- Bode diagram

A method applying the generalized Nyquist diagram the accurate application of Nyquist stability criterion of Bode diagram
Adjusting control system with Bode diagram has been a common method in certain fields , but remains a new subject .
The stability of blood pressure was analyzed by Bio-Bode diagram .
Adjusting Heat-Engine Process Control System with Bode Diagram
Computation for Bio-Diagram in Blood Pressure Stability Analysis
This paper studies the Bode - diagrams of a water turbine governor system which has good dynamic properties .
And Bode plots of the two degrees of the freedom of the parallel robot were presented based on the sine signal tracing test result .
Bode plots of the system transfer function are used to determine the effects of various inputs ( including a step ) upon the steady-stat response of the system .
The Bode diagram calculated through the transfer function is compared with the experimental data . the usefulness of the mathematical model for servo loading system and the effectiveness of the design fundamentals have been evaluated .
The fault characteristic value is picked up by multi-layer decomposition of wavelet analysis . The fault of cracked rotor is diagnosed effectively at last by combining the Bode diagram in the process of speed up . 4 .
To develope the method and its steps for adjusting the control system , through using approximate Bode diagram , and in particular to develop procedures and principles for determination of regulator integration time T1 and differentiation time Td .
The chief advantage of using Bode diagram in adjusting heat-engine control system is - there is no restriction with respect to type and order of the controlled object , as well as to the number of regulator parameters and criteria of adjustment .