
  • 网络Accounting management system;The System of Accounting Regulation;system of accounting administration;system of accounting admin tstration
  1. 论企业会计管理体制&兼评企业会计人员政府委派制

    Remark and Analysis of Government Appointment of Accountants On the System of Accounting Regulation

  2. 谈会计管理体制的新改革&会计委派制

    On the new reform of the accounting control system-accounting appointment system

  3. 政府加强监管,改进会计管理体制。

    The government strengthens supervision , improves accounting management system .

  4. 因此,运用市场规律对会计管理体制进行必要的改革势在必行。

    So it is necessary to reform accountant management system using market rules .

  5. 我国农村会计管理体制存在问题,原因是多方面的。

    China 's rural accounting management system , and the reasons are manifold .

  6. 河北省行政事业单位会计管理体制创新探索

    Accounting Management System Innovation in Hebei Administrative Institutions

  7. 会计管理体制和社会经济环境

    Accounting Management System and Social Economic Environment

  8. 作为一种会计管理体制的变革,人们对其褒贬不一。

    As a reform of accounting management system , it has never been unanimous in judgment .

  9. 其次是分析加入世贸组织对我国会计管理体制的影响。

    The second part is to analyze the effects of China 's WTO accession on the accounting management system .

  10. 会计管理体制是企业治理结构的组成部分,是企业治理结构的细化。

    The accounting management system is an integral part of the enterprise management structure , is the refinement of the governing structure of enterprise .

  11. 山东省莱西市积极改革农村会计管理体制,探索出一条农村会计职业化管理的新路子。

    The active reform on the accounting assignment system in the rural areas of Laixi , Shangdong Province exploits a new way of accounting professionalism management .

  12. 事业单位会计管理体制是高校会计运行机制得以形成和存在的基础。

    The accountancy management system of business unit which is the basis to the movement mechanism of accountancy can become and existent in the high school .

  13. 会计管理体制和监督制约机制不健全使企业会计工作中存在许多不容忽视的问题。

    Because accountancy management system and supervision and restraint mechanism are imperfect , in enterprises ' accountancy there are a lot of problems that can 't be ignored .

  14. 会计管理体制由两个部分构成,一个是微观层面上的企业会计管理体制,另一个是宏观层面上的政府会计管理体制。

    The accounting management system constitutes by two parts , one is in microscopic stratification plane the enterprise accounting management system , another is in macroscopic stratification plane the government accounting management system .

  15. 同时会计管理体制和会计组织机构的运行和设立要以治理结构为依据,会计管理体制是在治理结构基础上的进一步展开。

    At the same time the operation and establishment of the accounting management system and the accounting organization must be based on management structure . The accounting management system is further launches in the management structure foundation .

  16. 会计事务所管理体制改革:原因、问题及对策

    Reform of CPA Firm Management System : Reasons , Problems and Countermeasures

  17. 现行会计人员管理体制的弊端及对策

    The Malpractice and the Countermeasure on the Management System of Current Accountants

  18. 逐步改革会计人员管理体制,完善会计委派制。

    Progressively reforming management system about accountants , perfecting accounting appointment system .

  19. 现行会计人员管理体制,阻碍了会计监督;

    The current management system of accounting personnel has hindered the accounting supervision ;

  20. 析我国会计人员管理体制的改革

    A Brief Talk on the Reformation of the Accounting Personnel Management System in China

  21. 对商业银行内部会计监督管理体制的若干思考

    Some Considerations to the Interior Accounting Supervision for the Management System in Commercial Bank

  22. 强化监督机制,建立健全会计信息管理体制;

    Strenthening the supervision mechanism , establishing and perfecting the management system of accounting information ;

  23. 会计人员管理体制的改革

    The Reform of Accountants Management System

  24. 会计人员管理体制创新思路评析大学理财观与经济运行机制创新思路

    Analysis of Innovation Idea of Management System of Accountants University Financial Control Idea and Economical Movement Mechanism Innovation Idea

  25. 从维护作为投资者或授权人的国家利益出发,我国部分省市近年来在会计人员管理体制上试行会计人员委派制。

    For the interests of the country of the investors or authorizers , recently a system of the authorization of accounting staff is tried in some provinces and cities .

  26. 在宏观方面,改革会计人员管理体制,建立完善管理制度;加强法制观念,切实贯彻《会计法》,做到执法与必严。

    In macroscopic , reform accountant management system , build and perfect management system , strengthen legislative sense , carry out 《 Accounting Law 》, achieve enforcing the law strictly .

  27. 首先,政府委派财务总监是会计人员管理体制改革的需要。

    The article has analyzed the necessity of the Government appoints the CFO Policy from the realistic angle : First of all , it is a need of accountants'management system reform .

  28. 文章从现实的角度分析了政府委派财务总监的必要性:首先,政府委派财务总监是会计人员管理体制改革的需要。

    The article has analyzed the necessity of the Government appoints the CFO Policy from the realistic angle : First of all , it is a need of accountants ' management system reform .

  29. 文章指出了现行会计人员管理体制的弊端,在此基础上提出了会计回归企业,强化产权监督的目标模式。财务总监就是这种模式的具体形式。

    The article has point out the drawback of current accountants ' management system , has proposed the goal mode that " the accountant returns to enterprises , strengthen supervision by investor " .

  30. 认为这一管理模式从理论到实践均存在不足,并提出了建立立法主导型会计人员管理体制。

    This paper holds that this management model has its disadvantages both in theory and in practice , and puts forward the establishment of the management system of Legislative Dominant Model for accountants .