
  • 网络Gamma Function;digamma
  1. 伽玛函数的单调性质和对数完全单调性质被获得了。

    The monotonicity and logarithmically complete monotonicity properties for the Gamma function are obtained .

  2. 关于伽玛函数和不完全伽玛函数单调性的注记

    Note on the monotonicity of Gamma and incomplete Gamma functions

  3. 建立以伽玛分布为结构函数的分类风险模型,采用矩法估计分类风险模型参数;

    The study was conducted by setting up a classified risk model , using moment method to estimate the parameters of risk model .

  4. 作者提出了斜孔一次伽玛场理论,同时对斜孔一次伽玛场性质、D函数性质及D函数与其他伽玛场函数关系做了一些讨论,进而解决了斜孔形态系数计算问题。

    At the same time , the nature of gamma field in slant borehole and D function as well as the relation between D function and other gamma field functions are discussed , and then the problem on the calcula - tion of shape coefficient of slant borehole is solved .