
  • 网络Sensing Devices;Sensor
  1. 在物联网高速发展的今天,GPS设备作为信息传感设备,也成为人们关注的重点之一,成为继蜂窝移动通信和互联网之后的全球第三个IT经济新增长点。

    With the rapid development of the Internet of things , GPS devices as sensing devices , has also become one of the focus of attention .

  2. 物联网通过信息传感设备与互联网的结合,实现人与物体、物体与物体的智慧对话,达到智能监控等目的。

    Internet of things ( IoT ) completes thing-thing and human-thing intelligent interaction for intelligent monitoring purposes through the combination of the sensing devices and Internet .

  3. 基于ARM的医疗传感设备的设计与实现

    Designing of the medical device based on ARM

  4. 其中一款叫iHealth无线智能血糖监测系统(WirelessSmartGluco-MonitoringSystem),是同名公司研发的;他们还生产其他产品,致力于提供一系列健康相关的数字化传感设备。

    One is the iHealth Wireless Smart Gluco-Monitoring System , and comes from a company of the same name that also makes other products that aim to provide a collection of digital sensors for health measurement .

  5. 精确的传感设备是实现精确检测的关键。

    The precise sensor is the key to realize precise test .

  6. 此外,它还将运动传感设备提高到一个新的高度。

    It also raises the bar for motion sensor devices .

  7. 他说,这将需要在峰顶安置传感设备,而后借助卫星技术测定峰顶的海拔高度。

    It will entail placing a device on the peak that will measure the height using satellite technology , he said .

  8. 该法是采用两根不同内径的毛细管,通过压差传感设备测量两个管的最大压力差来计算表面张力。

    This method using two differential diameter capillaries , calculates the surface tension with the differential pressure measured by the differential pressure transmitter .

  9. 他们发现,存在于你我周围的空气里所具有的完全无公害的能量具有一种潜力,可以为无线传感设备,微型处理器以及通信电脑芯片补充电量。

    They have found that by harnessing energy from the air around us could potentially power wireless sensors , microprocessors and communications chips .

  10. 前视声纳及其处理系统作为水下机器人的主要传感设备,担负着发现机器人前方目标,并对目标进行定位和识别的任务。

    Forward-looking sonar and its system as the main sensory ( sensing equipment ), charged with target location , identification and imaging tasks .

  11. 随着视频设备和图像处理技术的发展,视频监控系统具有传统传感设备难以比拟的优势,作为一种有效手段在诸多领域得到了广泛应用。

    With the development of video equipment and image processing technology , the video surveillance system has more advantages than the conventional sensor equipment .

  12. 水情测报系统是由传感设备、通信设备和计算机组成的信息传输与处理网络。

    The remote measuring system for hydrology is a information transmitting and processing network , which consists of a sensor , communication facility and computers .

  13. 排爆机器人手动控制信息采集系统主要由PC机、手动信息采集板,外围传感设备组成。

    The manual control system in sampling for the bomb - exclusive robot mainly consists of the computer 、 manual information sampling board and the peripheral equipments .

  14. 从一般意义上来讲,无线传感器网络是一种由大量部署在目标地区执行特定监测任务的嵌入式传感设备通过多跳、自组织的方式构成的无线网络。

    Wireless sensor network is a multi-hop , self-organized wireless network constituted by a large number of sensor nodes which deployed in the target area to perform specific tasks .

  15. 该系统由安装于50米高钢结构桅杆上的超声风速仪、机械风速仪、加速度计等相应传感设备所组成。

    The system includes the installation of ultrasonic and mechanical anemometers , bi-axial accelerometers , etc. on a 50m high meteorological mast near the eastern pylon of the bridge .

  16. 传统的车辆称重系统主要是依靠比较昂贵的传感设备来实施,成本既高,又限制了运营速度。

    The traditional system of vehicle weigh is put into practice primarily depending on expensive sensor equipment . It not only cost high , but also limited the speed of movement .

  17. 物联网就是将所有物品通过射频识别、无线传感器网络等信息传感设备与互联网连接起来,实现智能化识别和管理。

    Internet of Things is able to connect all the items to Internet via information technology such as RFID and Wireless Sensor Network , in order to realize intelligent identification and management .

  18. 物联网是近年来逐渐兴起的一个概念,它通过各种传感设备和网络将现实世界中的人和物联系起来。

    Internet of things ( IoT ) is in a prevalent concept in recent years , through various sensing equipment and networking , it can connect people and things in the real world .

  19. 星跟踪器是高精度和高灵敏度的导航和制导用传感设备,它利用天上的恒星为系统提供方向基准。

    Star tracker is a sensing system with high accuracy and sensitivity in the guidance and navigation . It offers the direction reference to the aircraft and spacecraft by the use of the celestial stars .

  20. 随着现代激光技术和武器的快速发展,急需激光防护材料(光限幅材料)和设备来防护人眼和光学传感设备免受激光的破坏。

    With the fast development of modern laser technology and laser arms , there has been a growing need for optical limiting materials and devices to protect optically sensitive devices and human eyes from laser damage .

  21. 近年来,对汽车主动安全技术的研究有了长足的发展,车载数字相机作为车辆道路环境感知系统的主要传感设备,受到了广泛的重视。

    Recently years , the investigation on Active Safety Technology has made considerable developments . Researchers tremendously focus the on-board digital camera which is the main sensing device of the perceptual system of road vehicles environment .

  22. 物联网技术的出现使得加快数字化校园建设成为了可能,物联网依托互联网,通过无线传感设备感知泛在环境。

    The emergence of The Internet Of Things that make the speed up digital campus construction has become the possibility , The Internet Of Things rely on Internet through the wireless sensor equipment perception in the environment .

  23. 随着互联网及传感设备的发展,使物联网的高速发展成为可能;所以作为传感设备和互联网连接的中间件&网关的需求和应用也越来越多。

    The development of internet and sensing devices makes the rapid development of internet of Things possible . So the requirement and application of gateway are more and more as the middleware of sensing equipment and internet connectivity .

  24. 即共享的资源不仅包含目前广泛使用的网页信息,还包括共享计算资源、存储资源、网络资源、传感设备等连接在网络上的所有软硬件资源。

    In that way , people can not only share the information of web pages , but also share all the soft or hard resources , such as computing resources , storage resources , network resources , sensor resources and so on .

  25. 随着物联网技术的推广和广泛应用,各种传感设备和传感网络可以收集越来越多的底层数据,这些数据同时也被处理分析,支持各种上层应用。

    As the promotion and wild application of the Internet of Things , more and more underlying data can be collected by all kinds of sensor equipment and sensor networks . Those data will be processed and used to support upper-layer applications .

  26. 在飞行器的交会对接过程中,应用计算机视觉系统作为精确传感设备,测量飞行器相对于固定在空间站的坐标系的三维位置和方向,为导航和控制回路提供需要的反馈信息。

    In spacecraft rendezvous and docking , a computer vision system is used as an accurate sensing device for estimating the three dimensional position and orientation of the spacecraft relative to a coordinate system fixed on a space station , providing feedback information needed for guidance and control loops .

  27. 但MXAir的设计和技术确立了一个新基准,以此可以判断其它陀螺仪传感导航设备。

    But the design and technology of the MX Air has set a new benchmark by which to judge other gyroscopic-based navigation devices .

  28. 硬件系统按功能分为传感系统设备和通讯系统设备。

    Hardware system is divided into sensing system equipment and communication system equipment by function .

  29. 适用于大跨度空间结构的新型传感监测设备开发和故障预警集成软件系统的开发。

    It is available for the development of new sensor monitoring equipments and fault early warning integration software system .

  30. 传感系统设备负责传感器的安装、数据采集、传输和分析;通讯系统设备负责测试信号和测试结果数据的传输。

    Sensing system equipment is responsible for the sensor installation , data collection , transmission and analysis ; communications system equipment is responsible for the transmission of test signals and test results data .