
  • 网络Low Inflation;lowflation;Disinflation
  1. 在经济学里,“金发姑娘经济”指的是维持适度增长和低通胀的经济。

    In economics , a Goldilocks economy sustains moderate economic growth and low inflation .

  2. 欧洲中央银行(EuropeanCentralBank,ECB)的共同货币政策继承了其最优秀的成员国央行–德意志联邦银行(Bundesbank)的衣钵,而且创造了更佳的低通胀纪录。

    The European Central Bank 's ( ECB ) common monetary policy has drawn on the traditions of its best constituent central bank , the Bundesbank-and has produced an even better record of low inflation .

  3. “低通胀”指的是持续保持较低的通胀水平,低通胀往往会威胁到一个国家的经济繁荣。

    Lowflation refers to a persistently1 low level of inflation , particularly one that threatens a country ’ s economic prosperity .

  4. 如果现在的低通胀长期持续下去,最终将可能让欧洲重新陷入债务危机。

    Example : If the current lowflation goes on for long time , it could ultimately throw Europe back into a debt crisis .

  5. 不断攀升的CPI指数表明,在高增长低通胀的黄金时期后,中国正在迎来新一轮的高通货膨胀。

    The escalating CPI index indicates that China has entered a new period with high inflation .

  6. 本文运用Romer的新经济增长理论基本模型对新经济的主要特征(人均收入在低通胀、高就业水平条件下的长期持续增长)作出机理解释。

    This paper gives an explanation for the mechanism of new economy based on new economic theory advanced by P.Romer .

  7. 这使得密切关注消费者价格指数(cpi)的美联储误认为,它可以做到高增长与低通胀二者兼顾。

    That lulled the Fed , with its tight focus on the consumer price index , into thinking it could have it both ways : high growth with low inflation .

  8. 欧洲央行(ECB)给出了迄今最为强烈的信号,表明它准备出台量化宽松措施(QE)以防止欧元区陷入通缩或者持续低通胀。

    The European Central Bank has given its strongest signal yet that it is prepared to embrace quantitative easing to prevent the eurozone from sliding into deflation or even a prolonged period of low inflation .

  9. 不过,IMF总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christineLagarde)警告称,持续复苏面临若干障碍,包括损害就业的欧元区低通胀和乌克兰危机引发的地缘政治紧张局面。

    However , Christine Lagarde , managing director of the IMF , warned of several obstacles to a sustained recovery including job-killing low-flation in the eurozone and geopolitical tensions stemming from the crisis in Ukraine .

  10. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济师方艾硕(joachimfels)上周在本报撰文指出,世界正进入这样一个阶段我们再也不能将低通胀率视为理所当然。

    As Joachim Fels of Morgan Stanley argued on this page last week , the world is entering a phase in which we can no longer take low inflation for granted .

  11. 最近从英国央行货币政策委员会辞职的大卫-布兰奇福劳(DavidBlanchflower)认为,伯南克还会不得不创造一个替代现行只关注低通胀的货币体系。

    He will also have to create a new monetary regime to replace the single-minded focus on low inflation , says David Blanchflower , who recently quit the Bank of England 's monetary policy committee .

  12. 在经济学研究中,GDP和CPI一直是一些经济学家和政策制定者的研究重点,因为如何保持经济高增长和低通胀关系到人民生活水平的提高和社会稳定的大局。

    Within the economics analysis , CPI and GDP are always the target of great many economists and government officers . Because how to keep high speed of economics ' running and low level inflation is related to the growth in the living standard and national stability .

  13. 低通胀压力为降息创造了空间。

    Lower inflationary pressures create space for rates to be cut .

  14. 英国政策制定者必须将重点集中在维护低通胀政策的可信度上。

    British policymakers must focus only on preserving credibly low inflation .

  15. 甘肃经济形成高增长低通胀发展格局

    Gansu 's economy has formed a high growth and low inflation development pattern

  16. 因为,除了低通胀和高增长以外,市场还能提出什么要求?

    What more can one ask for than low inflation and high growth ?

  17. 对低通胀与资产价格泡沫、信贷膨胀并存现象的一种解读

    An Interpretation of the Coexistence of Low Inflation 、 Bubbles and Credit Expansion

  18. 更广泛的目标总是意味着,在维持低通胀方面,会有更多的政治干预和更少的可信性。

    Broader objectives invariably mean more political interference and less credibility in maintaining low inflation .

  19. 新菲利普斯曲线解释了低通胀与低失业并存的现象。

    The new Phillips curve shows that low inflation and low unemployment could happen together .

  20. 巴西政府面临三项宏观要务:低通胀、投资和竞争力。

    The government has three macro priorities : low inflation , investment , and competitiveness .

  21. 而近期金价的上涨却发生于低通胀时期。

    More recently , the gold price has risen through a period of low inflation .

  22. 另一方面,在衰退时期,超低通胀会很容易转化为通缩。

    Ultra-low inflation , on the other hand , can easily become deflation in a recession .

  23. 与此同时,中国的贸易伙伴获得了廉价货物和低通胀的好处。

    Meantime , China 's trading partners have the boon of cheap goods and low inflation .

  24. 今后还能不能继续保持高增长、低通胀的发展势头?

    Will China be able to maintain such a momentum of high growth and low inflation ?

  25. 我们理所当然地认为,人们信任本国央行能够实现低通胀率目标。

    We take it for granted that people trust their central banks to deliver low inflation .

  26. 随着美国生产率的不断提高,美国经济保持了低通胀下的持续增长。

    As American productivity rise ceaselessly , american economy maintained the abidance below low inflation to grow .

  27. 充足的流动性和低通胀率继续维持了投资级信用债良好的投资环境。

    Ample liquidity and low inflation should continue to foster a favourable environment for investment grade credit .

  28. 直到6个月前,多数亚洲国家还能为高增长、低通胀而自豪。

    Until six months ago , most Asian countries could boast of strong growth and moderate inflation .

  29. 过去的5至7年,我们在亚洲一直处于一种低通胀环境。

    We have been in a low inflation environment in Asia for the last five to seven years .

  30. 我们不能忘记经济政策的传统目标:为低通胀的经济增长提供框架。

    We must not forget the traditional aim of providing a framework for economic growth with low inflation .