
  • 网络low calorie;Low Cal
  1. 低卡型与普通型冰淇淋显微结构及其混料流变学性质比较研究

    A comparison study on microscopic structure and theological characteristics of low calorie ice cream and common ice cream

  2. 选择每天少吃一顿饭,而不是无规律断食或低卡餐与普通餐换着吃。

    Instead of intermittent9 fasting , or alternating days of eating low-calorie meals with standard fare , you could experiment with skipping one meal each day .

  3. 如果想减肥就试试低卡可乐。

    If you want to keep fit , try some diet coke .

  4. 我的咖啡是低卡的,又找不到手机。

    My cappuccino was decaf , and I couldn 't find my phone .

  5. 不知道是不是吃了低卡减肥餐的关系。

    I don 't know if it 's this low-carb diet I 'm on .

  6. 欲无痛苦减肥,请按低卡食谱进餐。

    If you desire painless weight reduction , please diet on the special low-calorie menu .

  7. 偷了吸管偷了搅拌机他们甚至偷了低卡糖

    they stole the straws , they stole the stirrers , they even stolethe Sweet'N Low .

  8. 有次我吃了根低卡冰棒,我牛仔裤的扣子立马就给崩了

    I had a low cal ice cream bar once that popped my top Jean button .

  9. 瑞秋:是的,因为那是低卡无乳脂、豆浆制的假冰淇淋。

    Rachel : Yeah , well that 's that lo-cal , non dairy , soy milk junk .

  10. 尽管低卡添加剂对受试者本身也伤害较大,他们对自己的评估确是没有特别大的醉意。

    Although a diet mixer impaired the subjects more , they rated themselves as not being any drunker .

  11. 但是帕克也说,如果顾客有更多的时间选择,那他们点低卡餐点的几率还会增加。

    Surprisingly , Parker says , if customers were given more time , selecting a low-calorie meal would increase .

  12. 即使只喝一点点酒也会危害到你的腰围,饮用低卡烈酒也不例外。

    Having a few drinks can wreak havoc with your waistline even if youve switched to a low-calorie tipple .

  13. 我们的身体并没有完全消化低卡的甜味剂,如无糖口香糖中的山梨醇。

    Our bodies don 't completely digest the low-cal sweeteners , such as sorbitol , found in sugar-free gum .

  14. 总体来说,当低卡菜肴被分离开时,参与者会选择包含多11%卡路里的菜肴;而当卡路里被明确标在菜肴旁边时,由于受到这个信息的影响,参与者对卡路里的选择低了15%。

    Overall , on average , when low-calorie dishes were separated , participants chose dishes that contained 11 percent more calories .

  15. 这种低卡沙拉酱比一般的少了三分之一的脂肪!而且一样好吃!

    This low-calorie salad dressing has a third less fat than the ; regular one ! And it tastes great , too !

  16. 如果员工不瘦下来,日本电气公司就得面临1900万美元的罚款,所以公司正努力推广低卡的健康饮食。

    NEC , facing $ 19 million in penalties if its employees don 't slim down , is encouraging a low-calorie , healthy diet .

  17. 所以今年香港荣华(一家香港食品公司)用麦芽糖替代白砂糖并混合蛋黄莲蓉,好吃且低卡。

    So Wing Wah replaced granulated sugar with maltitol , and mixed mixed egg yolk with lotus seed paste this year , to keep it tasty but with fewer calories .

  18. 因为这是低卡无乳脂豆浆制的假冰淇淋,我们把真正的留到实在无法挽留了才吃。

    Yeah , well that 's that lo-cal , non dairy , soy milk junk . We sort of , we save the real stuff for those really terminal cases .

  19. 随着年龄的增加,加上公司酒水间提供的啤酒都不是真正的低卡饮料,体重增加是再平常不过的事情了。

    It 's not unusual for people to put on a few pounds as they get older , and all the beers at those company drinking sessions aren 't exactly low-calorie beverages .

  20. 他表示,他认为低卡汽水存在于在我们生活中,他们有助于减少热量,问题是,许多人在喝低卡汽水时与吃了大量的油炸食物。

    " I think diet sodas have a role in our lifestyle ," he says . " They help reduce calories . " The problem is , many people also eat a large order of fries with their diet sodas , he says .

  21. 基于SOI的低功耗智能卡芯片技术

    A low power smart card chip technology in SOI

  22. 选用Q275低碳钢制造卡爪,进行复合强化处理。

    Claws can be made from Q275 low carbon steel and then combined & treated to strengthen .

  23. 基于低功耗标识卡的井下人员定位系统的设计

    Design of Underground Personnel Position System Based on Low-power Identification Card

  24. 短期低氮低热卡肠外营养在术后患者的应用评价

    Evaluation of short-term TPN with low nitrogen and hypo-calorie on postoperative surgical patients

  25. 八毫米低副瓣卡氏天线的优化设计

    The Optimum Design of 8mm lower Sidelobe Cassegrain Antenna

  26. 低剂量乐卡地平组与高脂对照组比较无显著差异。

    There were insignificant differences between the low dose lercanidipine treated group than in the high fat control group .

  27. 当然,现实已经多次告诉你购物时要用低利率的卡取代信用卡。

    Sure , you 've been told a dozen times to shop for a replacement card with a lower rate of interest .

  28. 该银行建立了人性化的个人信贷中心,向贷款人发放小型个人贷款,并发行可以在当地商家使用的低额度信用卡。

    The bank opened customer-friendly personal-credit centres where borrowers could take out small personal loans and began issuing low-limit credit cards for use with local merchants .

  29. 就像一个拥有多张低利率信用卡、挥霍惯了的消费者,意大利习惯了一缺钱就要求提高信贷额度。

    Like a profligate spending consumer with several low-interest credit cards , Italy just kept requesting larger and larger credit line increases when it needed quick cash .

  30. 与伯醇相比,两种直链仲醇的脱氢活化能比伯醇低7千卡/克分子左右。

    Comparing with primary alcohols , the activation energics of the two kinds of the hydrocarbon chain secondary alcohols are lower by about 7 Koal / mole than that of the primary .