使他们不想上大学,对各种事情感兴趣的人也能过上体面的生活。

    People who are interested in various things really can earn a decent living even if they don 't want to go to college .

  30. 亚洲的银行通过合理的贷款业务,维持着体面的生活。而亚洲的制造商从事着过时的、实在的生产工作。

    Its banks eked out a respectable living through the sensible business of lending money , its manufacturers through the old-fashioned practice of making things .