
  1. 一颗泪珠中蕴含了一个海洋。一个摄影师会察觉到一个人生命中显露伟大真理的渺小时光。

    A tear contains an ocean . A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a person 's life that reveal greater truths .

  2. 从宗教学的角度看,他们告诉我上帝是伟大的人类是渺小的。

    Theologically , I see that God is great and we are insignificant .

  3. 高的,寻找矮的,伟大的,寻找渺小,在这美妙的地球,谁寻找,谁能找到。

    The high do seek the lowly , the great do seek the small , None cannot find who seeketh , on this terrestrial ball ;