
  1. 少女母亲知道为什么动物会食其幼崽。

    Mothers of teenagers know why animals eat their young .

  2. 你会食这男人煮的菜,对吗?

    You 'd eat the food cooked by this man , wouldn 't you ?

  3. 第四章论述古代的鼎食传统和由分餐向会食的转变。

    The fourth chapter discusses ancient tripod food traditions and to will feed by transformation of strongly .

  4. 每逢进食前,特别在吃较油腻的食物,我都会食纤体乐,而餐后便会吃型体乐。

    I take the diet supplement before each meal and the safflower & citrus after I 've eaten .

  5. 不是从脏腑里,而是从舌尖上感觉到的,过饱了便会食伤呕吐;

    No motion of the liver , but the palate , that suffer surfeit , cloyment , and revolt ;

  6. 政客们有时能够愚弄一些人,但最终他们都会自食恶果。

    Politicians can fool some people some of the time , but in the end , the chickens will come home to roost .

  7. 他那时如果胆敢来逼迫她,一定会自食恶果。

    If he had determined to persecute her , he must take the consequences .

  8. 如果食人族能啃食罐头的话,那么他们会啃食尽可能多罐头。

    As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans .

  9. 其中的左翼闻到了一只会啃食美国劳工及环保标准的跨国老鼠的气味。

    The left smells a multinational rat that would gnaw at US labour and environmental standards .

  10. 当然了,在享受免费顺风车的途中,这些寄生虫也会帮食腐甲虫清理掉身上的细菌。

    It 's possible that the mites also clean bacteria from the beetles themselves while being given the free ride .

  11. 这种飞蛾的幼虫会侵食树叶内部,并在那里化成蛹,这对树叶造成了巨大伤害,并导致树叶提早脱落。

    Larvae of the moth eat their way inside the leaves and pupate there , causing much damage and early leaf fall .

  12. 你要一意孤行,我们阻止不了,但这样干,你只会自食苦果。

    We can 't stop you from trying to go it alone , but if you do you 'll be cutting your own throat .

  13. 蜘蛛丝很早就让科学家们惊奇不已,可是要按照商业数目去生产是一件困难的事情,因为关在一起的蜘蛛会互食。

    Spider silk has long fascinated scientists but producing it in commercial quantities is difficult because spiders kept in captivity tend to eat each other .

  14. 我们会说日月食是促进改变的契机。

    We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change .

  15. 小鸟向大鸟讨食,也会彼此讨食。

    Young birds beg for food from older birds and each other .

  16. 阅读关于潘尼斯基金会和可食校园(英文)的更多信息。

    Read more about the Chez Panisse Foundation and the Edible Schoolyard .

  17. 他们说在这个金猪年出生的小孩,长大后会过上衣食无忧的生活。

    They say babies born in the golden pig year will have comfortable and wealthy lives .

  18. 像这种哈里斯鹰可以飞到任何它们想去的地方,但是经过训练它们会回来求食。

    Birds like this Harris Hawk can fly where they want to , but have been trained to come back for food .

  19. 沙勒布瓦教授表示,结果就是,不仅新鲜农产品的价格会上涨,食杂店商品的价格也会抬高。

    The result , Professor Charlebois said , is that price increases will be seen throughout grocery stores and not just in their fresh produce aisles .

  20. 他说,中毒的动物会对啃食它尸体的鸟和动物有害,对想要把它的肉煮来吃的人类也有害。

    He said poisoned animals were a danger to birds and animals feeding on the carcasses as well as hungry people tempted to cook and eat the meat .

  21. 这种可爱的浑身长刺的小动物通常被当做宠物饲养,但大多数主人并不知道繁殖期到来时刺猬会同类相食。

    These endearing , spiky animals are commonly kept as pets , but many owners don 't realize that hedgehogs often turn cannibal when breeding time comes around .

  22. 但是健康的孩子,不同文化背景不同年龄层次的成人也会突发异食癖,有时只是因为他们的饮食不均衡导致缺乏营养物质。

    But it also can crop up among otherwise healthy children and in men and women of all ages and cultures , sometimes in response to a dietary deficiency .

  23. 很多餐馆会额外收取堂食费,所以带走吃更划算。

    Many restaurants charge extra to eat in , so it can be much more economical to take away .

  24. 什么样的人会做非洁食小蛋糕给洁食家庭啊

    What kind of girl brings non-kosher cupcakes into a kosher home ?

  25. 假设我们将这些单独的模型实例集成在一起,就可以推论说印度豹可能会以瞪羚为食,但却不会吃企鹅。

    Inference engines might then " mash " these separate model instances and reason that cheetahs might prey on gazelles but not penguins .

  26. 我们会进食或被食,我们会瞬间发泄出这些化学物质,然后我们回到正常,好的

    we 'd eat or we 'd be eaten , and then suddenly we 'd de-fuel , and we 'd go back to normal . Okay .

  27. 此时正值一年一度的斋月期间,大部分穆斯林会在白天戒食禁水。这也加重了高温天气带来的健康威胁。

    The health dangers are further exacerbated by the demands of the annual Ramadan fast , when most Muslims abstain from eating or drinking water during daylight hours .

  28. 当然,诸如拥挤、通风不好、营养不良的其他因素也会促使鸭子嗜食同类。

    Of course , other factors such as crowding , poor ventilation , and a lack of nutrients can contribute to a duckling 's urge to eat other ducklings .

  29. 别人会问起你食素的原因,而你最好是准备好了如何应答。

    Or is it just that you can 't bear eating any " food with a face " ? People will ask , and you 'll want your answer prepared .

  30. 但如果是生活在一个洞穴里或在一个定居点,它们可能会注意到,尸体的腐肉会吸引食腐动物,有些还是难以对付的捕食者,比如鬣狗。

    Were they to live in a cave or settlement , however , they might notice that carrion attracts scavengers , some of which are formidable predators , like hyenas .