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  1. 我会组织州学业测验模拟考

    I will be conducting practice exams for the statewide scholastic test .

  2. 你们还需要选举合适的校董事会和州立法机构人员,

    But you 've also got to elect good people to your school board and state legislature ,

  3. 每天早上五点,安琪拉会将州银行的软件关闭三分钟。

    Every morning at 5:00 a. m. , Angela shuts down Onestate 's software for three minutes .

  4. 依据所犯罪行,法庭会给州管理车辆的部门寄达法庭记录。

    Upon conviction , the court is required to send a record to the state 's department of motor vehicles .

  5. 黑利女士说,新的问候会激发州工作人员的士气并且能帮助她推销南卡罗来那州。

    Ms Haley says the new greeting will boost the morale of state workers and help her to sell the state .

  6. 然而,有人预计巨大的成本削减会对州政府和联邦政府产生涟漪效应。

    And yet , some expect that too much cost cutting could cause a ripple effect across local and state governments .

  7. 通过拍卖,分配给出价最高者,这种更加传统的自由市场方式,也会破坏州控制。

    Allocation by auction , to the highest bidder , a more traditional free market approach , would also undermine state control .

  8. 该法案可能会在州议院受阻,数十名民主党人再次拒绝出席,以阻止投票。

    The bill may stall in the Statehouse , where dozens of Democrats have again refused to attend to prevent any votes .

  9. 当州监管当局和其他机构收到罚款时,它们往往把罚款用于原告、社区团体和律师,也会用于州总检察长——在公开披露程度极低的私下和解时通常如此。

    When state regulators and other bodies collect fines they tend to shower the money on plaintiffs , community groups and lawyers , as well as state attorneys-general , usually in private settlements that entail minimal public disclosure .

  10. 最近,我们研究了两个社区青少年写的超过400篇以“生活法则”为主题的文章,这是约翰·邓普顿基金会在宾夕法尼亚州拉德纳境内发起的一项教育规划中的部分内容。

    Recently , we examined more than 400 essays on the " laws of life " that teens from two communities had written as part of an educational program initiated by the John Templeton Foundation in Radnor , Pa.

  11. 你可能会认为科罗拉多州的别名是“落基山之州”(RockyMountainState)。

    You would think Colorado would be known as the Rocky Mountain State .

  12. 由于Threshold字段中的值是动态变化的,所以州或属国的颜色会根据这个州的食品券参与率而改变。

    As the value in the Threshold field changes in the animation , the color of a state or territory changes based on the food stamp participation rate of that state .

  13. 之前风传这位共和党候选人可能会选择佛罗里达州的古巴裔美国人、参议员马可鲁比奥(MarcoRubio)作为竞选伙伴。

    There had been talk that the Republican candidate might select Senator Marco Rubio of Florida , who is a Cuban-American , as his running mate .

  14. 如果有人对奖励计分计划在增加钱包份额方面的有效性持怀疑态度的话,他们会被亚利桑那州的零售商ABCO通过这个计划使顾客购买更多的婴儿用品方面取得的成功而震惊的。

    If we had any doubts about how effectively a program could increase share of wallet , they were dispelled by Arizona retailer ABCO 's success in capturing more of its customers'purchases of baby goods .

  15. 我们会住在别州重新做人。

    We 'd live in another state and stay clean there .

  16. 无论他们意图何在,这些法律都会强加给州政府一大笔开销。

    Whatever their intent , these laws impose significant costs on states .

  17. 瓦卡维尔树木基金会是加利福尼亚州一个志愿者组织。

    The Vacaville Tree Foundation is a volunteer community group in California .

  18. 看来今年很多人会跳过乔治亚州。

    this year many seem to be skipping Georgia .

  19. 转至汤姆森惩戒中心的在押人员当中,没有人会在伊利诺伊州联邦法庭受审。

    No detainees transferred to Thomson will be tried in Illinois Federal Courts .

  20. 那他怎么会来到缅因州

    How 'd he wind up here in Maine ?

  21. 所以朝北飞时,它们可能会在路易斯安那州产卵并死亡。

    So when flying north , might lay eggs in Louisiana and die .

  22. 我们会失去我们州最美的一条路。

    We 'll lose one of the most beautiful scenic routes in our state .

  23. 因为这位年轻人会带给我们州

    because this young man will give our state

  24. 然而,他会在宾夕法尼亚州取得先机吗?

    But will he play in Pennsylvania ?

  25. 丰田和马自达也会在阿拉巴马州开建一家工厂,很大的一家。

    Toyota and Mazda are opening up a plant in Alabama , a big one .

  26. 这个要求会使得几个州很难获得该基金。

    That requirement could make it difficult for several states to receive money from the fund .

  27. 讽刺的是,空客也会得到阿拉巴马州的补贴,据说有将近1600万美元。

    Ironically , Airbus will also receive subsidies from Alabama reckoned to be worth almost $ 160m .

  28. 同时州长丹尼尔斯说新法只会让印州吸引更多的企业。

    The governor , meanwhile , says the new laws will simply make the state more attractive to business .

  29. 许多高等教育官员和学生都对此表示担忧,他们认为这项法案可能会让该州的学生不想上大学。

    Many higher education officials and students are concerned the law may discourage students from attending universities in the state .

  30. 据联盟消息灵通人士称这并不是空穴来风,但也不代表布泽尔一定会离开犹他州。

    According to coalition sources said this is not groundless , but also does not mean that Boozer will leave Utah .