
  • 网络Coelomoduct;haemo-coelomic channel;coelomic duct
  1. 体腔管治疗子宫颈癌1137例膀胱和直肠反应的观察

    Radiation reaction of the bladder and rectum in 1137 uterine cervical carcinoma patients treated by intracavitary deep X-ray therapy

  2. 各种人工生物材料如人工导尿管、人工体腔引流管、人工静脉导管、人工血液透析或腹膜透析管、人工气管插管、人工心脏瓣膜、人工骨、人工声带等广泛使用。

    A variety of human medical materials such as artificial ureters , artificial body cavity drainage tube , artificial venous catheters , artificial blood dialysis or peritoneal dialysis , artificial tracheal intubation , artificial heart valves , artificial bone , artificial vocal cords and other widely used .